Chapter 13

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Marty's POV
We sat on the hospital waiting room. "It's going to be ok, Marty." Buffy told me as I squeezed her hand. "Don't worry. She'll be fine and before you know it, she'll be at home, being the sweet woman she's always been." Sandra said. My eyes were watering, so I excused myself to the bathroom. "I'm sorry. I have to go." My voice breaking and my eyes stinging  with the tears, threatening to flow out of my eyes. I didn't want them to see me cry. 

I splashed some water on my face and cried for a good 5 minutes. When I was sure that I wasn't going to cry anymore, I went back to the waiting room and a doctor was talking to Sandra and Buffy. "Are you her son?" The doctor asked me as I approached them. I nodded. "Only family members are allowed. Follow me."

Cyrus's mom drove me to Andi's house to see my sister, Amber. When I arrived there I knocked on the door. I waited until Andi's mom opened the door. "TJ! Come in! What's up? How've you been?" She asked. "Great. I've been doing fine." I told her.

"So how's it been with Cyrus?" She asked. I chuckled, "They told you?" "Yes. They did. And honestly, I ship it!" Bex said excitedly. I blushed. She noticed my green bracelet and read the word aloud. "Tyrus? Cyrus and TJ." I smiled and said, "Yeah. He made it with Andi's help. He has a matching one." "Aww! That is so cute!" She said.

At that moment, Amber showed up. "Hey baby bro!" "Hey, Ambs." We hugged and Bex said, "Who wants Pizza?"

We ate some pizza and watched a movie. It was Aliens in The Attic. It was really fun. I slept in the guest room with Amber. "So how's it been with Cyrus so far?" She asked me. I smiled at the thought of him and said, "Awesome. We said I love you just a few hours ago." She raised her eyebrows. "What? Oh my gosh! I am so happy for you, Teej!" She exclaimed. I chuckled at her excrement.  "How are you and Andi?" I asked back. She smiled and bit her lip. "Good. More than good, really. She's the best. I just can't believe she's actually my girlfriend! It's just so crazy!" "Tell me about it! I still can't get over the fact that Cyrus Goodman is my boyfriend and that he loves me!" "We should go to sleep now. It's pretty late." Amber said. I agreed and we fell asleep.

In the morning, we had some left over pizza from the day before. Bowie offered to drive me to Cyrus's house after breakfast. I politely declined and said that I didn't want to bother him and that I was going to walk. It was only about a 20 minute walk to his house, but Bowie insisted on driving me, so I finally said yes.

"So, how's things with Cyrus?" He said on the way there. "Wow, everybody's wanting to know my love life with Cyrus, huh?" "Sorry." He said. "Its fine" I said. "It's really great to be honest. It's still just so unbelievable that he's my boyfriend!" "That's great to hear. What do you like about him?" He asked me. I smiled fondly and began saying, "I like everything about him. Well, more like love. He's so dorky sometimes, which makes me smile like an idiot. Well, really everything he says or does makes me smile like an idiot and makes my heart beat a hundred times faster than normal, makes my palms sweat, and makes my stomach fill up with a billion flying butterflies. Even when I'm thinking about him, it makes me feel like that." "Sounds like TJ Kippen is in love with Cyrus Goodman." Bowie said with a smile. "Yeah, I am." I simply said. "He told me that he loved me yesterday  and I said it back." I smiled as I recalled the memorable moments from yesterday. "I'm glad that you found someone you love." Andi's father told me. "I am too." I said quietly.

Marty's POV
I followed the doctor to my mom's room. The doctor told me that she was in a car accident. "The police came very quickly. The suspect was drunk, so they didn't get too far." "Is my mom going to be ok?" I asked. "We're doing everything we can to save her." He said.

I stepped into the hospital room and he left to give us some privacy. She was unconscious. "Mom, I know you can't hear me, but I want you to know that you are the best mom ever and that I love you so much. The doctors are doing everything they can to save you, ok?" I said as I wiped away the tears that were falling from my eyes. I grabbed her hand and continued talking, "Just hang in there. Do that for me, please? You're going to be ok, mom. You are. You're going to to be fine soon and I'll tell you about Buffy. About how she's the best girlfriend ever even though I just started dating her. I'll tell you about how her mom is the nicest lady I've ever met aside from you. Just please don't leave me. Please."

Her hand suddenly moved. "Mom?" I smiled lightly. "Mom?" She tried to speak, but it barely came out as a whisper. I put my ear near her mouth to had her better. "I love you too. Never forget that." She said in a very slow and low whisper. Then the monitor's normal beeping stopped and went to a flat line. "Mom?" I said in a worried tone. "Mom? No! Mom!" I screamed. The nurse came in a hurry and told me that I couldn't be there anymore. "No! Please! Mom? No! Please!" I sobbed. Buffy and Sandra arrived to the room and dragged me away. "No. No. No!" I kept saying. "You'll be fine. Ok?" Sandra tried to comfort me. "Yeah. You'll be fine, Marty. You will." I kept sobbing. "No I wont! I just lost the only parent that I had!" My dad took off as soon as he knew that I was born, so I never got to meet him and I most certainly would never like to meet him any time soon. "You'll be ok. You will." They kept repeating as they pulled me into a tight hug. I let my tears soak their shirts. They didn't seem to mind.

I just cried writing this! Also I am so sorry that I haven't been posting. I've had major writer's block, but I just got a burst of creativity! Let me know what you thought of the chapter, your feelings, and also comment what you want to see more of.

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