Chapter 2- Dating

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Buffy's POV
Me and TJ agreed to go to The Spoon and plan this whole thing out. He would give me advice on Marty and I'd do the same with Cyrus. We were ok until Marty, Andi, and Cyrus entered. TJ put his arm around my shoulders. "What are you doing?" I whispered. "Just follow my lead." He whispered back. "Hey guys!" Marty said. "Hey" we both said. They looked at us weirdly and I suddenly blurted out, "We're dating!" They were all surprised and gaped at us.

Andi finally broke the silence and asked, "How did this happen?" "Uh, well- we went to the bowling alley" He said "Yeah and we had a great time, so he asked me out! And I said yes!" I said. TJ nodded in agreement. "That's great! I'm so happy for you guys! Although it's really odd that you're dating. I mean you were enemies about a year ago!" "Yeah, well things change." TJ said. "Yeah and now we're a couple!" I said.

Just then, Amber came to ask us for our order. "Hey TJ. Mom just told me that she and dad are going to be at work for a few more hours." I nodded "ok" They all looked at them with surprised faces. "You're siblings?"

"Yeah. Didn't TJ tell you guys?" Amber asked. "No!" They replied. "Well, we are." "Has TJ told you that Buffy and him are dating?" "No. No he hasn't." Amber said slowly turning to face me. She knew that I had once had a crush on Marty, so it made her suspicious.  "Umm, yeah. I'm gonna be late for work, so I'm just going to leave. See ya later, sis." I told her.

Later at their house
"Are you actually dating her?" She asked as she flung my door open. "Don't you ever knock?" I asked. "Don't try to change the subject on me. It's not going to work, now answer my question!" I sighed, "No" "Then why did they say that you were dating?" "Well, we're only fake dating." "Why?" She asked. "To get her crush and my crush to like us back." I simply told her. "Wait, do you still have a crush on Marty?" I shook my head, "No, I had that crush in Elementary school, remember? That's Buffy's crush." "So who's your crush?" She asked. "Not telling you." I said. "Why not?" "Because you'll keep bugging me about it, just like when you bugged me about Marty!" She rolled her eyes, "But that was a long time ago! Please??" .

I sighed, then said, "Fine. Cyrus. You happy?" She smiled, "I knew it! It's so obvious, TJ!" "Is it really that obvious?" "Painfully obvious!" She said. "Do you think Cyrus knows?" "No I don't think so. He's too oblivious to figure out you have feelings for him, just like you're oblivious that he has feelings for you!" "Ugh, not you too!" I said falling onto my bed. "What do you mean?" Amber asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Buffy said the same thing!" "Why can't you just believe that it could happen?" I didn't respond.

Ambers POV
"Ok, fine, I'll let it go!" I said. After a couple of seconds of silence, I began saying, "I have to tell you something." He turned to face me, still laying on the bed. "What is it?" "I'm a lesbian." He sat up and said "Woah!" "And I like Andi." "Woah!" He repeated. "Well I kind of already knew. Well, I didn't know for sure, but I kind of suspected something was going on when you kept on trying to make plans with her and besides you're always talking to her and you always look at her like she's the only person in the room!" "Just like you." I said. "What?" He asked. "You look at Cyrus just like that! I mean, your eyes light up when he's with you! I can see it in his eyes too, ya know?" He laughed, "That is crazy! He wouldn't ever look at me as more than just a friend and I have to accept that." He said. She sighed and shook her head, "How can you be so stubborn?" He rolled his eyes. Just then, our parents told us to go eat dinner. "Now I have to tell mom and dad!" I said. "That makes two of us!" he said. "We'll tell them together."

Cyrus's POV
I was sitting on my bed, thinking about the words that came out of Buffy's mouth, 'We're dating.' I couldn't help but be upset about it. I should be happy for them, but......I'm not, just like when I had a crush on Jonah. But different. This crush on TJ, was different. Way different! I never get nervous around him like I did with Jonah. I feel comfortable with TJ. He always helps me find confidence in myself. He believes in me and thinks I can do anything that I want and he helps me achieve that. Like getting that chocolate chocolate chip muffin, or swinging high, or even doing a summersault! Jonah never believed in me and as much as I hate to admit it, I don't think Andi and Buffy believe in me either. They think I can't do anything without messing up. And, I feel so selfish for not being happy for them. They're my best friends. One of, who just happens to be my crush! I should be happy for them.

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