Chapter 8

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'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'


I blink my eyes open staring around the white room as a orange hair man leaves. I look to my left seeing a brown hair woman in purple blood stained coveralls. I stare at her completely still and terrified. She looks up from her phone looking at me. She smiles softly gently letting go of my hand.
"Hello my name is Lisa"she says softly studying me when I realize my mask is off. I grab the pillow from under my head slamming it over my face not caring about the pain it caused me. I feel some thing being laid on the bed next to me. I reach shakily over feeling my mask, I quickly put it on under the pillow before moving the pillow looking at Lisa scared. Dull pain is coursing threw my body but I ignore it.
"How are you feeling"she asks and I continue to stare at her. The door suddenly opens a blonde female in scrubs comes in.
"Hello Sally how you feeling"I stare at her then I notice the stupid heavy weight on my chest is gone. I start hyperventilating trying to get up only to be pushed gently down.
"Sally you're safe okay he's not going to hurt you anymore"I stare at Lisa in shock no dads going to kill me I'm dead I'm dead. My vision starts getting fuzzy when I feel something I haven't felt in years, A hug. I freeze feeling it before I start sobbing hard shaking. I feel a gently hand rub my head. After a bit my sobbing turns into hiccups.
"Sally they are going to do surgery on your knee alright it's really badly broken after you get out and are awake we can talk more"she says gently. I shakily start signing no one will understand but I don't care.
'No dad is going to kill me I have to get back now please'I sign and Lisa shushes me gently.
"Sally your father left in a business trip a few hours ago remember. Now this nice lady is going to put you back to sleep so they can fix your knee okay"she says and I nod I don't want to be awake anymore. I let the arm I notice has an IV in it hang down limply next to me. I feel something enter my IV and in a few minutes i was gently laid down as I fall into unconsciousness. I blink waking up noticing my mask was on and that I couldn't feel my left leg. I start breathing heavily before someone gently pets my head.
"They used nerve blockers Sally okay your leg is still there"she says gently calming me down slightly. I shakily look at her with my one eye relieved to notice my mask in place.
"Do you want something small to eat the nurse said to get you something small and easy on your stomach when you woke up"she asks and I look at Lisa blankly confused why does she care I'm a freak a failure a attention seeking bitch nothing that she should bother herself with. I shrug not caring. Lisa nods grabbing a small pack of looks like saltines. She opens them before laying the package down next to my non cast wrapped hand. I shakily pick them up being them slowly to my chest.
"Do you want me undo the bottom strap of your mask"Lisa asks gently and I look at her before slowly nodding. She slowly stands up before slowly reaching up undoing the bottom strap. She sits back down before I take a cracker and slowly bring it to my mouth. I take a bite before flinching closing my eyes expecting a hit. When no comes I slowly open my eyes seeing Lisa on her phone. I quickly eat both crackers not wanting them to be taken away, I look at Lisa before moving the blankets off my left leg. Gauze wrapped my leg from mid thigh to mid calf and a brace was placed tightly over that keeping my knee in place and immobile. I notice Lisa looking at me.
"Once you're leg heals you will have to do physical therapy Sally"she says gently and I slowly nod.
"Sally do you want to be called Sal"she asks and I stare at her in fear but she shushes me.
"Sally your father isn't here okay"she says and look down thinking before shakily signing.
'Sal. I'm a boy'I clutch the blanket after that shaking hard. I feel gentle arms wrap around me and I relax slightly.
"Well Sal it's nice to meet you"she says. I nod still shaking hard waiting for the hit that was sure to come. Lisa sit there holding me for a while and I actually don't mind which is strange because I despise being touched. When the door opens a little while later the blonde nurse comes in smiling.
"Well hello there how you feeling"she asks and I shrug not sure.
"Well would you like some ice cream"she asks and I looked at her shocked I hadn't had ice cream since mom was alive and I hardly remember it.
'I hadn't had ice cream since I was two'I sign shakily. The adults look shocked for a second before the nurse speaks.
"Well we can't have that can we"she says smiling.
"Chocolate or vanilla"she asks.
'Chocolate please'I sign and she smiles leaving. I sigh feeling mentally drained from everything over how many hours or days had happened, Lisa starts petting my hair gently and I find myself relaxing. When the nurse come back bringing my ice cream eating it slowly scared still. After I finish the police come in asking me a lot of questions a lot I was super uncomfortable with but Lisa held me the whole time. When they started asking questions about the being forced to be I girl part I almost completely broke down but Lisa held me tightly threw the whole thing. When they left I close my eyes before sobbing causing Lisa to hold me tightly. As I slowly fall asleep I think maybe I'll be ok finally.

1046 words
Sorry this is complete shit
Long Story
Constructive Criticism Allowed
Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter
I Don't Have A Upload Schedule

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