Chapter 10:

388 18 3

'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'



I slowly enter the bathroom and slowly kneel down next to Sal who sitting on the floor scissors in hand. I gently grab his hands pulling them away from his lightly bleeding thighs. He flinched tensing up but I just pull the scissors away before pulling him to my chests mindful of his injuries. He stay tense for a while before relaxing slightly. I start petting his hair gently watching for his reactions. He relaxes more before he starts crying. I hold him tightly but gentle rocking him. He calms down slightly after a few minutes when he turns to me tensing.
"Hey Sal I'm Larry I don't know if you remember me"I say gently and he nods slowly. I reach back opening the under sink cabinet grabbing a first aid kit setting it down next to me grabbing some hydrogen peroxide and a cotton ball handing them to Sal gently. He shakily take it cleaning the cuts then I hand him some gauze and he wraps them tightly. I nod petting his hair sit making him lay against me still tense.
"You want to head back to bed"I ask slowly and he shakily nods. I stand up before gently helping him up mindful of his leg. I let him pull his pants up before helping him back to the living room. I lay him down propping him leg up before sitting on the edge of the bed slowly not to startle him.
"You doing better"I softly ask and he nods slightly. I smile before humming.
"Well my name is Larry I'm sixteen I love painting and I have two friends Todd and Ashe"I say noticing him watching me.
"There's a girl in this building I think you will like her name is Megan she's eight"I continue.
"What's your favorite color Sal"I ask gently. He doesn't answer for a moment before pointing to his hair and shirt.
"Blue and black"I ask and he nods.
"I like red and black"I respond. We sit in silence for a bit before I ask.
"Cats or dogs"I ask and he immediately holds up one finger.
"I like cats to tho they can act like the spawn of satan at time. This gets Sal to cover his mask mouth before he draws a smile in the air making me smile back. I sit there taking to Sal for another hour before I yawn.
"Well Sal I should go to bed I'll see you in the morning but you can get me if you need"I say and he nods. I wave to him as I enter my room.
I collapse on my bed smiling falling asleep quickly smiling.


I hear Lisa's door open and she come out waving at me. It's eight o'clock and I only fell asleep for another hour last night. I had already gotten my eye in for today so I wasn't worried to much about giving her a heart attack. I watch as Lisa goes into the kitchen before sticking her head out a minute later.
"Want some chocolate chip pancakes"she asks and I nod I had plain pancakes but chocolate and other sugary things I haven't had in years. I watched as she ducks back into the kitchen. I prop myself up on the bed leaning against the couch back sighing. I continue watching the video I was watching before Lisa came out. After a few minutes Larrys bedroom door opens and Larry comes stumbling out. He smiles and waves at me and I shyly wave back nervous. Larry stumbles into the bathroom closing the door slowly. I shake my head closing my laptop setting it aside as Lisa come out with a plate of pancakes and my meds. I take them slowly scared as she hands them to me. I nod setting the plate on my lap before undoing the bottom strap of my mask. I quickly take my meds with some water before I start slowly eating keeping an eye on Lisa and Larry when he exists the bathroom. I set my empty plate aside picking up my laptop again looking up something. I bite my lip as Lisa comes back over. I raise my hand shakily getting her attention.
"What is it Sal"she asks sitting on the bed edge. I take a deep breath before doing something I haven't done in years.
"T-t-thank you"I say in a deep raspy cracking voice. Lisa looks shocked for a few seconds before breaking out in a wide smile I could see her tearing up.
"You're very welcome Sal"she says smiling standing up walking back to the kitchen with my plate. I sigh relaxing feeling a little lighter. I hear Lisa and Larry talking before he heads back to his room. He comes out a minute changed waving as he leaves. I shrug watching before going back to YouTube watching videos fiddling with the ends of my hair thinking. As Lisa goes into the kitchen to make lunch Larry came back carrying a box with holes poked into it. I close my laptop setting it aside as Larry approaches me slowly.
"I got you a present careful"he says handing it to me. I carefully take the box setting on my lap. I carefully open it before gasping covering my masks mouth with my casted hand as my other slowly reaches forward into the box. There in the box was a big orange and white cat staring at me, I carefully let it sniff my hand before reaching my other hand down and carefully picking him out from the box. I feel Larry move the box but I don't pay attention. I cuddle the cat close to my chests tears running down my face in happiness.
"You like him"Larry asks smiling.
"Love"I say roughly making Larry smile brighter. I sigh relaxing as the cat starts purring.
"His name is Gizmo"says Larry. I smile looking at gizmo who looks back before bopping my masks nose. I silently laugh feeling lighter than I have in years. Yeah I think everything is going to work out great.

1043 words
Sorry this is absolutely garbage
Constructive Criticism Allowed
Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter
I Don't Have A Upload Schedule
Only epilogue left hope to have it up soon

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