Chapter 6

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I keep a poker face as I mentally beat up myself for thinking he got me a ring. "I was kidding."

"Yeah, right." Levi mutters and I resist the burning urge to ask him who asked for his opinion.

"Like said, it is for cutting rope, Eve." Hans eyes me suspiciously. "Other than that, you have your usual hidden weapons. Instead of going through them, I am going to go through Levi's weapons."

"Sure." I nonchalantly say and sit down in one of Hans' fancy chairs. Levi moves close to Hans' desk and I rest my head back taking in a deep breath and zoning out. They start talking and I try to focus but my thoughts steal me instead.

My week is completely filled to the brim and I don't even have the mental capacity to comprehend it yet. Juggling the mission, the MPs and my special squad, patrol duty, training, and the damned Survey Corps with their titan boy. Not to mention Levi is going to be following me around. I sigh and rub my palms against my eyes, trying to focus again.

"Eve?" I hear Hans's distinctive voice. I hum out a response still feeling off, "I'll have your heels ready with Levi's suit. Just metal plates inside at the toes.

"Yeah, Thanks, Hans." I answer, sitting up fully.

"Okay, that's all. Eve, don't you have Patrol duty?" Hans asks. Levi glances at me.

"Yeah, but I'm having someone on my squad do it. I'm training with Levi today and until we collect the remaining clothes from you."

"Training?" Hans looks at Levi, who nods. "I have a pair of dress shoes you might need to practise wearing." Levi stares at it for a while so I roll my eyes and grab them.

"We've got to go." I say and walk towards the exit and I say, "Thanks, Hans." Levi echoes me and just as I place my hand on the door I hear Hans reply.

"Have a good day."


Levi and I were about ten minutes from the training grounds, riding our horses through the town. People were waving and greeting me and I tried my best to smile back without looking like a serial killer. "You're pretty popular." Levi comments.

"I patrol a lot." I nonchalantly answer. We turn around another corner passing several shops.

"Why?" Levi curiously asks.

I glance over a Levi before quickly looking away. "It's nice."

"It's nice?"

"It's nice." I chuckle, "The solitude is nice."

"There are several people on the streets though."

"Yeah, but the breeze nearly erases everyone sometimes." I say and let out a small smile. "That's complete bliss."

"If its cause no other damned MP is gonna do then just say so." Levi snidely remarks.

My poker face returns and my mood drops, "Mr. Detective. Of course, that's why." I sarcastically reply. Way to ruin the mood.

At the entrance of the stables, I see two soldiers saluting at us. "It's just here. We can hand over our horses to these soldiers." Some soldiers open the stables door for us while we get off our horses. I put my hands behind my back and nod at the soldiers before leading Levi around the stables to the training grounds.

As we enter I immediately scowl as I notice the large number of MPs messing around. I stop for a second and stare at them. Almost immediately, the soldiers notice me and drop their alcohol, cigars, and conversations. They salute and I continue to walk forward till I reach the centre.

I clear my throat and look around. "Who is the acting supervisor here?" The sound of cicadas fills the air so I glance over at the highest-ranking MP, Lukas Wagner. I repeat my question, "Who is the acting supervisor here?"

"Myself, ma'am." Lukas finally answers. I look away from him and smile.

"Come here." I say, lowering my tone. Lukas walks towards me and I gesture for him to come a little closer. "Lukas Wagner, squad captain of Muller's squad. Correct?"

"Yes ma'am." He salutes.

"Huh." I say and raise an eyebrow." You do a good job don't you?"

"I believe so, ma'am." He answers.

"No. Let me finish." I clear my throat again. "You do a good job, don't you? A good job drinking on duty. A good job smoking on duty. Squad captain material there. I don't believe your squad has any missions, does it?"

"No, ma'am." He says, a grim look displayed on his face.

"That's great. I have something for you to do." I say and step away from him making eye contact with other soldiers. "Just a little something. A little something that will really help your career."

"Thank you, ma'am. What am I to do?" He says, his face lighting up a little.

False hope. He should know already.

"Farming, darling. Farming." I look over to Lukas and see his mouth agape. "In Trost."

"Excuse me?!" He says his salute faltering.

"You are indeed excused. Excused from your current position for three months. You are also excused from your pay and excused from your benefits."

"You can't send me to Trost!" He practically yells.

"And why is that?" I ask and march over to him. "Why?"

"The Titans..." He mumbles and takes a step back.

"Oh wow! Your intelligence is impeccable." Lukas grinds his teeth, "That's exactly why you're going to Trost. While you are in the fields, you will drop drinking and smoking-"

"I don't smoke." He mutters and I smile.

"You will drop drinking and smoking and I expect you to be ready to kill Titans if they break through the barrier. I expect you to lay down your life to help the people, as you promised to at the beginning of your career. Think of this as rehabilitation. Think of it as community service."

Lukas sputters and I turn around, completely ignoring him. "The rest of you. You're blacklisted from every bar in the walls for the next 3 months." I see some let out sighs of relief and some elbowing each other in delight. "Don't try to test your luck. Remember the law about guns in bars being legal is coming through soon..." I say and let it linger the air, the atmosphere becoming suffocating. "Anyway, if you want to appeal my decision, I'm taking applications. Might let a few off free. Have a good one."

I glance over at Levi, "I'll show you where we are training." I say and start weaving through the MPs in front of me, heading towards the forest and the indoor training area.

Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now