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Leigh woke up to knocking at the door and groaned. It was the early hours of the morning. She looked to see it was early as tom groaned in his sleep and looked to Leigh as she sat up from the bed "telling whoever it is to bog off and that we're having sex" tom said as she looked to him and smirked "I think we have enough of that, I am pregnant after all" she said as Tom looked to her and smiled as she stood from the bed and grabbed her dressing gown and wrapped it around her as she walked to the door and frowned sad she saw Charlee "Charlee? I thought you were staying with aunt Rachel" Leigh asked as Charlee looked to her and sighed "I was but I wanted to talk to you"  Charlee said as Leigh nodded  as she lead Charlee into the flat and smiled. She made her a coffee and smiled as she sat next to her "so, are you going to tell me what's going on or not?" Leigh asked as Charlee looked to her and nodded.

"I'm pregnant, I had a one night stand with someone and aunt Rachel is going to hate me, your going to hate me" Charlee said as she started to cry "hey, I'm not going to hate you. Your my baby sister and I looked after you no matter what, your going to be a great mum if that's what you want. I'll support you what ever you want to do" Leigh said as Charlee looked to her and smiled "it's not that" she said as Leigh frowned "what is it?" "The dad, it's max Tyler. I had no idea what he was like and who he was and we got drunk and hooked up. Please don't hate me" Charlee said as Leigh looked to her and smiled "of course I don't, it's going to be okay. I promise" Leigh said wanting to kill max Tyler for getting her sister pregnant.


Later that morning, Leigh got to work with tom as he looked to her and smiled. He knew all about max and Charlee and was trying to be there to support Leigh "Leigh don't" tom said as Leigh saw max and walked over to him. Tom walked after her and sighed "I hope your happy, knocking my little sister up well your not walking out on her. Your going to step up as if you don't I'll go to the police and tell them what you did about Philip don't think I won't" Leigh spat as she walked off.

Tom pulled Leigh off and into the school and smirked as he pulled her into a classroom "you know your got when your bad" he said as she looked to him and smirked as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her close and kissed her passionately as he lead her over to the desk and stood between her legs. She undid his belt and moaned as she pulled him close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her.


Later that day, Leigh walked into the staffroom and smiled as she saw Charlee. She sat next to her and hugged her and smiled "I know your scared but scared and pregnant too and I promise you it's all going to be okay" Leigh said as Charlee looked to her and smiled

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