Chapter 2

543 19 9

'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'


I gulp standing up from my vanity stool and shuffle out to the living room folding into myself, luckily i'm already short so shrinking into myself isn't that hard. I take a deep breath before stepping into the living room from the hallway where dad was sitting on the couch. He smiles noticing me.
"Guess what Sally I got a promotion we will have to move tho but its a chance for us to truly be happy"he says and I nod by happy he means he will finally be able to afford hormone replacements for me, great. He smiles.
"I brought some boxes home we should start packing I start in two weeks"He says standing up and I nod before walking forward grabbing a stack of folded down boxes and the purple duck tape dad handed me along with some scissors.
"Remember door open when you have sharp objects"He calls as I disappear into my room. He only says that so I don't cut my hair or myself but he only cares about the hair. I sigh constructing a box and start slowly getting things packed away remembering to leave clothes for two weeks out and essentials out. I only get half a box done when dad calls dinner. I shuffle out of my room to the dinning table pressed against the kitchens bare wall. I sit down slowly and reach back unbuckling the bottom strap of my mask as dad sets two bowls of mac and cheese down. I nod as a thank you and slowly start eating keeping my eye on him just incase. I finish eating before signing.
'May I be excused'
"You may Sally"he says and I nod standing up putting my dish to soak before going back to my room and resume slowly packing. I stop packing once i finish the box taping it shut writing Sallys Room on the side with a black marker with a wince as I write Sallys twelve years later now at fifteen still can't write Sally without wincing. I sigh putting the box against the wall before walking out of my room setting the scissors on the hallway table before entering my room again closing the door sighing. I look at the clock it read eight so I have two more hours before I have to be in bed. I shake me head before grabbing a pair of light blue pj pants a gray pair of underwear and a cream colored oversized long sleeve. I walk out of my bedroom to the bathroom across the hallway. I set my stuff on the counter before turning the shower on. One thing I'm glad about is my apparent inability to grow body hair. I strip sighing as I take the stupid bra off removing the fake boobs that are strapped to me like a second bra with clear straps but weigh about two pounds. Why they are so big I don't know probably so they are noticeable. I look at the tag I haven't looked in a while dad says around this age they get bigger so he got a new pair taking the old smaller pair a few months ago when I turned fifteen. Yeah definitely bigger C cup, great doesn't he realize I only stand at five two. I rub my face before removing my eye ball leaving it in its stupid purple cup on the counter before I jump into the shower letting myself enjoy not being a girl for once showers are my only freedom. I sigh stepping out after the water starts getting cold. I dry off getting dressed slipping my mask on before picking up my clothes and boobs walking back to my room closing the door throwing my clothes in my hamper putting my boobs in there box for tomorrow. Moving I don't know how to feel about it I mean being outside seeing the world for however long the drive is before i'm locked back in the new house. I grab my night meds and a water bottle that kept in here filled. I look at the clock that now read nine and i take my night meds. At least dad lets me see an online therapist for my issues tho he is supposed to leave the room he sits across from me watching so I don't get any smart ideas. I shake my head grabbing my laptop before continuing some school work. I don't even try contacting for help my dad did something and he can tell when i'm on it and he can watch my screen. I finish up most of the work before a knock on my door reminds me its ten. I shut everything down setting my phone and laptop on their chargers before crawling into bed wondering what my new prison will be like. With that I roll on my side facing my stupid purple wall closing my eye falling asleep praying I don't have a nightmare.

830 words
New Long Story
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Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter
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