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'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'

Five years later Sal;20 Larry;21


I laugh limping as fast as I can before Larry wraps his arms around my waist picking me up spinning me around.
"Larry we have to unpack you idiot"I say laughing still as Larry sets me down. He laugh messing up my hair making me slap his arm. My hair that I had gladly cut shorter. Now the sides and back an shaved short and the top still longer fell to my right side cut in a V ish shape. I shake my head limping back to the moving car sighing. My leg never healed right my knee was to damaged now I'm stuck with a permanent limp. I grab a box limping into the small two bedroom one floor light blue house. I carry the box to the living room with the other boxes setting it down looking around at the light cream walls of the living room dining room kitchen are but where the kitchen is there's white tiles on the wall with dark wood cabinets that match the wood floor in the dining and living room the kitchen floors tiles look like square slate stone. I watch as Larry comes in carrying two boxes his long brown hair in a pony tail. I smile seeing him thinking of the time he asked me on a date for the first time
'I sit out side enjoying the spring air taking a deep breath. Dads trial was in June and it's currently April over a month still. I hear the back door open and Larry comes out sitting next to me. I watch him as he looks around before turning to me fiddling with his hands.
"Well um it's been over a month since you came here and um I was wondering if you would like to go out and get pizza some time like a um date"he says staring at the ground. I stare at him for a minute before tackling him to the ground hugging him.
"Is that a yes"he asks and I nod rapidly. He laughs hugging me back. That was the start of something amazing. Larry my first friend and the only male I trust completely.
I collapses on our garage sale find of a couch a black leather one in great condition with a matching arm chair thrown in. Larry looks at me.
"Knee acting up"he asks and I nod. I lay
Back before I feel something cool on my knee. I look down and smile at Larry who's now holding a cold water bottle to my knee.
"Larry go finish unloading the truck I can take care of myself"I say and Larry give me puppy eyes.
"If you don't unload the truck I won't give you cuddles"I say smirking as Larry basically sprints out of the house. I laugh shaking my head. I lay on the couch my leg propped up watching Larry move things inside. The movers took care of the big furniture but we said we can handle everything else. Thirty minutes later Larry comes in placing the last box down collapsing on the couch by my feet.
"Ten minute break"he says and I shake my head.
"I had my break I'm going to start moving boxes to there proper rooms"I say standing up limping to the boxes as Larry groans. I shake my head and start moving the boxes. A little while later I'm setting a box in the office/art studio room, half of it is Larrys art studio the other half my office. The walls white the floor the same dark wood. I set the box down but accidentally knocking another one down with it. I start picking it up when I come across my new birth certificate. Sal Johnson I smile me and Larry married in December a week after I turned twenty burning the last reminder of my life before just like me Todd Ashe and Larry had a box party of boxing all my girl things up giving them to charity burning a few things for fun too. I sigh thinking of the trial it was absolutely terrible mentally. I feel a something nuzzling my side. I look down smiling petting gizmo getting lost in the memory of the trail.
'I grip Larrys hand tightly as I limp into the court room. My leg now in a more movable brace. Larry gently leads me to a row of benches in the front behind a railing barrier on the right side of the room. I look around seeing the sign language translator I meant who is really nice she does this a lot and the lawyer says she never messed up once. I look at the floor shaking gizmo rests on my shoulders like a scarf he's not a service cat but the judge and my lawyer give me full permission to bring him to help. People have brought there animals before as long as they are well behaved like Gizmo was. Gizmo starts purring making me relax slightly as I reach up petting him. I hear the side doors open and the clinking of chains. I peak up seeing dad getting pushed into a chair on the opposite side of the room. I feel gizmo slide down onto my lap and I wrap my arms around him signing letting gizmo lick my neck and mask. I sigh leaning against Larry shaking slightly as more people enter the room.
"All rise for the judge"says a woman and everyone stands as the judge a older woman enters taking a seat then we do. I hold gizmo tightly shaking as the lawyers give opening statements. I feel Larry wrap an arm around me tightly rubbing my arm. When the lawyer calls my name to the stand I shakily stand up still clutching gizmo and limp towards the stand, I get sworn in then the questions start.
"Mr.fisher when did your father start forcing you to be a girl"asked my lawyer.
'The day I was let out of the hospital after being mauled when I was three'I sign before reaching down petting Gizmo.
"Did you try to say no to your father about being a girl"she asks and I nod.
'Many times for six months but he kept beating me so I stopped'I sign holding gizmo tighter.
"When did the abuse get to the extreme level of locking you in the basement your room and starving you"she says and I feel my body shaking become worse.
'soon after the start I was almost four when he started locking me down there, it was my fourth birthday when he started denying me food as punishment'I sigh petting Gizmo some more. The questions continue my anxiety rising. When I'm aloud back to the bench next to Larry I collapse next to him tears running down my face my whole body shaking. I clutch gizmo to my chest curling into Larry who wraps an arm around me taking then it was dads turn on the stand.
"Mr.Fisher why did you force you force your son to be girl and lock him in the house"the lawyer asks.
"I always wanted a daughter and with my wife now dead there was no one to tell me no besides it's perfectly legal"he says confidently making me nauseous and hide my face in Larrys chest. I could hear stunned silence in the room before the lawyer continued.
"Did you illegally change your sons records to state they where female"she asks.
"Yeah I couldn't do it legally with her there to speak to people and I had to keep her locked in the house for her protection so I may have illegally made some adjustments to her records but she was happier for it"he says. I feel bile rising in my throat as I pet gizmo as Larry holds me tightly. The questions continue for a while and I feel sicker and sicker at every answer.
"Five minute recess then we will resume questioning"the judge bangs her gavel and Larry helps me to the nearest bathroom helping me remove my mask and taking gizmo before I start vomiting into the toilet. After a minute I stop collapsing back against Larry shaking. He hands me back gizmo before helping me back to the court room where the questions continue before my father is sentenced to twenty five years in prison for the crimes against me and others I didn't know about forgery child abuse and neglect drug possession assault and forfeiting all custody of me and not allowed to contact me or be within five miles of me but he's going to prison in Washington state so hopefully he never comes back.
I pack the box up blinking my eye before continuing to move boxes. I could feel Larrys stare but he knew that it was better not to say anything. By ten o'clock at night two pizza and a litter of soda later the unpacking was almost done. I walk into the bedroom sighing. The walls are a light gray color and the floor is a soft cream carpet. The dark wood frame with a queen sized mattress rest in the center of the back wall with to matching night stands on either side with two matching lamps rest. A window with a window seat is to the right of the bed and the closet is to the left next to the bathroom door that has two entrances one to the hall one to the bedroom. I sigh the bed is made up with a black comforter with matching ascent pillows, Lisa's work and dark gray sheets. Me and Larry wanted a darker colored bedroom where we could decompress without to many colors. Gizmos blue bed is to the right next to my nightstand. He doesn't use it much but he loves it when he does. I walk to the dresser on the wall next to the door and grab one of Larrys sleeping shirts changing throwing my day cloths in the basket next to the dresser. I slip my mask off setting it on top of the dresser. I walk to the bathroom piping my eye out cleaning it then putting it in its glass. I clean my socket and face before walking back to the bedroom where the lamps are now on the over head light is off and Larry in bed on the left side. I smile walking around closing the hastily put up curtains that we are going to fix tomorrow climbing into bed on the right side gizmo following me. I cuddle into Larrys side after tuning my lamp off. He kisses the top of my head and I smile.
"You know you didn't have to carry me threw the door when we first got here right"I ask looking at him smiling and he smiles back before pecking my scared lips.
"Well it's custom to carry the bride threw the door of the home when they arrive"he says smiling.
"Home Larry this is home"I say kissing him. He turns the lamp on his side off and we cuddle, Larry on his back my head on his chest gizmo laying on Larrys stomach like a spoiled child.
"I love you Larry"I say listening to his heart beat.
"I love you Sal welcome home"he says that and as I fall asleep I notice I feel completely safe for the first time.

1933 words
Sorry this was shit
This is now finished
Hopefully a new long story or one shot will be up in a few days
Hope you enjoyed

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