Chapter 22

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I strut over to the gun range, filled with anger and anxiety. Levi trails behind me, his arms crossed and uninterested. I stop by the fence and stare at the target ahead. I sigh before whipping out my gun from my holster and firing several shots, all hitting the target perfectly.

I run out of bullets and I'm about to reload when I hear a voice from behind me, "You are really good at this."

Pissed off that my concentration was broken, I let out a deep breath before facing Levi with a fake smile, "Thank you, but it's my job. I assume you are good at killing titans."

After reloading I lift up my gun again with both hands and point it at the target diagonal from me. "But I think you need to calm down." Levi adds and I freeze.

Calm down?

"Excuse me?" I lower my gun and glare at Levi. He starts walking towards me and in a panic I raise my arms, "Don't come near me!"

Levi comes to a halt, "You're psychotic."

"I think you should have realised earlier." I retort and take a step back.

"I swear you touched me earlier." Levi narrows his eyes at me.

"I apologise. I won't do it again." I drop my arms to my side, my finger twitching like crazy as I feel Levi's gaze analyze me. Silence envelopes us and I raise my gun again, pointing.

My finger slides on the trigger before Levi interrupts me again. "What happened to you?"

'"What happened to you?" Hans deep brown eyes searched mine for an answer before I finally looked away.

"Please step away from me."'

I grit my teeth and tighten my grip on my gun. I start to fire shots at the target, all hitting perfectly. I let out a deep breath and put my gun back into my holster. I smile over at Levi, "Absolutely nothing. Let's go."


Later in the evening, Levi and I stroll into the Casino, a wide smile on my face. I glance over the room, spotting out our criminals among the crowd.

Since my earlier confrontation with Levi, I've been very quiet and more anxious. Random things kept getting me irritated but I kept it inside me and continued my paperwork until we left.

Now I can barely hold it in. Seeing and having to speak these terrible people makes me itch all over.

Greta raises her hand and waves us to come over. I glance at Levi with a fake smile before we both walk over.

We arrive at the dining area and take seats, beside Greta and her husband. "You guys are a little late." Greta frowns and stares at me so to wide eyes.

The temptation to give her the dirtiest look passes over me but instead Levi replies, "I got caught up in work."

"Actually," Jacob Steen chuckles and leans forward on his table, "We are dancing soon. I've always wondered why you guys dance in such a way. Nothing weird about it, just very uncommon."

"That's true. Any married couple would love to caress each other while dancing." Clara Muller adds and I nearly choke on air. Her husband slaps her arm and stares at her with wide eyes before she shrinks back into her seat. "I'm sorry. Maybe they don't know how to."

I smile up at her, "We do. We normally choose not to, but if you really want to see that." I say before realisation sinks in and I frown a little.

What did I just say?

I'm going to dance properly with Levi.

"Well then, " Tobias starts and glances at a dealer, "Why don't you show us now?"

I giggle a little, internally cursing the man before glancing over at Levi, "Why not?" Everyone stands up from the table and heads to the centre of the casino. We follow suit and get into position before the music starts. I glance over at everyone and see all the females with their hands on their partner's shoulders. I anxiously look back over and stare between Levi's shoulders. I raise my arms a little but then lower them before twitching my fingers.

"Anna." I hear but ignore it. I go to raise my arms when I hear a whispered shout, "Hamilton." I look up immediately and see a grey pair of eyes looking down at me.

"You can't call me that." I whisper in reply.

"Well, you didn't answer when I called you Anna." Levi raises an eyebrow at me, "The music is going to start."

"I know." I mutter and take a deep breath, staring at Levi's shoulders again.

"Look at me instead." Levi says and I glance up at him, a poker face adorning him. "Put your hands on my shoulders. " We maintain eye contact as I raise my hands and put them on his shoulders. "I'm going to put my hands on your waist." He warns me in advance and I nod, taking deep breaths.

He lightly places his hands on my waist and I feel a shiver go up my spine, "I don't like this at all." I mutter as the music starts. We start to move in unison as the music plays. I bite my lip and look away from Levi, trying to imagine myself in another situation.

"Remember you saying you'll never touch me again?" Levi suddenly says and I chuckle, suddenly feeling relaxed.

"I meant it." I mumble.

"You don't like touching others." Levi starts and I get a little nervous, "But you absolutely can't stand people touching you."

I nod my head, slightly confused, "What does that mean to you though?

"Nothing." Levi looks away, "I'm just trying to figure you out."

I furrow my eyebrows but choose to ignore his statement.


The dance ends soon enough and we return back to the dining area. Just as I'm about to sit down Tobias calls for Levi and I. "Let's do some private business. In the VIP room." He starts and smiles, "I'll have Leon call for your briefcase. Let's go."

"Perfect." Levi replies with a nod and we follow Tobias to the VIP room. I'm hit with a wave of smoke when we enter and I cough a little.

"Sorry, about that Anna darling." Tobias smiles and I nearly gag at his little nickname. Leon walks into the room, briefcase in hand and a few other men behind him.

I raise an eyebrow at them and Leon notices, "They are just my secretaries. Don't worry. Let's talk instead. Annalise, why don't you go downstairs and pick out who you think is best suited for your home."

"Sure!" I say, hiding the disgust I feel over how Leon formatted his sentence. One of his secretaries opens the door leading to the stairs and I walk down carefully. I pass through the long hallway and look behind me.

Seems no one followed me.

I take a deep breath before entering the room. I see the cells and am harshly reminded of my privilege. My finger starts twitching as I walk down all the way to the last stall. I see the cat and walk towards the stall, now pissed off at the situation. A young woman and a baby sat quietly in the back of the cell, watching my every move.

I take a deep breath and clench my fists. Before reaching into a holster on my thigh. I grab a little pin from the side pocket and start picking at the lock of the cell.

Fuck it.

We need to get these people out today.

I shake the door and it starts to open when I hear, "What are you doing?"

Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now