Chapter 9

402 19 0

'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'


I shakily swing my right leg out of bed before slowly following with my braced left leg. I grab the pair of gray sweatpants Lisa left and slowly slide them on over a pair of dark blue boxers, they were so much nicer then female underwear. I gently pull the black long sleeve on after sighing feeling weird without all the stuff dad forced me to wear. I'm going to Lisa's today, my new temporary home maybe or permanent I don't know. She has a teenage son and they live in the basement of the apartment building. I shake my head my loose hair that's not trapped under my mask straps falling over my shoulder. The hospital offered to cut it but I declined not ready for that step no matter how much I wanted it. The door opens and Lisa comes in smiling.
"Hey Sal I went to your apartment and brought you medication down"she says and I nod watching as she puts my laptop and chargers in a bag. I hold my phone tightly before shoving it in my sweet pants pocket. I grab my crutches before pushing myself slowly up hobbling towards my shoes, my broken wrist being a pain along with my stitches but I declined a wheelchair I'm not handicapped. It's been a week in the hospital and I couldn't wait to leave. Dad was arrested as soon as he landed at the airport a few days ago. He pleaded innocent to all charges so a trial will have to happen. I sigh looking at my shoes frustrated. Black slip in shoes that refused to slip on. I sigh trying to gently get my right foot in before I notice Lisa kneeling down next to me. I watch as she picks up a shoes helping me slide my foot in before she does the same with the other one. I hobble over to reclining chair in the room sitting watching Lisa look around to make sure everything was together. The door open and a female nurse come in handing Lisa a clipboard talking to her. I look at the floor shaking still scared that I'm going to get hit at anytime.
"Sal ready to go"asks Lisa and I look up slightly before nodding. I slowly stand up on my crutches hobbling towards the door where Lisa stands with a backpack containing my stuff. I shuffle out the door sitting in the wheelchair waiting slightly annoyed slightly relieved, protocol and all have to leave in a wheelchair.. I'm wheeled out to Lisa's car and helped gently into the passenger seat. I sigh resting my head on the window after the door closes. I hear Lisa get in the car, I could tell she wanted to say something but didn't. I watch the world pass as we drive back drinking it in. I flinch slightly as we park at the apartments. I open the door and slowly struggle out of the car before standing up on my crutches. Lisa closes my door before gently leading me into the building. I hobble into the elevator as Lisa inserts a key card into a slot. I feel us moving down before the doors open to a concrete basement making me flinch back causing Lisa to gently hug me before slowly leading me to a apartment with one b on the door. She gently leads me inside laying me on the couch elevating my leg with a pillow. She hands me my laptop and earbuds smiling slightly and I nod slightly. Lisa moves away and I open my laptop and start working on my school work that I still have to do listening to music softly. I hear someone else walking far away and I look flinching back. The boy from the elevator is on the opposite side of the room looking at me smiling slightly before continuing to where Lisa was in the kitchen. I whimper closing my laptop setting it on the coffee table my hand shaking. I look around rapidly trying to see an easy hiding space with my leg in its condition. I shakily stand up and quickly but quietly hobbling to the bathroom locking the door before sitting on the toilet lid down. I wrap my arms around myself rocking slightly. I flinch as someone knocks on the door.
"Sal lunch is ready"says Lisa gently. I gulp before standing up flushing the toilet with to make it seem that was the reason I was in there before slowly hobbling out. I shakily move back to the couch where a sandwich and chips where waiting. I gently sit down before slowly undoing the bottom strap of my mask slightly difficult with my arm in a cast. I look at the dining table where Lisa and her son sit before picking up half of the sandwich tearing a pice of eating it quickly. I glance at them noticing they weren't looking before eating my sandwich and chips quickly. I look again seeing them finishing up and I move so I'm laying down again my bad leg propped up. I grab my laptop and earbuds before putting on a YouTube video quietly still looking at Lisa and her son randomly, Larry I think his name was. I shake my head slightly continuing to watch my video. As the afternoon passed into night Larry stayed far away which I was grateful for. Lisa comes over with my night meds at nine setting the pills down and a glass of water before walking away. I take my pills sighing at the lack of independence with them but I kinda understand. The hospital found my self harm scars and my online therapist was appalled at the news of everything but I was ordered to get a new therapist after everything she missed in the two years that she was my therapist. I sigh standing up shuffling to my bag getting a pair of black sweatpants and a black long sleeve and a clean pair of boxers. I grab my medical bag minus the pills shuffling to the bathroom. I change my pants quickly as possible struggling with my leg even tho the brace was under my sweet pants leaving my shirt off. I brush my teeth before removing my mask cleaning my eye and socket. I then gently clean my face that gained a few more scars. I strap my mask back on before cleaning the rest of my stitches that where still in my torso and arms. After I pull my shirt on before shuffling back to the living room seeing the couch now was pulled out into a full bed. I gently lay down propping my leg up on the pillow noticing the coffee table was next to the bed with my laptop and phone where resting on. I shake my head watching Lisa come out of her bedroom changed.
"I'm heading to bed Sal I'll leave this lamp on"she says pointing to a dim lamp that's on over by the entry of the kitchen. I nod and she turns the big light off.
"If you need anything Sal you have my number just call and I'll come out"she says and I nod knowing I'm not going to bug her.
"Night"she says heading in to her room. I sigh closing my eyes as my sleep meds kick in pulling me under.


I sigh laying on bed. Sal is terrified of me and I can't say I blame him. I shake my head standing up moving my easel grabbing my paints. As I paint my thoughts stay on the blue hair boy who's been threw hell I should introduce him to Megan they would probably get along. I sigh staring at my canvas now painted shades of blue. I close my eyes taking a deep breath cleaning up wonder if Sal will ever warm up to me for us to form a friend ship. I look at the alarm clock startled to see it was now one in the morning. I stand up going to my door slowly looking at the pull out bed only to frown as the blankets are messed up and the bathroom door was cracked. I slowly walk to the bathroom looking in only to cover my mouth in shock.

1349 word
Sorry this is complete shit
Constructive Criticism Allowed
Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter
I Don't Have A Upload Schedule

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