Chapter 1

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'Flash back'


I sigh staring at my light purple bare walls the light wood dresser with my medication on top luckily no hormone replacements because those would go down the toilet. I sigh flopping back on my lighter purple bedsheets and white comforter wincing, the bruises are still tender on my back from this mornings punishment for 'accidentally' putting Sal instead of Sally on my work. I wish I could leave but I can't I can never leave. I wish I could back to the day this disaster started and run.
'I sigh waiting for dad to pick me up its been two months since mom died and I've been in the hospital but I was allowed out for the funeral. I'll be going home today finally with my new mask secured on my face by the buckles. I sit with the nice lady as she helps me understand my new issues and how to tell when it's bad enough to seek medical help. I nod along taking it in when the door opens and my dad walks in.
"Hi dad"I whisper from the wheelchair my voice still coming back to me. He nods before speaking to the lady who tells him all the same things she told me. Dad signs me out and pushes me to the car. I shakily stand up and dad helps me into the backseat into a new carseat that's purple. I wonder what happened to my blue one I shrug laying my masked face against the side of the headrest closing my eyes letting the car drift me into an uneasy sleep. I gasp waking up tears running down my face from my one remaining eye.
"Its okay Sally dad's here dad's here"my father says pulling me into his arms. I noticed he called me Sally which is weird but I ignore it in favor of sobbing into my dads shoulder. I stop after a few minutes sitting up looking around noticing I don't recognize anything.
"Dad where are we"I whisper looking around. He helps me out of the car into the house painted white with green shutters setting me down on the couch and looks at me.
"This is your new home Sally"he says and I look at him in confusion.
"My names Sal dad"I whisper and he shakes his head before carrying me to a light purple room with white butterfly's on the wall.A white bed frame sits against the wall with lighter purple sheets and a white blanket in the open closet are skirts and dresses then it sinks in that my life was going to become worse'
I was three when the mess started I kept correcting dad but I was always punished after six months I stoped now I lay in my light purple room wearing a pair of black socks and leggings with a dark red plaid long sleeve dress with a thick belt around my waist pulled tight to make it look like I have curves if I'm not wearing a tight belt around my waist I have to wear the dreaded waist trainer, my natural blue hair falling down to the bottom of my shoulder blades. I sigh sitting up Slipping my mask on, the worse part tho is the fact I'm wearing a bra with fake boobs strapped to me and a pair of female underwear sadly I'm not aloud to buy my own clothes so the undergarments are black and lacy. I have to wear the boobs full time unless I'm sleeping why beats me probably so dad can convince himself more. Dad also makes me do the painful process of 'tucking' whenever we go out it make it look like I don't got a dick down there, it sucks. I'm banned from speaking or making friends the only time I'm allowed outside is when dad is with me. I take online classes so that dad can look over my work so I can't tell anyone the truth. I sigh standing up stretching walking over to my vanity sitting down looking at my white prosthetic. The one plus side of this is I can get my ears pierced without any problems I have two earlobe piercings in each ear and a cartilage piercing in my right ear as well, Also at least I don't have to learn makeup no make up would fix this ugly mug. I pick up my phone scrolling threw instagram I'm not allow to post anything but dad says I can find more girl items and not be completely cut off from the outside. I roll my left eye the other staring straight ahead in all its glass glory. I hear the front door open and the sound of a briefcase being set down.
"Sally come here I have exciting news"he shouts. Oh god I hope its not what I'm thinking.

830 words
New Long Story
Constructive Criticism Allowed
Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter

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