Chapter 9- Feelings

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Jonah's POV
I walked to Red Rooster for my guitar lesson with Bowie. "Hey Jonah." Bowie said. "Hey. Um..I wanted to talk to you about something before the lesson." "Ok, what is it? I'm all ears." I started getting nervous and decided not to tell him. "You know what it's not that important." "Ok, but if you need to talk about anything, I'm here." I nodded and decided to tell him, "I think I like someone." "Wait, isn't it Libby?" "Well, yeah I like her, but I don't really think I like her like that anymore."

"Oh. So who do you like?" Asked Bowie. I hesitated and then said, "Well, they are a really special person. I've been hanging out with them for a while now and I think I've caught some feelings for h- them." Bowie nodded. "Well if you like this certain person, you should tell them. And if they don't feel the same, then you at least know that you can move on." Said Bowie. I let out a small smile and said, "Thank you."

Amber's POV
"Yeah. I just still can't believe that Andi is my girlfriend!" "Yes. I know Ambs, you've mentioned it at least a million times now!" My brother said. "Oh like you didn't annoy me for a whole month when you talked about Cyrus!" He rolled his eyes and ignored the comment.

"How's staying with the Macks?" "Good. Her parents are really cool. They even invite me to play Monopoly with them every Friday!" I told him. "How's staying with the Goodmans?" I asked back. He smiled. "Great. They are really nice. Cyrus seems to have a really good relationship with them." His smile faltered. "Something we never had with mom." He added the last part, sadly.

"Speaking of parents, has dad talked to you?" I asked him. "Yeah, he's called me a few times. Apologized for her behavior. Although what we really need is for her to apologise." I nodded. "He's said the same things to me." I replied quietly. "Do you think she'll ever change?" "I don't really think so. She's not minded. She's never been. Although it'd be a real miracle if she did."

She nodded. "Yeah, but we should really go home." She said, getting up from the grass. "It's getting dark. And as much as I really want to stay here and gaze at the stars some more, we should go." She helped me get up and I replied, "Yeah. Text me when you get home?" She nodded.

I began walking to the Goodman's house and texted Cyrus that I'd be there in about 10 minutes. As I walked, I passed The Spoon and saw someone oddly familiar.

It was my mom.

Jonah's POV
After I was finished with my lesson, I went to the art show that Walker told me about. His art piece was there. I decided not to tell him about my feelings just yet.

"Hey! Glad you made it!" Walker said as he saw me. "Of course. Where are all the others?" "Oh they couldn't make it." Walker told me. "Oh. I'm sorry." I replied. "It's ok. I mean, at least you're here!" He said happily. "How could I not?" I said.

After a few hours of being there, we looked at all the art pieces. I got a text from Andi.

Andi: Hey, want to hang out at The Spoon with me and Amber?

Me: Sorry, but I'm hanging out with Walker at his art gallery.

Andi: He never mentioned an art gallery to me. I wanted to go!

He never told them? I thought.

Me: He never told you?
Or the others?

Andi: No, not that I know of. Why?

I decided to ask him about it. "How come you didn't ask Andi or the others to go to your art show?" I asked him. "I did." He lied. "Andi just told me you didn't. And you told me that they couldn't make it. " "Oh.....well about that!" He nervously chuckled.

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