Chapter 7

397 17 1

'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'



I scramble back as dad raises the frying pan, I freeze when I hit the wall shaking. He swings it down hitting my left knee hard. I scream as I feel my knee break. Dad swings again hitting the side of my head hard knocking me to the floor my vision swimming. I shakily look at dad who is sneering at me. He kicks my broken knee again making me silently scream. I feel tears running down my face as my dad starts kicking me everywhere, I feel my cracked ribs break after a strong kick. I watch as he walks away. I think he's done but he turns back towards me holding a knife, I'm definitely not going to live. I gulp closing my eyes. I gasp as I feel the knife slice my arm. I whimper as dad grabs my hair forcing me to look at him. He clicks his tongue whipping away tears with his hand still holding the knife.
"Sally Sally Sally if only you listen you wouldn't be in trouble now. You don't think I didn't know about that boy visiting you he left his number on the door if you ever wanted a friend isn't that sweet" he say tracing the knife down my face and neck before running it down my chest. I close my eyes feeling more tears fall before I gasp sharply as dad plunges the knife into my left hip. After that I don't really remember blood muffled screams tears. I now lay in a puddle of blood in the kitchen cuts stab wounds bruised broken bones liter my body. Dad put my mask back on smiling before going into his bedroom. As I'm about to pass out from blood loss dad comes out of his room freshly dressed carrying a small suitcase.
"Well I have a plane to catch to a business meeting I'll see you in three days"he says walking out as I pass out.


I hum finishing cleaning the front steps of the apartment when Sally's father walks out carrying a suitcase getting into his car leaving. I bite my lip before putting my cleaning supplies away going up to four o two. I knock on the door getting no answer before I try the door finding it locked. I pull out my key ring before unlocking the door with the spare. I enter the dark apartment looking around noticing a little bit of red by the kitchen in faint light front the back of the apartment from a window. I slowly walk around the corner and nearly scream at the sight. Sally laid in the middle of the tile floor looking beaten to hell and laying in a pool of blood. I gasp pulling out my phone running to her.
"911 what's your emergency"
"A fifteen year old abused victim is bleeding out oh gosh there pulse is week"I say frantically.
"What's the address ma'am"
"Apartment four o two Addison Apartments"I say.
"Ma'am do you know what happened"
"No my son meet her when she moved in and said she acted like another abused person in the building. I said I'll check on her when her father was gone, hang in there Sally helps coming"I say when I hear sirens approaching. I hear hurried footsteps coming closer and l look seeing three paramedics enter.
"There here"I say hanging up.
"Help her please"I say as they come over quickly. They quickly move her to a medical board rushing out of the apartment I follow them close behind ridding In the ambulance watching them work.
"Uh chief I think the father wanted a daughter too"he says and my eyes widen staring at the fake boobs on there chest. Sally or well Sal would be more appropriate what hell have you been living in.
"Correction victim is either a transgender female or forced female"says the driver into to the radio. When we arrive I stand in the waiting room in shock as they wheel Sal off.
"Ma'am how much do you know about them"says a nurse.
"Not much my son Larry noticed they acted like another abused kid in the building so he told me, I had a teacher that lives in the building Herman Sanderson speak to his father about school because they moved states he could tell you more maybe"I say and she nods walking away. I take a seat heavily before texting Larry the short version of what's going on. I get frantic text back but I tell him to ask Herman if he could come and speak to the police about Sally I leave out everything to do with Sal being a male or trans waiting till he wakes up to figure out what's going on.
"Mrs.Johnson"calls a nurse and I stand up walking over nervous.
"How is he"I ask.
"Well we're still looking into everything seeing if he gender was charged along with his name legally or illegally. Anyways he has five broken ribs a shattered right knee we have to he is more stabilized for surgery, cuts on his arms and torso. Three stab wounds one to the right shoulder, one to the left hip and one to his left thigh. His left wrist started at a sprain a few days ago but broke, his right shoulder was also dislocated. His left collar bone is also broken, he's also malnourished. It looks like abuse has been going on for years"she says and I lean heavily against the wall.
"His mask"I ask.
"We are tracing the prosthetic to were it came from but the damage to his face plus a missing right eye we believe he was mulled a few months before the abuse started"I put my head in my hands.
"Can I see him"I ask and she nods leading me to his room. I stare at him from the doorway hooked up to machines. I sit next to him looking at him. His face was exposed showing the scars the damage the missing nose the missing pice of jaw. I gently hold his cast wrapped hand as he rests. A little while later the door opens and Herman comes in. Sitting next to me.
"I can't stay long I just wanted to see how he was doing"he says looking at Sally.
"Its going to be a long road"I say looking at Herman who looks guilty.
"This isn't your fault Herman his father was going to snap one day"I say and he nods leaving. I pull my phone out texting Sandy to keep an eye on him. When I look at Sal again I notice blue eyes staring at me in fear.

1133 words
Long Story
Constructive Criticism Allowed
Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter
I Don't Have A Upload Schedule I Update When I Have Inspiration

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