Chapter 5- Almost

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Marty's POV
"Hey. Your friend seems nice." I heard a voice say. It was Buffy. "Which friend?" I asked. "Sandra." She simply said. "Yeah, she's been my best friend for about 10 years now." "Hmm. Well, she kinda told me some stuff about you." I turned to face her and asked her slowly, "What kind of stuff?" "Well, about how you've been talking about me non stop and about your huge crush on me." She casually said. I didn't know what to say.

"Look, Marty, I like you too. And I know I said that me and TJ were dating, but it's not true. We were just 'dating' to make you and Cyrus jealous and I'm really sorry for that." She said. It took me a while to fully comprehend what I had just learned. "Wait, so you lied to me about that?" I asked. "Yes, and I'm really sorry. I just didn't think you liked me anymore and.....I don't know, it was all TJ's idea."    I smiled and said, "it's ok, I forgive you." She smiled at me.

"Wait, so why was it TJ's idea and why would you want to make Cyrus jealous?" "You really don't know?" She asked me as if the answer was the most obvious one ever. "Well, I have a hunch that TJ likes him." She laughed, "No. He is way past liking him! He's practically in love with him!" I laughed

"So, you like me?" She nodded. "And you like me." I nodded. "So, I guess there's only one way to settle this." I said with a big smile. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She smiled widely and  said, "Yes, I will."

Amber and I walked to school alone, because Andi had to talk to a teacher before school. I had told Cyrus that me and Amber would be late, so he could go ahead and go without me. He insisted to wait on me and I told him again, so he finally listened to me.

I didn't want him to know about our situation. He was going to be worried about it and I do not want him to.

When I saw Buffy, I walked up to her. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, trying to push away the thoughts that were swirling around my head. "Why are you all smily?" I asked. "Well, I just talked to Marty and now he's my boyfriend." "Really? Congrats!"

"Thanks. Oh and Cyrus has a surprise for you later." "What kind of surprise?" I said, slowly. "Don't ask questions." I rolled my eyes and then went to my first period class.

After school
I walked out of my last class when I got a text.

Underdog: Meet me at the swings in 10 : )

I smiled at the text and replied to him.

Me: Is it the surprise that Buffy told me about?
Underdog: 🤷I guess you'll just have to wait and see😁.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. I wonder what all this is about.

Amber's POV
I was still upset with my mom, but I was slowly, but very slowly detaching from the feeling. Since Andi's here with me, I've been feeling a lot happier. I don't know what I'd do without her. "Let me make you a friendship bracelet." She said with a smile on her face. "We can make it together!" "Ok, let's make one." I said. I didn't really want a friendship bracelet. I wanted something more.....

We went to Andi Shack and spent about an hour on it. When it was finished, it was perfect! I smiled and hugged her, "Thank you so much, Andi."

3rd Person POV
They pulled away from the hug and looked into each other's eyes. They both slowly leaned in while keeping eye contact. Andi closed her eyes and so did Amber. They were less than an inch apart when Bex went into Andi Shack. "Hey An-" She gaped when she saw that the two were about to kiss. They quickly pulled away when they heard her, but were too late. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." She said. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

Both of the girls were wide eyed. "I have got to go." Amber said, standing up. "I just remembered....I have to go to The uh meet my brother! Yeah, that's what I've got to do." She laughed nervously. Andi was still speechless.

When Amber left, Bex turned to her daughter and said, "What was that? You almost kissed her! Do you like her? I have so many questions." She said excitedly. "Me too." Andi said, still shocked at what had just happened. Well, at what almost happened.

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