Silent Swordsman X Reader

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"And that takes your life points down to 0!" Y/N exclaimed triumphantly.

"No way!" her brother yelled in disbelief, staring wide-eyed at his cards.

"You can't win them all, Tristan. You'd have thought that being friends with the King of Games would have taught you some tricks, but it doesn't seem like it." she added quietly. 

"Eh?!" Tristan span round. "What did you say?" 

"Nothing, nothing. Anyway, it's late. I'm going to go to bed."

"Hmph. Okay." he sighed, still sulking after his epic loss. 



That night as she drifted off into dreamland, Y/N thought she heard a voice calling her name. As her senses began to fade into a comforting blanket of darkness, it only became louder and clearer. 

"Y/N!" it repeated. 

"Huh? What?" Y/N opened her eyes to a surprising scene. All around her, she was surrounded by luxurious furniture. She stood in what appeared to be a throne room, where two majestic, jewelled, thrones stood in the centre of attention. 

"Wow..." Y/N breathed, spinning around in a circle, slowly, to take in the scenery.

She was so absorbed in the tapestries on the walls that she didn't notice a tall figure walk up behind her. 

"Y/N?" he spoke.

The mentioned woman whirled around quicker than lightning. "Aah!" she yelped, shocked.

"Oh... Uhh..." Y/N mumbled, tripping over her words as she eyed the gigantic sword by the mysterious mans side. 

He followed her gaze.

"Ah. Forgot about that..." he realised. He walked over and leant his giant sword on one of the thrones. Y/N watched him, wary.

"Who are you?" she asked once he re-joined her by the window. He cracked a smile.

"I am known as the Silent Swordsman." he took her hand and kissed it gently. Y/N's mouth gaped open in surprise. 

"A-ah, I'm Y-Y/F/N..." she stammered. 

"I know." the Silent Swordsman laughed. Now that she had a chance to observe him properly, Y/N had to admit this strange man was extremely handsome. The thought made her face heat up.

"Why am I here? And why is this dream so... normal? Usually I get breakdancing zebras or something. " Y/N asked curiously.

"That, my lady, is because this is not entirely a dream." he answered simply.  

 "What does that mean?" she said, just as confused. 

"That does not matter. The purpose of you being here is for me to take you on... What do they call it now? A dare? No... A date. Yes, that's it. I want to take you on a date." 


"Is something the matter? Is this castle not to your liking?"

"Wait this is a castle?" Y/N yelped.   "And, uh, no, nothing's wrong. I'm just not used to extremely hot and terrifying men asking to take me on a date in my dreams." 

"Terrifying? There must be a misunderstanding. I would never hurt you, my love."

"Hmm... Good to know." she responded, still a little suspicious. However, she suddenly realised something.

Wait a minute... This is just a dream- no matter what that Silent Swordsman guy says. There's no way he can actually hurt me. Might as well have some fun!  Y/N thought to herself.

"Where are we going?" she asked as he led her down one of the numerous hallways.

"Wherever you want." the Silent Swordsman smiled kindly down at her. 

"A waterfall!" Y/N joked. 

"As you wish." 

"Wait, no way!" 

He turned to face the astonished girl with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Anything is possible in a dream, is it not?" he chuckled, and opened a set of beautifully engraved wooden doors. Sudden rays of sunlight momentarily blinded the pair, and faded to reveal a stunning view.

 Torrents of clear aqua water cascaded down the smooth rocks, and the sky was a brilliant blue to match.  The sun ducked behind fluffy clouds like an impatient hide-and-seek player. A crystal-like pool sat at the bottom, waiting to catch the falling water from above.  A grassy stretch lay beside the waterfall.

"...Damn." Y/N said to herself. Beside her, the Silent Swordsman snapped his fingers. Over on the grass, a spacious blanket and a woven basket appeared out of thin air. 

"How did you do that?" she asked in amazement. 

"Like this," he showed her, telling her to focus. 

Y/N snapped her fingers, just like the Silent Swordsman had, and suddenly she was wearing a crimson swimming costume, with a fluffy towel wrapped around her waist. Gleefully, she stepped into the cool water.

She barely noticed the Silent Swordsman joining her, wearing a plain blue tshirt and shorts. That is, until she was met with a  face full of water. Laughing, she flicked water back at him. This continued for several minutes until the both of them were absolutely drenched. Neither of them minded, though. 

They climbed out of the water and sat, splayed out on the blanket, content to let the sun dry them and their clothes. 

Soon enough, the food was eaten and the clothes were dry. The Silent Swordsman opened a doorway and the two of them stepped back into the hallway from which they came from. 

Even though she had already seen it, the throne room still shocked Y/N with its sheer size and height. 

Y/N yawned. "I thought sleep was supposed to give you energy, not drain it," she joked. 

The Silent Swordsman laughed. "Don't worry," he said, "When you wake up, you'll have lots of energy, just as you would any normal morning. Speaking of morning, unfortunately, it's almost time for you to wake. It's been a pleasure, Y/N." He kissed her hand again.

"Thank you for taking me on this awesome date!" Y/N grinned. Then, she surprised herself, by leaning up and pecking him on the cheek. The Silent Swordsman looked shocked, and Y/N enjoyed seeing him as flustered as he made her for a change.

"How do I wake up?" She asked, glancing around the room in search of a door labelled 'Reality This Way'. 

"Uh... sit on the throne." the Silent Swordsman replied dumbly, still recovering his wits. 

"Cool! Well, until next time, Silent Swordsman. It's been a pleasure and an emotional rollercoaster. See you!" and with that, Y/N sat down on the Queens throne. 


Suddenly, she was in her room. The same bed, window, walls and annoying brother/alarm clock. 

"Uhh... you okay?" Tristan asked, confused. Y/N nodded slowly. 

"I think so. Well, I don't seem to be missing any body limbs nor am I in any immediate distress." She noted. Her brother rolled his eyes as he stood up to leave. 

"I'm trying to be kind, would it kill you to be just a little bit nicer? Oh, and by the way, you probably shouldn't sleep holding rare cards. Idiot." He muttered. 

"Wait, what?" Y/N said, but Tristan had already left. 

Then she realised she was holding something. Y/N was surprised to find a card that she was sure she hadn't previously owned. Upon closer inspection, she realised with a gasp that the name was the card was: 

The Silent Swordsman.

uNeDiTEd cAuSe

Yu Gi Oh -Oneshots- REQUESTS [CLOSED] (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now