chapter 15

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Marty's POV
I went over to Sandra's house and her mom opened the door for me. "Oh, Marty! Come on in. Sandra told me about your mother. I'm so sorry."

I smiled sadly at her and replied, "Thank you."

"Sandra is in her bedroom." She told me. I nodded.

I knocked on her door. "Go away, mom! I don't want to talk!" "Its not your mom." I replied. She stayed silent. "Can I come in?" Still no response. "I just want to talk." She still didn't open up.

"Ok, fine. I'll just talk from here. Look, you've been my best friend for more than 10 years! I love you like a sister. You've been there for me through everything. I understand if you like me as more than that. And I'm sorry for saying this but, I don't think we can be friends anymore."

That's when she spoke up. "What?"

"You were my best friend! I don't want to throw that away."

"Except you are." Sandra told me.

"I'm sorry." I told her. 

"It's ok. I get it. I'm sorry too. For kissing you and all that."

"Goodbye, Sandra." I told her.

"Goodbye, Marty."

A few days later:
3rd Person pov
It was Cyrus's birthday today, so his friends, family were throwing him a surprise birthday party. Amber agreed to get him out of the house, so they could all decorate the house for the party.

Amber's POV
"When are you going to let me put makeup on you?" I asked.

"Someday." Cyrus replied.

"You keep saying that, but you're always too busy with TJ." I told him.

"Ok, fine. The next time you ask to do my makeup, I'll let you do it, even if I'm hanging out with TJ." He said.

"Pinky promise?" I ask holding out my finger.

He sighed and held out his pinky. "Fine. Now pay attention to the road."

"I am!" I exclaimed.

"Where are we going, anyways?" He asked.

"You'll see." I said as I put on some rap music from my playlist. It was NF's song, "Why"

3rd Person POV
Everyone was at the Goodman's house setting up the decorations and cooking the food for the party. Leslie and Todd were cooking and Cyrus's friends were putting up the decorations. Aunt Ruthie and TJ were baking the cake. It was red velvet. Cyrus's favorite.

Meanwhile, Amber made a stop on the mall. "Why are we at the mall?" Cyrus asked.

"To have some fun." Amber said as if it was the most obvious thing. "Do you have any money?"

Cyrus took out his wallet and he took out what he had. "I only have $50."

"Well having some is better than not having any." Amber told him. "With all that I've earned from The Spoon, I have over $200."

They went in and they made their way to some stores. "Are they planning a birthday party for me?" Cyrus asked as he looked at the clothes.

"No. What makes you think that?" Amber lied.

"Come on, Amber. I'm not stupid! You are just getting me out of the house so they can decorate the house and bake the cake." Cyrus told her.

Amber sighed and said, "Fine, we are. But don't tell them I told you."

"My lips are sealed." He said.

They spent at least 2 hours at the mall,  shopping, until they decided to head back to Cyrus's house.

As Amber was driving, she started talking, "Try to act surprised at your party."

"Yeah, I'm not that good of an actor, so I'll probably be way too obvious and they'll figure out that I knew about it." Cyrus replied.

When they arrived at Cyrus's house, the lights were switched off. He went to the light switch and turned it on.  His friends and family all jumped out of their hiding spots and Cyrus tried to seem surprised as they yelled, "Happy Birthday!!"

His mom took a Polaroid of him as he was gaping.

"Wow! What a surprise! I really was not expecting this." He lied.

"Who wants cake?" His dad asked.

They all went over to the kitchen table and hovered around the cake. They put the candles on it and lit them up.

"Make a wish!" His mom said.

Cyrus closed his eyes making the wish and then opened his eyes to blow out the candles. He got to cut the first piece for himself. They all went and sat down at the table to eat their cake.

After they finished, they went to the couch. They all gave Cyrus his presents. His parents gave him a brand new bike because his old one was old and beat up. Andi made him a bracelet that said "GHC" She and Buffy had one as well. Buffy gave him a pacman video game. Amber gave him a puppy calendar and TJ gave him big stuffed bear.

TJ and Cyrus went to his room and set the stuffed animal on his bed against the wall.

"What was your wish?" TJ asked as they sat down against the teddy bear.

"I'm not telling." Cyrus told him.

"And why not?" TJ said as he wrapped his arm around his waist.

"Because it's my wish."

TJ rolled his eyes and kissed his cheek. "Happy birthday, Cy."

"Thank you, Teej. I love you."

"I love you too."

I'm sorry for the hiatus again. There's only going to be one or two more chapters to this book, so stay tuned. I am so sorry that this took so long to write and I'm also sorry that this chapter didn't turn out so good.

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