Jesse X Reader

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After spending a lazy morning wandering around the shops with your boyfriend Jesse, you both decided to take a break in a nearby cafe to replenish your energy.

What neither of you expected, though, was a plethora of puppies charging at you as soon as you stepped through the door. Jesse's face lit up as he swiftly picked up an energetic Labrador puppy in his arms, laughing as it wriggled and attempted to lick every inch of his face. Meanwhile, a spaniel was tugging at your shoelace, pulling it loose, much to your amusement.As you crouched down to play with it, a woman came up to you.

"Table for two, I presume?" She asked with a kind smile, watching you both play with the dogs.

As you sat down on beanbags (the tables were low down so you could play with the puppies), you turned to your blue haired boyfriend.

"Did you realise this was a dog cafe?" You asked curiously.
"Nope! But isn't it great, Y/N?" Jesse beamed, fussing over a fluffy golden retriever puppy that had clambered into his lap.
You nodded, agreeing enthusiastically. Picking up the colourful menu, decorated with stickers of cartoon dogs, you ended up having to read out most of the menu to Jesse, since he couldn't stop himself from playing with his new furry companion.

"What's your name, buddy?" He murmured, scratching the puppy behind the ear as he checked for a name tag. "No way! Y/N, look what his name is!"

You looked up from the menu. "I can't read that, love. It's tiny!" You laughed, moving the menu out of reach of a curious corgie that had waddled over. "How'd you escape from Buckingham, ey? Thought the Queen had you all stashed away in a Corgie Kingdom. Can't blame her, really..." You whispered to the puppy.

"Guess, then!" The excitable bluenette held up his equally excitable friend up for you to see. Squinting, you said: "That doesn't make a difference, Jess." You tried to restrain yourself from laughing.
"Oh." He realised. "But anyway, his name's Jesse too!" Your boyfriend beamed, his wide smile reminding you somewhat of the puppy in question. Minus the lolloping tongue, of course.

"You always have reminded me of a puppy, Jess." You rested your chain on your fist, staring adoringly at the pair. After taking a sneaky picture of them, your waitress arrived.

Once she had taken your orders, the woman said something that surprised you both- she told you that every puppy, save one that actually belonged to the owner, was up for adoption. Apparently, the cafe worked with several local animal shelters to provide homes for puppies whose owners simply couldn't keep them as well as their mothers.

As soon as the lady had left, Jesse turned to you with a pleading look. You sighed.

"No way." You said sternly.
"We don't have the space, Jess."
"I'll make space!"
"Will you walk him several times a day and clean up after him?"
"Then maybe."
"Maybe?" Your boyfriend grinned. Jesse, the retriever, barked and wagged his tail at a speed matching the wings of a hummingbird.
"Maybe." You repeated.

"So, are you going to change his name?" Alexis asked through the phone as you watched Jesse struggle to carry all of the dog supplies he had picked out for your new family member.
"Nah, I think we're going to keep it. He already responds to Jesse, anyway. Oh, not you!" You burst into laughter as your boyfriend turned his head towards you at the same time little Jesse trotted into the room from where he'd been exploring the garden. It wasn't huge, but hey. He was a little guy. For now, anyway. You figured that in a few years time you'd be waking up with a huge furry creature laying on top of you.

Not that that would be any different from now- just a different Jesse.

mkay I didn't rlly know how to end this so ... thats why the final part sucks lmao.
side note: was watching top gear whilst writing this. whoever came up with the idea of mini Netflix boxes in the corner of the screen... thank you so much. although it doesn't do much for procrastination. also popular opinion time: clarkson made the entire show lol idk about any of you but I haven't watched more thantwo episodes of the new top gear series.
yo also I'm curious is it available to watch in America?? bc I've never once heard an American talk about it

anyway this s getting off topic,,
unedited and written in place of chemistry homework.

291120 the RELIEF I felt when I realised that even tho I hadn't updated this month,, I still had this written as a safety net from the 4th of October lmao. also feeling pretty swaggy, just ordered the rest of the gx manga😼

no i haven't read this since I wrote it,, what do you take me for? someone with common sense?

still unedited

Yu Gi Oh -Oneshots- REQUESTS [CLOSED] (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now