Chapter 14. Trees.

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A/N: i feel so bad. I havent updated in forever
I promise ill try to update more. Maybe every week? Idk but im super busy with school work and stuff. Btw (picture of the bracelet from last chapter above/on the side -pretend its a J not an A-)  *Also, this might be long*


"C'mon, lets go to the park" Jake groans pulling on my hand. "Its not that long of a walk. Literally across the street. Please?" He says making a puppy dog face.

"Can't we just stay here? I'm tired." I nuzzle my face in his neck and wrap my arms around him.

"Noo." He starts peppering my face with little kisses until we here a cough. I look over his shoulder and see a kid who kinda looks like Jake. Jake turns around and sighs.

The guy glances at me then back at Jake. "Friend of yours?" he says raising an eyebrow.

"Josh, this is Troye. Troye this is my brother Josh."

I smile slightly at Josh. "Hi." I wave. He scoffs and walks out the door. My smile turns into a frown and I sigh. "Okay..."

Jake kisses my nose and hugs me. "Just ignore him. He's grumpy like the rest of this family." I raise my eyebrown and think for a second. A confused expression appears on my face.

"Where is everyone? Their never here." I ask grabbing his hands.

He looks down almost ashamed. "Its only me, my brother and my dad. And my dad is always working or out places. He usually doesn't come home until 1 in the morning so I don't see him much. But its okay, it's nor like he cares about me and Josh. We're to old. He tells us that we can handle ourselves. And that's what we do." I look at him in disbelief. How can parents do that to their kids. I know he doesn't wanna to talk about it so I change the subject.

"How about we go to the park?" I smile at him. He looks up  and almost runs to the door.

"C'mon lets go!" I stand up and walk to the door to him.

-----------at the park-----------

"Troye, look at this tree. It has couples names on it." He smiles at me and brings me to this big tree with carvings on it.

"Yeah, its beautiful." I smile slightly and trace some names on it. "Do you have a knife or something with you?" He nods and hands me a blue pocket knife from his coat pocket. I take and carve something in the tree.

" 'J + T' .  I love it" He smiles then takes the knife and draws a heart around it. "Now its better."

----------------four months later (holy time skip! Bc I'm a lazy quack)


I've been thinking a lot recently. Do you ever have those days where you just start thinking and you don't even know what your thinking about?

Well that's going on with me right now.

I'm thinking long and hard about a lot of stuff but I can't pin point a topic for it.

Anyways when you think like I am right now, you kinda block yourself away from everyone.

For me its okay.

People aren't gonna notice because I blend in with them.

Is this normal?


A/N: Pretty sure this didn't make sense but oh well

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