Chapter 20

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"Embezzlement is treason, yes. But you have no authority to authorize my execution without a court hearing." I say, my hands raised where she can see them.

"There are special situations where anyone can authorize an execution without court hearings. This is one of them." Rico replies and pulls out a pistol, holding it close by her side.

"Actually Rico, that only applies where said criminal is wanted for double, or more, homicide." I stare at her, maintaining eye contact, "Embezzlement is not a special case. Now. As I said Rico, don't do anything you will regret in a few years."

I notice Rico's posture falter a little and decide to pressure her more, "Rico. Murdering a ranked soldier like myself, is also treason. You already told me what that means."

"I refuse to withdraw." Rico mutters, her eyebrows scrunched in anger.

I clear my throat and glance over every soldier. "Lower your guns." I order. All the soldiers glance between each other. "Lower your guns!" I command, louder this time.

The soldiers I am friendly with all lower their guns, the ones I don't know look over and back, before copying their comrades.

"Do not listen to her!" Rico stares at the soldier bewildered.

I let out a sigh, and walk towards Rico, my hands still in the air, "You do realize I know these soldiers." I raise an eyebrow at her.

Rico walks towards me in a threatening manner. I squint my eyes at her, wondering what she's doing. "Touch me and I won't hesitate to fight back." I say to cover my ass.

Rico continues, her glasses glistening. "Touch me and I swear I won't hesitate to fight back." I repeat, gritting my teeth. Rico suddenly lunges at me, grabbing my arm.

Completely triggered, I reach over with my other hand and grab her wrist. I'm about to flip her over when I see her raising her hand that was holding the pistol. My eyes widen and in a split second, I simultaneously push her wrist away from me and swerve my head in the opposite direction.

I hear Rico's gunshot ring past my ear. Now pissed off, I grab the pistol off of her and throw it behind my desk. I pull her wrist towards me, my eyes fueled with anger and slam it towards the floor. I grab the rifle off the nearest soldier and point it at Rico.

Rico's expression slides through panic and fear as I have her pinned to the floor with a rifle aimed at her. "Rico. What is the 'Military DA Fund'?" I calmly ask her.

She stares at me, her face flushed. "Answer me!" I yell, my voice faltering a little as I feel myself getting emotional.

"It's the Military Directors Account." She mumbles, tears flowing down her face.

"No Rico." I say, my eyes glassy, "It's the Military Police Donation Account. It's for people who have been liberated during missions and are having difficulty getting back on their feet. I manage it."

I push the rifle against her neck and she whimpers, "Rico. I have put my sweat, blood and tears into helping people in every way I possibly can." A single tear slides down my face, "Not for you to come in here and accuse me of treason."

I sniff my nose and sober my emotions up. "Rico Brzenka. You are under arrest for assaulting an officer, wrongful accusation and slander." My face turns to stone as I throw the rifle to the side and reach into my pocket for handcuffs, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you."

I secure the handcuffs into place around her wrists and slide them into the lock position. I pull the key out and pocket it. "Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"

Rico nods her head, shame dawning her facial features. Before I can say anything, someone storms into my office. Pissed off, I look over and see Otto, his pistol in hand and raised. "What's going on?!"

"A little late dude," I say and get up from my previous position. "Everyone get the fuck out." I clap my hands together and gesture towards the door.

"Me too?" Otto asks, lowering his gun defeated.

"Yes." I roll my eyes, "Actually, take Rico away. I want to be alone."

Everyone evacuates my office slowly. I place my arms around myself, only feeling comfortable when the number of people in my office decreases.

I sit in my office chair and let out a shiver. When I look up, Levi is standing in the corner staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask, anxiety engulfing me.

"Why does the Donation Fund make you emotional?"

"Why are you asking me that?" I scrunch my eyes at him in suspicion.

"To talk." Levi shrugs his shoulders.

I let out a sigh, "Just bad memories related to it."


I glance up at Levi, "The worst being the 2-year legal battle I fought for someone from the Underground to be allowed to benefit from it. I was told they weren't citizens, so they weren't allowed. Set me off."

"You fought for them?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

"Of course. I argued that everyone in the walls was a citizen of the walls. Just because they live underground doesn't change anything. People that live on the minus floors of apartments are citizens, so why shouldn't people that live underground be? There's absolutely no difference." I run my hands through my hair, "Of course that didn't change the fact that people underground aren't citizens, but it allowed the poor lady to access the fund."

"I can't believe you did that." Levi mutters.

"Excuse me. Why not?" I feign offence, "I'm a half-decent person."

"Not a lot of people would." Levi continues.

"It was the right thing." I say. Silence fills us for a minute while I sit in my chair relaxing.

"I am from the underground." Levi says, cutting through the silence.

I raise an eyebrow at him and then start chuckling, "You think I didn't know that?"

"What?" Levi blanks.

"Walls, you don't know the number of times I was asked to go and capture the bandits using 3DMG down there. I refused cause no one was in danger." I shake my head, "Actually there were three of you. What happened to the others?"

Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now