Chapter 19

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"One of your favourite people?" I hear Levi ask but I ignore him.

"Well, if anyone else asks it's to hand-deliver a letter from Erwin. But, I'm here to see how you are doing." Mike grins and I chuckle, moving my paperwork to the side.

"A letter from Erwin?" I question first.

"Handwritten and all." Mike answers he comes over to my desk and places it down on the table.

"What's it about? " Levi pipes up.

"Levi." Mike nods, "I'm not too sure."

"That seems concerning." I raise an eyebrow and outstretch my hand. Mike places the envelope into my hand, carefully avoiding all physical contact. I smile at him and rip the paper open. "Otto, bye."

"Excuse me?" Otto feigns hurt, "I want to know what all-mighty Erwin has to say to you."

"Har, Har, Har." I fake laugh.

"You have quite a character, Otto." I hear from beside me. I glance over at Levi while removing the letter from the envelope.

"I hope that's a compliment." I raise an eyebrow at him but then busy myself with the letter again. I unfold it and glance through it quickly, appalled by how long it is, before taking a deep breath and starting to read aloud.

"Dear Eve Hamilton, Second In Command of the Military Police.

I have heard the mission is going on smoothly as of right now. I hope it continues as so. I hope Levi's assistance removes some pressure from you and I apologise for any of his unsavoury comments. He does not mean to offend.

Mike snickers while I scoff.

I write this letter to formally invite you to join the Survey Corps outside the Wall when you finish your mission, in exchange for the free labour, Levi, I provided you with."

"For fucks sake." I growl and slam the letter on the table, suddenly pissed, "Joining the Survey Corps outside the Wall. What a joke." I roll my eyes and cross my arms. My eyes shoot towards the direction of Mike.

"I was not aware of this at all!" Mike raises his palms innocently. "I swear."

I narrow my eyes at him for a second before believing him and starting, "Well, when you get back, tell that piece of-!"

"Finish the letter." Mike rolls his eyes and chuckles. I eye him and then take another deep breath while picking up the letter.

"Now of course I know this may not be in your interest but I guarantee it will be a new experience for you, and most definitely a break from your already difficult life. I'm sure Nile will agree to this proposition.

The Survey Corps will do their best to match your pay while you join us, so you can work with a clear mind. Your position in the MP will be replicated to our best ability here at the Survey Corps as well.

Thank you for your time and good luck on the mission,

Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps."

I finish reading and fold the letter, my expression blank.

"I'll watch over the squad." Otto offers and I glance at him with a grim expression, "Too soon?" I nod my head at him and he resigns to the corner.

"Well. This is the perfect opportunity for me to leave." Mike starts and my mouth falls open, "Have a good day, Eve." He nods with a smile before strolling out of my office, Otto following behind quickly.

"Your commander is crazy. Match my pay? Match my position? How long has he been planning this shit." I mumble.

Levi shakes his head and crosses his legs, "I can't help you."

I retract at his comment, "Can't help me? You are going to return to your HQ and tell that man that I cannot join the Survey Corps because my calendar is full."

Levi stares at me, his expression blank.

"Bye?" I say and he continues to stare at me. I add in a little wave and a fake smile. "I see why Erwin had to apologise for your behaviour. It's absolutely horrendo-"

I'm rudely interrupted by a hard knock on my door. I immediately tense up. "Who the fuck knocks like that?" Levi questions.

"That's not Otto's knock." I mumble and stand up, straightening my uniform out before I walking to the door. I open it and frown when I see who it is.

Rico Brzenka.

Rico Brzenka, squad captain of the Garrison.

Rico Brzenka staring at me with the deadliest glare I've ever seen.

Unfortunately, not only was it Rico Brzenka, but herself and her squad.

Before I can say anything she comes storming into my office, at least ten other soldiers entering as well. "Welcome." I grunt and close the door behind them. Nodding at the soldiers I recognize, the majority.

"Captain Levi." Rico nods at him before looking back over at me and just staring at me.

"Completely ignoring your rude entry, completely ignoring your lack of respect to make an appointment, completely ignoring the fact you came to my office without consulting the captain of my squad at the very least, what brings you here on this fine day?" I fake smile at her.

Rico has had a secret vendetta against me since the day we met. I'm not sure what triggered it, but since then, in the least exaggerated way, she has been trying to destroy my life.

The majority of our encounters have been her complaining about my position of authority or my treatment towards Hans.

Maybe she likes him? I wouldn't be surprised.

"I have reason to believe you are embezzling government funds." She starts and I feel a shiver go up my spine, "Therefore, you are committing treason. Which, may I add, is punishable by death."

"What?" Levi stands up, and glances between Rico and me. I stare at the situation ahead of me and start to laugh.

"What are you? The Military Police? Why are you doing their job for them?" I ask her between chuckles.

I notice her grind her teeth, "Because of your high position, I have reason to believe they are pretending to ignore the proof."

"Show the proof." Levi orders. I glance at him and raise an eyebrow. Why is he so concerned? Especially when I, clearly, am not.

"Here." Rico grabs check stubs from a trembling soldier, "Stubs that show you have been sending the same amount of money to an anonymous account from a government account, 'Military Police DA Fund', every month for about 2 years now."

As soon as I hear this I place my hand over my mouth, chuckling at her stupidity. She stares at me, clearly not impressed, "You really are something, Rico. Do you even know what the 'Military Police DA Fund' is?"

Rico scowls and raises her arm. Suddenly all of her soldiers cock their rifles and point at me. Levi, the quick-minded freak, moves in front of me and raises his arms up. "Woah there!" I start and lightly tap Levi's shoulders before moving in front of him, "Don't do something you will regret in a few years."

Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now