Chapter 8-

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It was really hard to know if she was surprised, or happy, or even mad! I couldn't tell! "Are you two a couple?" She asked. Cyrus and I looked at each other and then back at his mom. We both nodded. Then a smile spread across her face.

"Come here," she said holding her arms out for a hug. Cyrus went in for the hug. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. "Come here, you too." She said holding her free hand out. I smiled and hugged them.

"You know that I will always support you two no matter what." She said. Just then, Cyrus's step dad came into the room. "Hey, why are we hugging? And most importantly, why am I not in the hug?" Cyrus's mom looked at us as if asking if it was ok if he knew. We nodded and Cyrus told his step dad, "Well, um. Me and TJ have something to tell you." Cyrus's mom let us go and Cyrus grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers in mine and said, "We're a couple." His dad stayed silent for a while and then he smiled. " I am so happy for you guys!" He told us. "Come on!" He said spreading his arms out for a hug. We all embraced  each other and then broke away.

"Do your parents know? About you two being together?" That's when my face fell into a frown. I shook my head. "No. They know that I'm gay, but not that we're together. I haven't had the chance to tell them." I hesitated before saying the last part. "My sister and I came out to them last week and my mom kicked us out, so we've been living at Andi's house since then." "What? That is awful! How could anyone do this to their own children?" She said, " You're welcome to stay here if you'd like, TJ."

Cyrus's POV
"No. I don't want to cause any trouble." TJ declined. "You are not causing any trouble. We'd be glad to have you here!" TJ let a small smile spread across his face. "Thank you, Mr and Mrs. Goodman." "You don't have to thank us." They said. And with that, they left the room.

I hugged TJ. He hugged back. "Thank you, Muffin." He told me. "For what?" I asked. "For everything." He whispered.

Amber's POV
Bex and Bowie entered Andi Shack. "Hey guys. Any of you have any idea of where TJ is?" Bowie asked us. "He's at Cyrus's house." Andi said. "Will he be staying there?" Bex asked us. I nodded. "He told me he'll be staying there from now on." They nodded. "Well, If you guys need anything, we'll  be inside." Bowie said, leaving Andi Shack with Bex.

Buffy's  POV
"Hey, Slayer, thanks for inviting me to dinner." "Ah! So this is the famous Marty From The Party." My mom said. He smiled and held his hand out to shake her hand. "The one and only!" He said. I rolled my eyes, smiling at the comment. "My daughter has told me everything about you! She says-" "Ok, who's ready for dinner?" I cut her off. "No, go on. I want to know what she says about me." Marty replied, with a smirk on his face.

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