Chapter 4- Oblivious

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3rd Person POV
Buffy went to school the next day, looking for Cyrus around the halls. For some reason, he was upset and she was going to confront him about it. She finally spotted him coming out of the boy's bathroom. "Cyrus!" She yelled. He went back into the boys bathroom, hoping she wouldn't come in.

She did.

She looked at the other boys that were washing their hands and yelled "Out!" "You shouldn't be in here!" Cyrus said. "I don't care. Why have you been so upset?" "I- I'm not." Buffy rolled her eyes. "Yes you are. Is it because me and TJ are 'dating'?" Putting air quotes around the word dating. Cyrus raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean 'dating'?"

"We're not. Look I'm sorry for all of this. We were just doing it to make you and Marty jealous." "Wait I get why you'd want to make Marty jealous, but why me?" Buffy rolled her eyes and said, "Gosh, you're so oblivious! The guy likes you, Cyrus! He really likes you!" "TJ likes me?" "Yes! But you're too oblivious to know that, just like TJ is oblivious to your feelings for him!" She paused letting it all sink into Cyrus's brain. "Wait.....he likes me?" She nodded. "Yes, he really does and I'm sorry for hurting you. I didn't think it'd get out of control. I'm so sorry." "It's ok, Buffy. I forgive you."

They shared a hug. "Umm, let's get out of here." Buffy said. "Good idea." "So, are you going to ask him out?" Buffy asked as they walked out of the boy's bathroom. "I don't know." "What do you mean you don't know? You already know he likes you!" "Yeah, but I've never asked out anybody before." "Just say, 'will you be my boyfriend?'" "That's too simple." He frowned. "Ok. Then, maybe you can buy some chocolates, a bouquet of flowers, and sing him a song." "I don't know how to sing! I sound like a dying cat choking!" "It doesn't have to be that big of an ask, Cyrus. It's the thought that counts." Cyrus thought for a bit and sighed. "You're right, but I don't want it to be plain and simple. That's too boring! I want it to be..... special!" "Well, you'll figure it out soon. I know you will." Cyrus smiled. "Thanks, Buffy."

At the end of the day
Buffy's POV
I was going to the gym, but stopped walking. "Hey, you're Buffy right? Marty's friend?" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw it was Marty's girlfriend. "And your Marty's girlfriend?" I asked. She looked confused "You think he's my boyfriend? Noo. He's only a friend. He's like a brother to me!" She laughed "Oh" my face got red from embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I thought you were dating." "No. He's just my best friend. He really likes you. He's literally been talking about you non stop! He's really hurt that you're dating TJ."

Buffy laughed nervously. "Well, about that. I'm not really dating TJ. We were just fake dating so we could make Marty and Cyrus jealous." "Oh, well you should really talk to Marty." "Ok, I will." "My name's Sandra, by the way." "That's a really pretty name." She smiled, "Thanks. Yours too. It's really cool. Did your parents name you after-" I cut her off, "Buffy The Vampire Slayer? No. And although I love the show. I don't really to be compared with a Vampire Slayer." "Well, see you around?" I nodded. "See you around."

Tj's POV
"Please don't tell anybody. I don't want them to worry about me, ok? Especially not Cyrus." I said to Andi. She nodded, "Your wish is my command." She told us. "Thank you."  I whispered. She walked us to the guest bedroom in which we were going to stay in. "We only have a bed in this room, I'm really sorry." She said apologetically. "It's OK, Andi. Thank you so much." I said. "No problem." She said, leaving the room.

Amber turned to me and couldn't contain her tears any longer. She hugged me and let her tears soak my hoodie. "It's ok. It's gonna be ok, Ambs." I said through the tears.

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