Chapter 6

428 17 5

'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'



I sit in the dark for hours, my limbs growing numb and stiff the wrist dad twisted is bruised and slightly swollen, my ribs were killing me. I blink rappibtaly as the door is yanked open and I'm roughly pulled out of the closet. I whimper quietly as I'm dragged back to my room and thrown in followed by two ice packs. I shakily stand up stumbling grabbing the ice packs before laying on my bed icing my wrist and the worst side of my ribs. I wonder what made dad change, he used to love me but I guess he never did. I take the ice off after twenty minutes and grab my wrist brace putting it on before changing into my pjs happy to be rid of my boobs. Its now nine twenty five so I take my night meds before doing some more school work nervously scared that dad will see and punish me. I finish my work a few minutes before ten so I plug everything in before turning my lights off crawling into bed sighing. I lay on my back closing my eyes hoping for a dreamless night. I gasp shooting up in bed panicking why I can't remember probably a nightmare. I look at the clock three forty five. I sigh wincing the pain fully coming back. I sit up so I'm leaning against my head bored before flicking my lamp on casting a dim glow around the room. I sigh staring at the ceiling thinking. I might be able to get away with listening to music but I don't know, dad has an alert sent to his phone whenever I'm on my phone or laptop so I probably would wake him up. I sigh standing up walking to my dresser digging deep into the draw holding my bras before I pull out a tissue wrapped razor blade smiling. I sit on my bed shimming my pants down before unwrapping the blade. I bring it down to my thigh were straight scars already cover before digging the blade into my skin feeling the pain centering me. I make ten lines in each thigh before cleaning up wrapping my thighs before hiding my blade again. I look at the clock that now read four twenty well I already know I'm not going to sleep again. I sigh making my bed and checking over my injuries. I remove the brace looking at the deep purple bruise surrounding my wrist. I put the brace back on before looking in my closet for clothes for the day. I choose a pair of slightly ripped leggings that have no rips from the mid thigh and up for obvious reasons, a dark blue paid high wasted mid thigh length skirt with a thick belt, a black button up and a navy blue cardigan that matches the skirt. I grab some black under garments setting everything next to my boob box on my vanity not at all eager to get dressed. I wait in till six when I hear moment from dads room to get dressed. I pop my eye in throwing my hair in a pony tail before clasping my mask on sitting on my bed waiting. Day two of full days with no food and I can already feel it. It's day three of being here and its already worse then my last prison. I hear the door unlock and dad stares at me.
"Five minutes"he says and I dart to the bathroom doing everything quickly again before walking out I stare at my bare feet I should have put socks on. I whimper as my hair is grabbed and my hair is pulled back. I look at my dads face shaking.
"Now I'll be back at four ok so stay in your room and behave"he says dragging me to my room locking the door. I wait till I hear the front door close before undoing my shirt removing my boobs and bra setting them on the side setting an alarm for two on my phone to give me hopefully plenty of time to put them back on before he is home. I redo my shirt before getting up getting my lap top after putting some socks on. I stat my school work for the day groaning silently. Im startled out of my work trance by my alarm going off. I turn it off before putting my boobs and bra back on sighing before continuing my work. Four on the dot the front door opens and I turn my phone off sitting up waiting. But then I hear a knock on the door as dad undoes the pad lock. I gulp but I don't hear the lock get put back. I hear talking before my door opens and my dad looks at me with a strained smile promising my pain and suffering. I sigh standing up walking to him.
"We have a guest Sally"he says waving his hand to the couch and I look a man with receding orange hair sits there and smiles at me. I shuffle out of my room taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch while dad brings a dining table chair over.
"Now Sally Mr.Fisher my name is Mr.Sanderson a teacher at the local high school. We got a call saying there was a new teenager in town since we didn't see Sallys name added to our school we can assume you haven't signed her up yet or she takes online classes"he says and dad conforms.
"Since you guys came from New Jersey you will have to sign this form stating that Sally is taking online courses so there's no issues"says Mr.Sanderson. I nod keeping my head down not wanting to get involved in this. Getting involved means more trouble more trouble means more punishment.
"Sally do you have a opinion"Mr.Sanderson asks and I shake my head quickly not noticing Mr.Sanderson sneakily looking around noticing the pad lock holder on my door my shaking or anything.
"Well Sally if you have any questions or need any tutoring I live in four o three"he says and I nod. He stands and shakes his fathers hand leaving. When my father turns to me all I can hope is that I live threw the night.


I knock on Lisas door frowning when she answers she immediately notices the concern on my face.
"Herman what happened"She asked waving me inside. I sigh shaking my head.
"She's starved, locked in her room, had a brace on her wrist and she was shaking so badly kept her head down the whole time we need to get her out of there"I say sighing.
"I'll go up after the father leaves for work"she says frowning and I nod waving goodbye.


I whimper as dad drags me to the kitchen by my hair throwing me on the cold floor. I shakily look up at him as he rips my mask off. He smirks grabbing a frying pan and I know that I'll be with mom soon.

1181 words
New Long Story
Constructive Criticism Allowed
Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter
I Don't Have A Upload Schedule I Update When I Have Inspiration

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