Chapter 4

444 20 2

'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'



I curl up in a small ball in the dark closet hearing people move around outside. I really want to scream, scream for help and freedom but I can't. I hear the front door close then silence. I flinch when the door is slammed open. I'm grabbed by my hair and thrown out of the closet into a room filled with my boxes and furniture but I don't pay attention as I curl up in a tight ball as my dad starts kicking my back and sides hard yelling at me.
"I told you not to be seen and what do you do attach yourself to the first person you see like the attention seeking bitch you are"He yells before kicking me hard on the back of my head before leaving. I lay on the floor glad my eye didn't pop out. I blink my good eye trying to clear my fuzzy vision before shakily pushing myself up. I whimper scooting to my medical bag grabbing my pain killers taking two dry. I lean on the wall shaking waiting for the pain meds to kick in. I hear dad moving around out in the living space. I finally stand up after a few minutes moving to my vanity stool next to my bubbled wrapped vanity. I undo my shirt wincing as I remove the waist trainer, before redoing my shirt sighing. I toe my shoes off so I'm standing flat on the floor. I slowly start unpacking doing my clothes first filling my closet with the disgusting girl clothes, I don't own a single pair or pants that aren't pjs the closest thing are my leggings. I line my shoes up at the bottom of the closet why I even have shoes is a mystery I only leave the house once every six months if I'm lucky but usual its once a year for about an hour. I break down the boxes before undoing the bubble wrap on my vanity that I double as a desk moving it to the wall a few feet from the door slowly wincing in pain. I set the stool down in front of it before looking around the room for the first time. The walls are a dark cream color and the floor has a light beige carpet, well at least it's not purple.
"Sally dinner"dad calls and I gulp. I quickly grab a thick belt buckling it tightly around my waist before I shakily exist my room slouched. I look at dad in the kitchen as I move to the dinning table in its probably temporary spot against the wall sitting down shaking, my head down. I hear a single plate being set down and the sounds of eating. No food again for a length of time great, the last time this happen i didn't eat for three days. I tried to sneak food the first time it happened but my punishment was extended.
"After dinner I'll get your bed frame together while you unpack the bathroom"he says and I nod staring at the table top. I hear dad stand up but I don't move. I silently yelp as I'm yanked from my chair throw to the floor. I shakily move to my hands and knees when I'm kicked in the stomach. I collapse to the floor coughing. I hear dad walk to my room and I stand up stumbling to the bathroom I found and enter. White tiled floor dark cream walls I sigh unpacking the box that holds the bathroom stuff slowly putting everything in the same place as we had in our house. I break down the box walking into the living putting it in the pile of other broken down boxes when dad exists my room.
"Finish your room Sally its a mess"he says and I nod quickly walking to my room before I'm tripped crashing to the floor then my door closes. I push my self groaning silently before grabbing my bedding box and making my twin bed slowly that sits flat against the wall furthest from the door. I sit on the bed once it's finish. I notice dad moved my dresser to the wall in front of the door centering it. I grab my small night stand putting it next to my bed before digging my small purple lamp out of its box plugging it in setting it on the top. I put my laptop on the vanity where i notice my purse now sits. I take a deep breath before unpacking my medication putting it on top of my dresser. I move my eye care stuff to my nightstand now the bathroom is farther away. I tuck my rug under my bed not needing it at the moment. I finish unpacking the rest of my little stuff before sitting on my bed looking at my white alarm clock that now rest on my night stand. Nine o'clock, I sigh standing up grabbing my night meds and the almost empty water bottle I found before taking my night meds. I put my dirty laundry in its basket before grabbing a pair of light purple pj pants a pair of white underwear and a gray shirt changing groaning silently in relief as i undo the tuck fully. I wince as I slide my underwear on before putting on the rest of pjs. I put the boobs in there box and my clothes in the hamper. I pop my eye out filling the cup with cleaning solution before cleaning my eye socket. I'm about to remove my mask to clean my face when.
"SALLY GET OUT HERE"Shouts my dad voice slurred. I gulp shakily exiting my room meeting my drunk father. I gasp as he punches me in my stomach. He growls kicking me hard as I lay on the floor trying to protect myself the bruises forming from earlier weren't helping. Then a hard kick to my head sent me to the world of blackness.

1003 words
New Long Story
Constructive Criticism Allowed
Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter
I Don't Have A Upload Schedule I Update When I Have Inspiration

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