Chapter 3- Coming out

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Marty's POV
I went out for a run, so I could clear up my head. I was still upset at seeing Buffy and TJ together, but what was I going to do? I can't break them up. She'd hate me forever and I want the opposite or that.

I decided to go to Sandra's house and tell her about how I was feeling. She was a really great friend. I've known her since Kindergarten. For almost 10 years now! She's like a sister to me and I don't know what I'd do without her. I knocked on the door and her mom opened up. "Oh hi Marty. Come in" "Hi, Mrs. Lancaster, thank you." I went up to her room and sat down on her bed. "Don't you ever knock?" she said rolling her eyes, clearly annoyed. "I need to talk to you." Her expression softened, "Ok, what is it? About Buffy?" I nodded and layed down in the bed. "Yeah. I don't know what to do. I really like her, but she's dating stupid TJ! I feel so selfish for not being happy for her."

"Hey." Sandra said putting her hand on mine, "Don't be so sad about it! Eventually, you'll be over her and it'll all be better." "I know." I paused for a minute. "But how will I stop liking her if I hang out with her almost every day?" "I don't know, stop hanging out with her? And then after some time, maybe you won't like her and then it'll be all normal!" "I tried that, remember? I didn't hang out with her for almost a year because I was upset that she rejected me, and then we started being friends just a few weeks ago and now my feelings have returned!" "Oh, right. Well, I'm out of ideas, sorry."

I sighed and said, "It's all right. I'm the one who need to be sorry. For bothering you with my problems." "No you don't. That's what friends are for! To help each other out with their problems and to be there for them! So far I'm not really being a good friend." She frowned. I sat up. "Hey, you are a really good friend! Just because you can't help me out with this, doesn't mean you're not a good friend!" I said. "You want to go to The Spoon?" She nodded, "Sure."

Buffy's POV
I walked towards The Spoon after basketball practice ended. I was on my way there when I saw Marty laughing  with a girl. It was the same girl that I saw him with last time. Then I see them hug. I quickly turned around and walked all the way back to my house.

Maybe this was a stupid plan. Maybe it wasn't worth it and we're not meant to be. Maybe I shouldn't even try to be with him and just let him be happy with her.

We knew we had to come out to them sooner or later, so we picked sooner. Just to get it over with. "Are we really going to do this,  or is this just a dream?" I asked. "Nope, we're really going to do this. But if you don't want to, you don't have to." My sister said. "No I want to. Do you think mom will react well?" I asked. "I don't think so. I mean she's always been really close minded and strict about everything. I'm pretty sure she won't." I nodded. She wasn't wrong, she was close minded. For example, she thought tattoos were a pathway to hell. She didn't like pitbulls or cats because she said they were evil. She didn't even let me wear pink because that was a girl color. She also never let me wear anything with rainbows on it either because it "made me look gay."

We went to the kitchen where our parents were. "Hey, guys." We said. "Umm, we need to tell you something." "Ok, what is it?" Our dad asked. I looked at my sister, she nodded, and took my hand. "So, you know how you've always been bugging us on when I'm going to get a girlfriend and when Amber's going to get a boyfriend?" I said looking down at the counter we were leaning on. "Yeah." "Well, umm....we're not really sure we want that." Amber said. "Ok, well not everyone is ready for relationships at your age. It's normal." Our mom said. "Umm, that's not what we mean." I said. "Well, what do you mean?" Dad asked. "Well, umm..when I think about being in a relationship, I imagine myself being with a guy." I said, looking up at them. "And I imagine myself being with a girl." Amber quietly said. There was a nerve racking silence until our dad smiled and said, "So, is there anyone in particular, who you'd want to be with?" We let out a breath of relief and we hugged him.

Our mom hadn't said anything. "Mom?" I asked. "You're making a huge mistake." She whispered. "You can pack your bags, you're leaving." She said quietly. "You're not going to do that!" Our dad said. "Oh yes I am!" My mom raised her voice. "Fine! If you can't accept us, then we'll leave!" I said, mostly angry at her for not accepting us. Amber was sobbing onto my hoodie now.  "Come on. Let's go Amber." I said softly. We left out dad arguing with mom.

We packed our things and went outside. "Where are we going to go, Teej?" Amber asked. "I don't know, Ambs." I said, allowing myself to cry now. She hugged me tightly and we stayed there like that for a few more seconds. "Maybe we could go to Andi's?" She nodded and we headed there.

Andi's POV
The doorbell rang, so I ran to the door. It was an angry looking TJ and a sobbing Amber. "What happened?" I asked, letting them in. "Long story short, we came out to our parents and my mom kicked us out." I was shocked at the news. "What? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You can stay here as long as you like!" "I hope we're not invading." "No you're not! Just make yourselves at home."

I went to my parents and told them what was happening. They decided to let them stay. We had an extra room, so we let them stay there.

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