Chapter 10

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She slowly walked up to me. "What are you doing here?" I asked her in a rough voice. "No, 'hey mom, how's it going? I missed you.'?" "What are you doing here?" I repeated with an even rougher voice. She rolled her eyes and said, "I came here to tell you that you and your sister are coming home." "Why would we go home with you? You don't even want us there!" She laughed and said, "oh believe me, I don't! It's your dad who wants you two back!"

I chuckled, "Should've known that you wouldn't want us back!" "Watch your tone! I'm still your mother!" "Really? Because it sure doesn't feel like it! You didn't accept us when we came out to you and you want us to respect you when you don't even respect us?" I yelled. "Watch your tone! Look, I don't care if you don't want to, ok. It's not my problem!" "Well it should be! We're your children! A good parent should love their children and not judge them for what they like!" "Oh, so now you're saying that I'm a bad parent?" "That's exactly what I'm saying!" I paused. "You know? I thought you were going to change, but I guess not everyone does." I was at the verge of tears, so I turned to run towards the swings. That's where I let it all out.

Marty's POV
After dinner, Buffy's mom asked me if I wanted to play Dance Dance Revolution with them. She said that every day after dinner they played some sort of game. I agreed. "Ok, but let me warn you that I am very competitive." "Oh, we are too." "Yes but let me warn both of you, that I am going to win!" Buffy said. "Oh bring it on, Driscoll!" I said.

After a few rounds of the game, she won almost all of them. "I told you I was going to win!" She said in a sing-song voice. "No fair! I want a rematch!" Just then my phone buzzed and it was my mom telling me to go home. I sighed, "It's my mom. I have to go home. I hope we can do this again. I had fun." "I hope we can do this again too." Buffy's mom replied. "Goodnight, Mrs. Driscoll and Buffy." "Bye, Marty." They said.

Walker's POV
"I told you that they weren't going to be here because I wanted it to be only us two." I told him. "Oh. Like a date?" "Yes. Like a date. It's ok if you don't want it to be though. It's totally fine. I am so sorry that I lied to you, it's just...I really like you and I-" Jonah cut me off by saying, "I like you too." I let out a sigh and then a nervous laugh. "You do?" I asked. He nodded and replied, "Yes. I really do." I smiled. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him. He smiled and said, "Yes, I will be your boyfriend." Then we hugged.

Cyrus's POV
He told me that he was going to be back in ten minutes. It's been about thirty and he isn't answering any of my calls or texts. I decided to go find him. I ran all the way to the swings first and sure enough, he was there. He seemed to be crying. "TJ? What's wrong? What happened?" I asked him as I ran towards him. "My- my mom happened." He said between sobs.

I hugged him. "You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to." He hugged me back, tightly as he sobbed into my shirt. "Thank you." He whispered in my ear.

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