Chapter 8

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Levi and I were sitting in Hans' studio, waiting for Hans to bring out our clothes.

I was up last night writing up a plan for the following week. But most importantly, trying to incorporate Levi inside it. I sigh and run my hands through my hair.

"Impatient?" Levi remarks and I ignore him. I didn't get a drop of sleep. I finished the plan at dawn and I had to rush over to Nile's office and explain the plan to him. Walls, Nile is dumb. Took four hours to explain it. FOUR. Nearly longer than it took to write up the whole thing.

And now I have to proceed to explain it to Levi. He's a squad captain so I assume it will be easier to discuss it with him. Hans emerges from his massive closet with the outfits hanging on wooden hangers. "Here it is." Hans hands mine over to me and Levi ditto. I carefully fold the dress over my arm so it doesn't trail on the floor. "I've got a meeting at HQ guys, so I've got to go." Hans says with a smile, "Levi, if it's uncomfortable in any way, have Eve send a soldier to me and I'll come down and fix it in the evening."

Levi nods at him with respect, "Have a good day."

I smile at Hans and glance over at Levi, "Let's go." Levi doesn't reply and instead follows me out.


I pull out my key and unlock my office, entering and lighting a lamp. "Come in." I mutter to Levi and point at a couch, that I distinctly remember him sitting on not too long ago.

"Being in this place constantly reminds me of the MPs' large budget." Levi comments as he sits down, "This room is the size of the mess hall at my HQ."

"No shit." I laugh at his exaggeration. "That's Stohess for you. Filled with Rich Fucks who adore the MPs and sponsor them regularly."

"'Them'? You mean 'us'." Levi corrects me and I scoff.

"Fuck that." As if I categorize myself with them. The Military Police is corrupted beyond repair. I'm dumb to think I can do anything about it. I grab the five-page essay that details the plan and hand it to Levi. I take the second copy and a highlighter and sit down at my desk chair just when I get a knock at my door.

I sigh, "Come in."

Instantly Commander Muller walks into my room, a scowl on his face. "Where have you been?"

I glance up at him for a brief second while raising an eyebrow then look back down at my written plan, picking up a pen and putting on my glasses, "Doing my job. You?"

I hear him click his tongue, "Good day Captain Levi. Commander Muller." Levi responds with a nod. "Eve Hamilton. I'm here to contest your decision concerning Squad Captain Lukas Wagner."

"Okay." I blankly reply.

"What?" I hear the anger in his voice, "You have no right to send him to Trost!"

"Well actually, I do think I can do whatever I want to any MP." I drop my pen and rest my head on my hand, bored.

"Excuse me? He is my most prized soldier. I need him!" Muller walks closer to me and stops at my desk in front of him. I sit up straight, not wanting to be anywhere near him.

"So I should excuse him for his misconduct?" I ask, making eye contact with him.

"Yes! Wait, no. Give him extra patrol duty." Muller places his hand on my desk.

"Muller, I'm not changing my mind." I state, crossing my arms.

"Damn it." He clenches his fist and slams it on my desk. "Change it now, Eve." I stand up, feeling rage building up in me but I contain it.

"Who the fuck are you to talk to me like that?" I ask, my words dripping with venom.

"I can talk to you however I want! I don't care if you're second in command! You're just some stupid little woman who thinks she can do whatever she wants and Walls knows I will put you in your place right fucking now!" Muller practically yells and I chuckle.

"Muller, don't try me." I say and roll my eyes.

"What are you gonna do? huh?" Muller starts laughing.

"You think I don't know you illegally distribute alcohol and drugs to Wall Maria?" Instantly, Muller stops laughing and his face grows cold.

"What are you saying?" Muller growls, "Don't make such accusations."

"Muller." I tut, "I have proof of your actions." I pull out a key from my pocket and unlock my desk drawer. I cover my hand with my handkerchief and pull out an empty bottle of alcohol. I wave it in front of Muller and his eyes widen. "I've got your fingerprints all over this bottle."

"How did you-" He sputters.

"I saw it in your office, stole it." I shrug my shoulders and drop it back into the drawer.

"Give that to me!" Muller reaches over and I turn to him with widened eyes.

"Don't you dare!" I spit out. I maintain eye contact with him and lock the drawer. "There's more where that came from." I hand him a small smile and sit down. "Close the door on your way out!"

Muller frowns and turns, stalking out of the room and slamming the door behind him. I instantly sigh and run my hands through my hair.

"What the fuck was that?" Levi looks over at me. I start chuckling and glance over at him.

"Military Police Life." I say and arrange my desk back to its usual neat self.

"How do you know he's smuggling?" Levi asks and crosses his arm.

"Every person with power in this HQ has an illegal thing they do in their free time." I start, "There's a brand of alcohol and drugs going around Wall Maria called 'Despond'. Its distributed by one source. You can't find it in bars or stores, you have to get it from a specific soldier.

One Monday, I was on inspection duty with Muller and we were checking all crates that were leaving Wall Sina. Well, some MP drives by in a large van. I ask what's inside and I'm told its alcohol. Can't remember why but I was pulled away, but distinctly remember telling Muller to ask for his license. From afar I watch Muller talking to this soldier and no license was ever shown. Didn't think much of it, but when I checked the logs for inspection duty, Muller is on duty twice a week, every Monday and Friday.

Pretty odd because Inspection duty requires only two people, so the odds of getting it so regularly is ridiculous, considering there are 150 people who are available to do it every week. I literally haven't had an inspection duty since that day.

I dropped it though until I hear Muller talking to a soldier about 'printing new labels'. Was so confused about what he was talking about, but didn't investigate again. That was until, I found a bottle of Despond in Muller's office, sitting in a cupboard. I took the bottle because I didn't want another person to see it.

While talking to another commander, I found out Muller was not the commander assigned to the Despond case. So why the fuck did he have a bottle? I fingerprint tested the bottle by myself and found Muller's prints. Everyone on the case has been distinctly told that they have to handle it with gloves. I went to the archives and checked if the soldier we saw driving the van that day had a license, obviously no.

I've got everything compiled in a document and I'm waiting for the perfect time to submit it. Preferably at a time where it won't get buried and it will be dealt with."

"Wow." Levi says. "The corruption is ridiculous. They treat you like that? I thought you were the most respected person in the regiment" He shakes his head. I ignore his question and grab my highlighter.  Muller treats everybody like trash.

"Let's get to the plan, aye?" I say and remove the lid from my highlighter.

Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now