Chapter 5

424 19 2

'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'



I groan blinking my eyes open noticing I'm in my room on the floor probably thrown in here after I was knocked unconscious. I go to push myself up but barely move when I silently scream. Great possible broken ribs, I weakly look around before shakily grabbing the medical kit that somehow got in here. I open it up grabbing the pain meds taking them dry waiting for them to kick in. After about twenty minuets I feel the pain fade enough to move before I shakily push myself up. I stumble to the mirror groaning silently as I lift my shirt up looking at my bruised to hell torso. I gently prod my ribs only feeling a few cracks noting broken. I drop my shirt sighing taking off my mask that wasn't helping my possible concussion. I shuffle to the door only to find it locked I thump my head gently against it, just like in the old place. Dad had a pad lock on my door so if he wanted he could lock me in my room without any worry of me escaping because my windows where locked too. Sadly both of the bedrooms in this place don't have windows so I can't take in the sky anymore but hopefully I'll hear the rain. I shuffle back to bed after taking my morning meds realizing it's seven am. I lay down slowly on my back sinking into my mattress. I don't hear dad so he probably left for his new job which is probably why in locked in here. I close my eyes taking a breath wishing I had screamed yesterday if I had I might have been free. I grab my phone from my night stand scrolling threw instagram when there is a knock at the front door. I freeze before a voice calls out.
"Hey its Larry from yesterday sorry if I scared you um I didn't see you at school so I came to see if you were all right"he calls out and I start crying. I open my mouth and no sound escapes. Please Larry break the door down I don't know who you are I just want to be free, please. I think hoping he hears my silent screams but I know he doesn't because I don't hear him call again.


I frown walking into my apartment sitting on the couch thinking when mom comes over sitting next to me.
"What's wrong Lar-bear"she asks rubbing my back.
"The new tenant"I say.
"What about them"she asks curious.
"The father has a teenage girl she reminds me of Megan and Stacy before he was arrested"I say and I feel my mom freezes. Megan and Stacy lives in five o three and last year Stacys husband was arrested for abuse drugs and attempted murder on Megan by trying to drown her in the bathtub.
"Are you sure"she asks scared and I nod.
"She coward into her self in the elevator looked panicked when she saw me and the strangest part she was wearing a white mask. She darted panicked into the apartment as soon as I unlocked it with a small nod of thanks"I say, me and mom sit there contemplating for a while.
"I'll go up there this afternoon and say hello I'll use the excuse I'm the maintenance person to let them know if they have any problems to call"she says and I nod.
"Mom the girl gave me a weird feeling like maybe being abused isn't her biggest problem"I say and mom nods as we sit there thinking that there's another monster in the building.


I close my laptop after saving my school work when dad texts he will be home soon. I sigh wishing I had an ice pack for my ribs. I slowly stand up putting my lap top on my vanity as I hear the front door unlock. I luckily had gotten dressed about an hour ago in my stupid boobs with black under garments wearing a simple knee length black long sleeve dress with a thick belt pulled as tight as I could without hurting my ribs more and a pair of black knee high socks. I sit still on my vanity stool waiting, my mask and eye in place. I hear the lock click open before the door is thrown open. Dad stands there glaring at me and I keep my head down my loose hair not secured by the mask falling over my shoulders.
"Bathroom you have five minutes"He says and I stand up quickly shuffling to the bathroom doing every thing quickly before walking out. Dad grabs my arm tightly before there is a knock at the door. Dad lowly growls before pushing me into my room closing the door locking it. I hear the front door open then talking but I really don't listen even tho the walls are thin enough to hear someone talk threw faintly if you are pressed close to the wall. I sit gently on my bed staring at the closet door across from me. When the door opens and my dad appears looking furious. I silently scream as he grabs my wrist hard twisting it hard dragging me out of my room. Please don't tell me he found a new basement. He drags me into the bathroom shoving me in the small space at the bottom of the towel closet before he slams and locks the door as I get lost in the memories of the basement.
'I scream as I'm thrown down the stairs shaking a year ago I became Sally but today I asked the therapist on the screen to call me Sal, Dad is really mad now. I whimper curling up in a small ball wincing as dad stomps down the stairs dragging me to the far back corner locking a stiff collar around my neck plus another one with a weird box before attaching the chain coming out of the wall to the collar.
"Wha-"I started before screaming as I feel pain coursing threw my body. I whimper looking up at dad.
"I'll get you tomorrow if I remember there's a bucket"he says before he turns off all the light except for a dim lamp across the room heading up stairs slamming the door shut. I curl up in a small ball shaking tears rolling down my face. I want mommy I want mommy.'

I curl up small at the bottom of the closet wincing and crying wishing I had died instead of mom.


I enter my apartment before collapsing against the door shaking sliding down to the floor when Larry comes out of his room running to me hugging me tightly.
"Mom you okay what happened"He asked looking panicked.
"I went up and started talking to him he acted nerves eyes kept shifting to the right when I asked about his daughter he got defensive before slamming the door in my face. That poor girl is definitely being abused badly I just don't know how to help"I say and Larry hugs me before sits next to me.
"So any ideas mom"He asks looking at me sad he was the one who saw the true change in Megan after the incident once a happy girl became shy and terrified of men. 
"I'll ask Mr.Sanderson to speak to her father about schooling because he is a teacher and they just moved. If she's home schooled or online schooled we will need to think of a way of speaking to her"I say.
"Maybe one day when her father Is at work sneak up there and if he catches you say Mr,Addison asked you to cheek the plumbing in the apartments"Larry say and I weekly smile pulling him close wondering why there were monsters in this world.

1290 words
New Long Story
Constructive Criticism Allowed
Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter
I Don't Have A Upload Schedule I Update When I Have Inspiration

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