Chapter 7

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We reach a clearing with a place for target practice, dummies, and combat. Levi instantly starts walking around, inspecting everything. "You guys have a bigger budget than us." He comments.

"Obviously, " I scoff in reply. "Do you have a gun?"

"No. Guns don't work on titans." He retorts.

"Walls, I forgot." I sarcastically answer and roll my eyes. "I'll get you a pistol." I turn around and walk towards the building beside us for indoor training. I got to the gun closet and use my master key to open the lock. I grab a single pistol and return to Levi, who I notice is already throwing punches at a dummy. "Here."

"I won't need it." He says and I laugh out loud.

"Trust me, you will need it." I say staring at his blank face.

"Here's the thing." He turns and faces me properly, "I don't trust you."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Good on you. I don't trust people I meet straight away either. But there's going to be people at that casino with guns of all shapes and kind."

"So?" He bluntly asks.

"You Titan Killers." I place my hand on my forehead and shake my head, "Haven't you heard? Never bring a sword to a gunfight." Levi opens his palm and I shove the gun in it. "I'm sure you know how to use it. There are earplugs by the target range." I drop his shoes in front of him. "These are shoes are really heavy because there is metal on the sole, I suggest you try them on. Do what you want for the next..." I check my pocket watch, "hour. Then we can meet up."

"Sure. What are you doing?" He asks.

"Me? I'm just going to practice shooting. Have fun 'Humanities Strongest'" I reply.

"Huh. Didn't you get an award for being 'Humanities Most Loyal Soldier?'" Levi furrows his eyebrows at me.

"That was a year ago, and because I took a bullet for the King." I stare at him, confused about how he knows that about me.

"Brave." He remarks.

"Not worth it." I answer and chuckle. "You're supposedly the strongest person around, but I should warn you. These missions don't rely on strength alone."

"I know." Levi gives me a serious look and I hand him a fake smile before turning around and walking towards the targets while simultaneously removing my pistol from its holster.

I insert an earplug in each of my ears and let out a sigh before raising my gun in both hands and shoot, just to miss. The recoil causes my hand to jerk back but I steady it and start to shoot again, this time hitting the target perfectly. I start to walk around a bit while shooting, aiming for the targets further back.


Engrossed in my obsession with hitting each target perfectly I don't notice Levi getting my attention until he moves in front of me. My eyes immediately widen and I feel my finger slip over the trigger. Unsure of whether I actually hit the trigger I quickly turn the gun to the side. "Are you crazy??" I ask. I use one hand to remove my earplugs and glance over at Levi who is sporting a blank look.

Can he show a little sympathy?

"I've been yelling at you for 10 minutes." He states. I take the precautionary steps to make sure there wouldn't be a false fire and sigh once I'm done.

"I could've shot you." I say through gritted teeth.

"You make it sound like a big deal." He comments and I stare at him with my mouth slightly ajar.

"Of course it is." I say staring at him, "I would be put to death. I can't die at such a young age." I notice Levi's eyebrow twitch and sport a fake smile. "Let's go inside, yeah?" I turn away and lead him inside.

"Do you know how to ballroom dance, like waltz I mean?" I ask and remove my brown jacket revealing the white short-sleeved shirt I wear, with the top two buttons left unbuttoned to make it look a bit casual.

"I know the basics." He replies and also takes off his jacket. I stretch out my arms and look up at him.

"Okay. That perfect." I move closer to him. "We can do that."

Levi extends his hand and I stare at him. Then his hand. Then his face. "Take my hand, I thought you knew how to do this?"

"Yeah. But no hands." I say.

"Excuse me." He drops his hand.

"I'm not touching you." I bluntly say and make eye contact with him.

"What?" He says and takes a step back. "Why?"

I stop and think. He put me on the spot here. As time passes by I quickly blurt out, "Because you're dirty!"

"I am what?" Levi asks me, a dangerous look in his eyes.

"Yes!" I say and cross my hands. "I don't like touching people because you are all too dirty for me."

"Is that right?" Levi asks me with a glare, "Ironic. I think you have the dirtiest mouth among all soldiers I've ever met."

I resist the urge to punch him and instead ignore his comment. "It's very easy to dance without touching. It's the same steps, we just don't touch. I doubt anyone will notice."

"I thought the whole plan was to get noticed? Shouldn't that be by dancing amazingly?" Levi questions me, staring at me with narrow eyes.

"You know what." I say and smile a convincing smile, "Don't worry about any plan. I'm the planner and I'll write something out by tomorrow or so, explaining what we will do, then have it approved by Nile."

"Who made you the planner?" Levi asks, with his disagreement dripping through his words.

"You're my assistant." I bluntly reply. Levi hands me a deadpan look and I chuckle. "Let's just do the basic box dance and get it done and over with." Levi nods and we start.


Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now