Chapter 24

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I quickly release Levi and grab my gun from the holster, aiming at the man's shoulder and shooting. The shot echoes through the hallways. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and lower my gun. I put my gun back into my holster and grab the side of my left arm, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Are you crazy?" I hear Levi from beside me.

"It's not fatal, I just shot him in the arm. He probably won't be able to use the arm again though..." I mutter ignoring him.

"Are you listening to me?" Levi repeats and I suddenly glance over at him.

"Fuck." I start, "People will hear that shot. I need you to go and get the zip ties from the bathroom. Be really quick, it is in the vent in the last stall."

"Are you okay?" Levi starts moving towards the door, staring at my arm.

"Get the fuck out dude." I chuckle and dart towards the unmoving body on the floor. Levi leaves the room while I pat down the man's pockets. I feel something metal and shove my hand inside the pocket. Keys.

I stand back up and run out the door, heading down to where the cells are. I see the woman from the last cell, out of her own cell and trying to pick the lock of the next cell. "Hey, hey hey!" I call out and jog to her, "Here. Unlock every cell. Don't leave the room. I repeat, don't leave the room."

I place the keys in front of her vision and she looks at me confused, "Who are you?"

I smile and reach into the holster on my thigh, grabbing my ID, "Second-In-Command of the Military Police, Eve Hamilton. And yourself?"

"Um, Charlotte." She mumbles, tears starting to pour down her face.

"Okay Charlotte, we don't have a lot of time. I need the key for the main door that leads to the hallway. I'll lock you all inside here and take the key with me. When I come back, hopefully, you will all be waiting when I come back and ready to go." I explain.

I am about to turn away when Charlotte says, "Its this key, for the main door." She points to a grey key, one looking newer than the rest.

"Perfect," I smile and remove the key from the link, "Don't make too much noise. I will come back."

I run out the door, locking it behind me. When I look up, I see the rest of Leon's 'secretaries' coming right towards me. "Fuck." I curse and get into a fighting stance. They come running at me and I dodge, grabbing one of their collars and slamming his head into the wall. The last man throws a weak punch at me and I grab his arm, pulling him down with results in him flipping over. I stomp on his stomach and he coughs out blood.

As if just on time Levi appears, running down the hallway, and throws me the zip ties. I catch it with one hand and flip the man onto his stomach, then proceeding to tie up his arms. I do the same with the other man. I move to stand up and wince, my arms suddenly hurting.

Walls, I nearly forgot I cut it.

"Havoc is reigning upstairs. Everyone heard the gunshot and the Casino locked the doors." Levi informs.

"Well, that's perfect for us." I say and put my hands on my hips.

"What?" Levi stares at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Sarcasm." I chuckle, "You know how to use a gun. I hope you know how to dodge bullets." I say and suddenly a mass of bodyguards with guns come running down the stairs. I grab my gun from my holster and start shooting.

Shoulders, knees and feet. Shoulders, knees and feet.

I move side to side, dodging bullets to the best of my abilities. It seems the guns the bodyguards' use aren't really made for fighting, but instead for firing single shots as their guns don't shoot very fast.

The number of bodyguards drastically reduces and I run in closer, whacking a bodyguard across the head with my gun. He falls down and I roundhouse kick the next one. Levi shoots the last shot and the last man falls. I pant as I reach into my holster to reload my gun. As I do that, I see Levi tying up the men from my peripheral vision.

"Now we go up." I start, in between pants, "I need to get outside and request a garrison to find my squad and call them over. Other than that, I think the only dangerous or lethal threat is Leon. The fugitives are currently waiting for us behind the door." I help Levi ties up the remaining men.

"Perfect." Levi says and I glare at him, "Sarcasm."

"Har har. Let's go." I say, "Guns up. Don't shoot civilians. Our little 'friend' group will be tied up."

I start to make my way up the stairs with my gun raised, with Levi behind me mirroring my actions. We reach the VIP room, which is completely empty. I suddenly notice the absolute silence in the Casino and get wary. I glance over at Levi and nod, before kicking down the door leading to the Casino. We burst into the Casino and look around.

Everyone is standing there with fear spewed on their face. Then the first scream. And a second. Then Havoc part two begins.

I glance over all the screaming people and I see Leon holding a gun and staring at me with wide eyes. He grabs a civilian and holds the gun against them, "Don't move, or she dies."

"You dumb fuck." I mutter.

"I swear!" He shouts.

"I don't care, you are giving me a headache." I roll my eyes. "Open the door."

"No." He falters.

"Well then, I have to do it myself." I groan then whisper, "Hold down. Threaten to shoot Leon. He is too proud to die." Levi nods and I walk to the door, watching everyone as I do. I reach the door and shoot off the lock. "If anyone leaves, they get shot. I promise you." I threaten and step out.

I run to the closest soldier and grab my ID, "Eve Hamilton of the Military Police. I need you to go to the HQ and request for my squad as there is an emergency. Do you hear me? I authorize you to travel there on your gear. It is an emergency so be quick!" I command he nods frantically and I see beads of sweat on his forehead, "I trust you." I say, looking dead in his eyes. I move away from him and go back to the casino.

Now I've got to figure out how to get Leon away from the civilians.

Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now