Chapter 14

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I woke up at the crack of dawn per usual, my body unaware its a day I could sleep in. Instead of trying to get some more hours in, I sit up straight when suddenly something slides down onto my lap. Unbothered, I rub my eyes with my palm, eliminating any sleep from me. Finally, I look down to check the weird object sitting on me.

I pick it up and scoff when I see what it is. Levi's suit jacket. What a gentleman!

I roll my eyes. I look over at the bed and notice he's not there. I look around and notice the window wide open. Slightly panicked I stand up and just as I'm about to open the door leading to the hallway, I see Levi lying on the floor beside the bed. I let out a sigh of relief and throw the jacket on him. Oddly he doesn't twitch or anything and I lightly giggle.

I remember the letter I wrote last night and decided I should check with reception. I run my hands through my hair and open the room door, stepping out.


"Good morning." I smile at the receptionist, unfortunately, its the exact same one from last night. "Anything for 'Eve Hamilton'?"

"Yes. Let me lead you to the stables." She smiles, her pretty dimples showing through her ginger hair.

Less than 5 minutes later at the stables, the receptionist gestures to two horses, one with a bag tied to it.

"From an Otto." She says.

"No last name? Pretty mysterious." I chuckle. Such an Otto thing to do.

"Yeah." She mumbles, her cheeks flushed red. I raise an eyebrow at her. Does she have a crush on him or something? "I kinda need his full name for the logbooks though..."

"Do you now?" I wink at her and she displays a shy smile. "His name is Otto Schmidt. He's twenty-five years old. He lives in the Military Police HQ down in Stohess but also shares a house with his best friend that he frequents. If I'm correct, it's not too far from here."

"Thank you." She looks away with a small smile.

"You know what?" I place my hands on my hips, "Write a letter to him and if it's done by the time I check out, I will hand-deliver it"

See me playing matchmaker.

"Really?" Her eyes brighten and she turns to grab my hands, to which I instantly take a step back and hand her a fake smile. "Call me Mia. My name is Amelia Steen. Let me help you."

Amelia Steen.


Jacob Steen.

As in, evil man I am trying to expose.

I immediately choke on air and start coughing, "You know what, Don't worry about me." I attempt to clear my throat but it still feels scratchy, "Get writing."

She smiles and walks away while waving.

I think I am about to have an aneurysm.

Did I just try to matchmake Otto with the child of the man conducting illegal business in Casino Ringstar?

More importantly, do I tell him the truth?

Anyway, currently that is irrelevant. I place my hand on the horse, stroking it as I check inside the bag. I see exactly what I wanted. A crap ton of zip ties and uniforms. I sigh before grabbing the reins of the horses and leading them to the front of the hotel.


With the uniforms and zip ties in hand, I opened our room door. I notice Levi sitting on the couch I slept on, impatiently tapping his foot. "Where were you?" He asks

"Good morning to you too." I mumble and threw his scouts uniform on the chair beside him. "I'm changing in the bathroom." I turn towards the bathroom and take a step forward before retracting. I should tell Levi about the little blunder that happened by the stables.

"You know the receptionist from last night?" I glance over at Levi who, basically, glares at me.


"Her name is Amelia Steen." I say before crossing my arms and entering the bathroom.

Right before I enter I hear Levi mumble a little, "Steen?"


Around twenty minutes later Levi and I are sitting inside our room, completely suited up in our uniforms. "When we go to the Casino tonight we need to hide these." I grab the zip ties and lift them up. "I assume you know what they are?"

"Obviously," Levi deadpans, "Zip ties. What I don't know is why we need them."

"We aren't carrying handcuffs with us." I start, "So on the fifth day when we start arresting people, this is what we are using."

"Where are you hiding it?" Levi asks, relaxing his back against the couch.

"I'm thinking a loose stone or a vent in the bathroom" I nonchalantly reply, running my hand through my hair.

"Risky." Levi crosses his arms, "What if there isn't one?"

"Then we make one. I'm bringing a briefcase with a map of the nearby properties for you." I roll my eyes, "I want to get into the VIP or backroom or whatever today."

"Aren't you rushing it." Levi narrows his eyes at me and stands up. "How are you going to convince does bastards so quickly?"

I equally stand up, staring at him with a blank face, "Don't sweat it. Just follow me"

"Excuse me?" He grits his teeth taking a step closer to me, his breath practically fanning on my face as he looks down at me.

"Levi." I glare at him, "I respect you. I know Titan killing is what you do, and that it is way easier-"

"Don't you dare say that its easier. Especially when you have such a cushy job-!" Levi starts but I raise my hand, cutting him off from ranting."

"Levi. I was in the Training Corps once. I've killed titans before." I drop my hand, "When you're outside the Walls, you know who your enemy is. But when you're surrounded by your own kind, you don't know who's going to pull a gun."

"Stop praising you're corrupted regimen." Levi retorts, "I respect you for what you do, but not what the rest of you little shits do."

"I'm not praising the MPs." I sigh and step back, wondering why I got worked up and so close to him, "I'm just saying that I can't have you getting injured so its best if you just do what I say. Please." I run my hands through my hair, my stress eating a part of me once again without me being able to do anything.

Levi looks away with a sigh and sits down, "Fine."


Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now