Chapter 6-Present

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I went down to the swings to see what the surprise was. I saw that Cyrus was on the swing, so I sat down on the swing next to him. "Hey, Cy." I said. "Hey" he said back, with a smile.

"I have a surprise for you." He said as he stood up from the swing. "Yeah, I kinda already knew that." I smiled. "Close your eyes." He told me. I did as he said. He took my wrist and put something around it. A bracelet? "You can open your eyes now." I opened them and looked at the present. It was a green bracelet that said Tyrus on it. I smiled. "Tyrus?" I said, looking up at him. "Yeah. Um, it's our names put together." He said shyly.

I got up from the swings and said, "I like it. Did you make it?" "Yeah, Andi helped a little." He said with a small voice. "Then it's a lot more special." I said, as I took a step closer. He smiled and bit his lip. He took out another bracelet that looked similar to mine. Must be for him. "I can help you put it on, If you want." I spoke up. He nodded and I took it from his hands. I placed it on his wrist and knotted the strings.

I suddenly felt a rush of confidence sweep over me and I intertwined his fingers in mine. He blushed at the sudden action. "I like you." Cyrus said. It came out as barely even a whisper. I smiled widely and whispered back, "I like you too." We hugged. I put my arms around his waist and he put his arms around my neck. We stayed like that for a while and then we finally separated, even though I didn't want to.

Cyrus's POV
"So now what do you want to do?" TJ asked. "I have an idea." I said leaning in to kiss him. "I think you have a good one." He said, holding both of my hands. We were less than an inch away when we heard Amber's voice.

"What? What is it?" He asked Amber as she was approached us. "Oh. I didn't realize that you were..having a moment." "Its ok, what is it?" He said. "I almost kissed Andi." Amber said. "Woah, what?" We both said. "You almost kissed her?" She nodded. "Bex interrupted us and then I came to find you."

"Wait, do you like her?" I asked Amber. She slowly nodded. "Woah." "I'm so sorry I interrupted you." Amber said. "It's ok." I said "What are you going to do now?"

"Well I can't go back there now! It'd be so awkward. I don't know what to do." She said, sitting down on the swing. "Just talk to her." I told her. "Tell her what you feel." "What if she doesn't feel the same way I do?" Amber asked. "Well, at least then you can move on." She stayed silent for a while. She sighed and stood up. "Ok, I'm going to do it. I'm going to tell her how I feel." We smiled. "Good." I said. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate, and it was my mom. "I got to go home. Bye." I hugged TJ goodbye and then said to Amber, "You can do this. I believe in you." She gave me a small smile and hugged me.

Amber's POV
We started walking back to Andi's house. "Soooo. You and Cyrus?" I said with a smile as we started walking towards Andi's house. "Soooo, you and Andi?" He copied me. I rolled my eyes, blushing, "We're not talking about that." He smiled, "Yeah. Me and Cyrus." He sighed and then continued, "You know....I never really thought that he'd actually be my boyfriend." I looked down and suddenly realized that he had a green bracelet. I grabbed his wrist and read it aloud, "Tyrus?" He blushed and said, "Yeah. It's our names put together. Just like you and Andi would be...." He thought about it for a second and said, "Ambi!" I rolled my eyes and didn't say anything.

Amber's POV
We arrived at Andi's house and I went up to Andi Shack. I figured she'd be there and I was right.

I knocked on the door and opened it. I went inside and sat down on the couch she had there. "Hey." I said quietly. "Hey" She said back. I stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to gather that words that I was going to say. "So, about the......kiss."

"Oh the kiss." She laughed nervously. "Look, I know I need to be completely honest with you, so I'm just going to say it." I hesitated and then said, "I like you....a lot. As more than just a friend." She smiled widely and said, "I like you too." I smiled even wider and asked her, "Will you be my girlfriend?" She giggled and said, "Yes! Yes I will be your girlfriend!" And then we hugged.  It had just become the best day of my life.

Next day walking home from school
Amber told me that she and Andi were a couple now. I was really happy for her. But then she said, "Are you ever going to tell him?" Which wiped the smile off my face. "I don't know what you're talking about?" I lied. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, TJ!" My sister exclaimed. "Ok, fine I do, but I'm not going to tell him! I don't want him to worry about me, Amber." "You'll have to tell him someday!" "I already told you, I'm not going to tell Cyrus!" I said. "You are so stubborn." She told me as she rolled her eyes.

"What did you not want me to know?"
A voice behind us said. I turned around wide eyed and speechless. "Uh ..I-" "What did you not want me to worry about?" I stayed silent. "TJ!" "I- Well, I-" I stuttered, looking at Amber for help, but she simply just shrugged and said quietly, "I'll leave you two to talk." and left. "Well? Are you going to tell me?" I still didn't say anything. I didn't know how to tell him.

That's when he shook his head and said, "I thought you trusted me! But clearly you don't." He was walking away from me now.

Did I just lose him? I thought.

A tear trickled down my face. I wiped it away and started running towards him. I knew exactly where to find him.

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