Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV
As they cuddled on Cyrus's couch, TJ planted a kiss on his forehead. Cyrus smiled and put his head on TJ's shoulder. "Thank you." TJ whispered

"For what?" Cyrus asked.

"For being there for me when I needed you the most." TJ said.

Cyrus looked at him and said, "Well, of course I'm gonna be there for you. You know why?"

"Why?" TJ asked.

"Because I love you. And I'll never stop." Cyrus whispered.

TJ felt a small smile spread across his face and said, "I love you too. And I won't stop either."

TJ brought his face down to kiss Cyrus's lips. Everything was better when Cyrus was at his side. He didn't ever want to stop kissing him, but he had to at some point. They seperated their lips and TJ smiled at him.

TJ's phone buzzed with a call. He opened it and saw that it was his father. He went into the hallway, so he could get some privacy. "Hey, dad. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just wanted to check up on you. Would you like to meet me at the house today?"

"Yeah of course. As long as mom isn't there."

"She isn't."

"Ok, then I'll be there."

"Great see you soon."

He went back into Cyrus's room and smiled. "My dad just called and he wanted to meet me at his house. Would it be ok if I went right now?"

Cyrus nodded and said, "Of course! Have a good time with your dad."

"Thanks you're the best." TJ said as he pecked his boyfriend's lips.

As he arrived at his father's house, he knocked on the door. His dad opened it and TJ smiled. "Hey, Teej. Come on in, son." His father told him.

He did as he was told and stepped into the house. "How've you been?" TJ asked his dad.

"Great. Well a little sad that you aren't living here with me, but great. You?"

"Well, I'm happy living with Cyrus. His mom is really nice, but I miss living with you, Amber, and mom. Well, my old mom."

His father sighed, "I know, I know. Me too. How is Amber anyways? I called her but she said she had work. She wanted to ditch, but I told her to stay."

"She's good. She's living with her girlfriend and her parents. I go and see her every other day."

"That's good to hear." Another voice said.

TJ turned around and saw that it was his mother. He turned around to see his dad, "What is she doing here?" He whispered.

"She wants to make things right." His dad said as he walked out the door.

TJ turned to his mom and she looked like she was about to cry. "I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for not accepting you and Amber. I really messed up and I'm so so sorry for that."

"You turned your back on us when we needed you the most. Do you know how we felt when you kicked us out of here?" He said as his voice cracked.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered as she closed her eyes, the tears flowing from her eyes. "I know you must hate me."

"I don't hate you, mom." TJ whispered. "I just. I'm just hurt that you weren't there for us."

"I am so sorry, TJ. I really am."

"I know you are mom." TJ said.

"I'm really trying."

TJ nodded and repeated, "I know you are. Thank you for that."

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