Chapter 3

495 17 3

'Flash Back'
'Sign Language'


I groan walking out of the bathroom uncomfortable holding my empty eye cup, stupid dad making me tuck before the long car ride to my new prison. I walk into my room and grab a light blue bra and underwear set and my boobs from my suit case next to my mattress.  I put my boobs on before putting the bra on. I throw my sleep shirt into my hamper bag before sliding my pants and underwear down throwing them in the bag too before sliding on the blue pair over a spandex pair. The only plus slide to tucking is that the underwear is actually slightly comfortable. I slide on a pair of black leggings before throwing a light blue skirt on with a black long sleeve button up blouse after I struggle into the dreaded waist trainer, I tuck my shirt in to my skirt before sitting on my now bare mattress. I slide my socks on before putting a pair of black one inch healed ankle boots on. I sigh throwing my hair in a ponytail before buckling my mask on. I throw my eye cup in my medical shit bag before walking threw my room and bathroom one more time to make sure I have everything. I walk back to my room zipping up my suit case carefully because my laptop was in there before grabbing my small black purse off my bed putting it over my shoulder making sure my phone earbuds and charger where in there when dad opened my door.
"Lets get the rest of your stuff to the car Sally"he says and I nod grabbing the handle of my suit case and my medical bag walking out of my room to the living room full of boxes and furniture. I walk outside breathing in the fresh air before putting my stuff in the back seat of the car before throwing my purse in the passenger seat as dad comes out with my dirty laundry bag throwing it into the back too.
"I'm going to get your mattress out of your room you can wait in the car or the living room the movers should be here soon. I nod climbing into the car closing the door as he goes back inside. I lean my head back sighing staring at the sky that I only see threw cracked blinds or curtains. I hear a truck pull up and look in the side mirror and see a group of guys heading to the house knocking before my dad answers. I sit there and watch as they move everything into the truck. Over the last two weeks dad has gotten rid of some of the furniture nothing important but the hallway table was gone and the side tables in the living room. I still have no clue where we are going or how dad found a house in two weeks when I asked he said we would be moving into a temporary place first till he found a nice house. I shrug probably a really small two bedroom rental house or something. I watch dad shake hands with the guys before they get in the truck and drive off. Dad went back into the house and came out five minutes later locking the door. I grab my phone and put my ear buds in are start my music up hopefully this car ride will go fast. I watch dad get in the car before I close my eye losing myself in my music. I feel the car start then we're moving. I open my eyes after a bit looking out the window watching the world I never see pass. I watch the trees pass feeling a little bit free. After an hour rain stats lightly falling. I always loved listening to the rain it was very calming I hate the lighting and thunder part tho. I watch as we leave New Jersey and start driving further north. We drive threw the rain and threw states till we drive over the bridge welcoming us to Maine. Six hours in a car is really killing me we left around nine thirty now it was three forty. We drive for about another hour till we drive into a town called Nockfell when dad grabs my leg tightly. I shakily remove my earbuds and look at him trying to hide myself.
"Due to my boss not giving me a further heads up I had to settle for an apartment now once we get there you will go up and wait i'll bring everything from the car up and everything from the truck too understand Sally don't let anyone see you"He says stoping at a stop sign glaring at me and I nod quickly. He hums letting go of my leg and continues driving till we reach a five floor brick building with a sign that read Addison Apartments by the road. Dad pulls into a parking space. He opens his door and I follow, I walk up to him shaking slightly. He hands me my medication bag and suitcase.
"Apartment four o two Sally the owner said the door will be unlocked"I nod and slowly walk inside the old building thats decent inside. I walk slowly to the old elevator and press the up button waiting. When the door opens a tall long brown hair teen is standing there. He jumps slightly seeing me. I quickly enter the elevator and go to press the four button but its already lit. The door closes and I stand there with my head down shaking slightly under the teens gaze. When the door opens I exit quickly looking down the hall finding four o two on the first door to my right. I walk quickly trying the door but its locked.
"Hey my mom sent me up to unlock it for the new tenets here"He says and I move to the side letting him unlock it. I nod in thanks before quickly darting inside. Dad is going to be mad he's going to be pissed. I quickly look at the bedrooms choosing the first bedroom i set my stuff down curling up in the corner with my arms wrapped around my head. I hear the front door open then the bedroom door open feel my dad glaring at me. I look at him before he walks over grabbing my hair and throwing me in the closet in the room.
"I'll deal with your disobedience after everything is in the apartment"He says and I hear the bedroom door slam shut. I curl up small whimpering. Welcome to your new prison Sally.

1108 words
New Long Story
Constructive Criticism Allowed
Aiming For 800 Words Minimum Per Chapter
I Don't Have A Upload Schedule I Update When I Have Inspiration

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