Chapter 7- Just a kiss

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I ran all the way to the swings. I knew he'd be there. It's his special place. "I'm so sorry, Cyrus." I began, "I just didn't want you to worry." "You still haven't told me what you were keeping from me." He reminded me. I frowned as I sat down on the swing. I closed his eyes as I was telling Cyrus what had happened. "Me and Amber came out to our parents. My dad took it very well. He was really happy for us. My mom...not so much. She kicked us out of the house and now we're living at Andi's house."

I still had my eyes closed and suddenly, I felt his arms around me. That's when I let it all out. I cried and I cried, soaking his shirt with tears. "I'm so sorry,  TJ. It won't be like this forever." "I'm so sorry." I said through my sobs. "Why are you sorry?" "I'm sorry for crying and being so weak." He pulled away to look at me and said, "You are not weak. Crying doesn't mean that you're weak. It means that you've been strong for too long. If you don't even cry, then you might as well be a robot!" I smiled at him and said, "I'm sorry for not telling you either." "It's ok, but you have to tell me this stuff! Ok? You can't hide it from me, I'm your boyfriend! I deserve to know this kind of stuff." I nodded, standing up and wiping my tears. "Ok, I promise." I hugged him tightly as it started to rain.

Cyrus's POV
"I don't ever want to lose you." He whispered and he hugged me tighter. "I don't ever want to lose you either." I whispered back. We stayed like that for a few seconds more and then released. He intertwined his hand in mine and looked me in the eyes. I couldn't help but look at his lips. He noticed this and smiled his unforgettable and dreamy smile and slowly leaned in, closing his eyes. I copied him, feeling his hot breath against my mouth.  As my lips reached his, I instantly melted into the kiss. His lips were soft and warm against mine and the kiss was slow. He touched my cheek, which was warm. It felt like it went on forever and I didn't want it to end. He suddenly cupped my face and I blushed slightly at his touch. This wasn't like the kiss I had with Iris. This was.... different. Because I was kissing somebody that I truly wanted to be with. We broke apart from the kiss and he put his forehead against mine. We both smiled as the rain was pouring down on us.

I leaned in for a second kiss and this kiss was just as soft as the last one. He put his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck. We eventually pulled away, smiling at each other and TJ suggested that we should go home.

"Come on. It's raining. I'll walk you to your house. Take my hoodie." I offered. "What? No. It's yours." He declined. I rolled my eyes and said, "Just take it. You're going to get sick!" "Well so are you!" He argued. "You are so stubborn. Just take it." He rolled his eyes and said, "Fine!" He put the hoodie on and I smiled. It was big on him. He noticed my smile and he asked, "What? Why are you smiling like that?" "It's nothing, it's look really cute with my hoodie on." He blushed wildly.

"Come on." I said, getting down on one knee. "I'll give you a piggyback." He laughed and said, "I'll pass. I don't want to kill you with my weight." "What weight? You weigh like a feather! Come on." He finally gave in and climbed on my back. He wasn't that heavy.

We finally got to his house and we were soaking wet. "Here we are. Now I have to get back to Andi's." I said. "What? But, it's pouring rain! You can't just walk there. It's like a twenty minute walk!" "Yeah, that's why I'll run." I said to him. "Umm, no. You're going to get even more sick! Just stay here and tell Amber and Andi that you're staying." I rolled my eyes and said, "Ok, fine, you win!" He smiled and pulled me into his house. "Mom! I'm home. And is it ok if TJ stays here?" He asked his mother. "Yes, he can. He's always welcome here."

Cyrus's POV
"Come on, let's go to my room." I told TJ. He followed me up to my room and I gave him some of my clothes that I thought would fit him. He went into the bathroom to change and I changed in my room.

After changing, he went into my room and sat down on a chair that I had. I sat down on my bed. He got my hand and started playing with it, tracing the lines. I could tell something was on his mind. "Is there something wrong?" I said quietly. He shook his head. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" I asked. He still said nothing. He only nodded. I didn't bother him anymore and we stayed silent for a couple of minutes until he spoke up. "Do you think my mom will ever accept me and Amber?" He quietly asked. "I honestly don't know, Teej. But what I do know is that I'm here for you. You're not alone and you know that." He smiled and said, "Yeah, I do know that."

I interviewed our fingers together and he kissed the tip of his nose. He smiled and rubbed his nose against mine. I did the same thing, closing my eyes and then leaning in to kiss him on the lips. Just then, my mom comes into the room and gasps. We quickly separate. ", I can explain." I said. "There's no need to explain anything. I think I know what's going on here." She said.

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