Final Chapter

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I storm into the Casino again and glance over the room. Obviously, during the minute I was gone, nothing much changed. I lock eyes with Leon, who is trembling, and stalk towards him. We maintain eye contact while I near him. Suddenly he curses and runs away, dropping the poor civilian on the ground. I scowl and pick up my speed, chasing him to a door labelled Kitchens. I roll my eyes, hoping he doesn't intend to bring the staff into it.

Wait, are the staff involved in this?


As soon as I enter the room, I am rudely informed that it is not actually a kitchen, but an office that I had never seen or heard before. I slow down my pace and glance over the room. Large bookshelves bordered up the walls, each holding large folders that were bursting with papers. Leon catches my eyes, bent over at a desk frantically messing with a small device.

"What are you doing?" I question and cautiously walk closer to him. He ignores me, heavily breathing as he fiddles with whatever he is doing. I reach him at the desk and place a hand on my gun before looking over his shoulder. I furrow my eyebrows at what I see.

A timer?

"Everyone will go down." He smiles an eerie smile. I stare at the timer confused but then realisation dawns on me.


"Its a bomb." I mutter and my eyes widen.

"The room is laced with explosives." Leon places the timer down and smirks, "Everyone will go down."

Fuck. I suddenly punch him across the face before dashing out the room in a hurry. I see our 'friend group' sitting on the ground, their hands tied behind their backs.

I suddenly realise everyone is staring at me so I relax myself and fake a smile. I strut to Levi who is staring at me like a crazy person and start to whisper, "There is a bomb. Evacuate everyone. I will try to diffuse it. I have a bad feeling about this." Levi nods his head with wide eyes, "Don't forget about the girls downstairs."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and turn to face the 'Kitchen'. I had a really bad feeling about this. I rush back into the secret office and instantly notice Leon is gone. Concerning, but I could care less at the moment. I grab the timer and stare at it in a panic, my hands trembling a bit.

Twenty-four minutes.

Defusing bombs was a part of the Special Operations Squad's training. Something I always struggled with because the anxiety is too much for me to handle.

I know the theory in it, cut the blue wire, not the red wire. If there are multiple wires, you must do a similar thing too. Cut the wrong wire and it explodes.

But the real reason why I had a bad feeling about all of this was because of the type of bomb. This bomb is too advanced to be on the market. It is very similar to a prototype someone in the Engineers Corps made six months ago and shared it to a few in the Military Police. A lot of us took no notice in it except one group of people.

This thing was so powerful that no one else is aware of it. It would wreak havoc among the citizens, many questioning exactly what the Military would use it for.

I take in a deep breath and release it.

I crack open the back of the timer and study it.

Two Whites, Black, Purple, Red, Green, Orange.

There isn't even a fucking blue wire. I curse under my breath and rack through my brain for what I am supposed to do.

Let's start with red. If I cut Red, then I have to cut the Green one. If you cut Green, you have to cut either Orange or White.

Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now