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Leigh sighed to herself as she got to work and walked down the hall and looked to Rachel and sighed as she walked into the office "we need to talk" Leigh said as Rachel looked to her and sighed "do we?" She asked as Leigh looked to her and sighed "yes and you know that we do, what the hell are you playing at? Telling Charlee that max tried it on with you, I get that you don't like him okay, I get it but you also now that he is different around her. He almost seems like a normal guy and I know what he has done and I know that he had made mistakes but at the end of the day, Charlee is having his baby and we can't change that, we can't change a thing and we need to be her family and protect her, you may not be our mother but from a young age your the only mother that we have had and we need you" Leigh said.

Rachel looked to her and sighed "max Tyler is bad news" she said as Leigh nodded "and I know that but charlee needs to learn that for herself and not by you making things up about him. She needs to make her own mistakes" Leigh said as Rachel nodded. Leigh looked to Rachel and smiled. Leigh knew what max had done, she had witnessed it and how he had bullied her aunt and it made her feel so angry as he had been the one that had got her little sister pregnant and even though she wanted to protect Charlee, she knew that there was not a lot that she could do. She knew that she couldn't force Charlee to see what max was really like, not when she felt as if max had a hold over Charlee.


Later that day, Charlee sat in the staffroom as Leigh walked in and looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" She asked her sister who shrugged "I don't know" she said as Leigh sat on the edge of the desk and looked to her and smiled "what is it" she asked "I don't know I think max is using me and I don't why, I don't think I can have this baby" Charlee said as Leigh looked to her and smiled as she sat next to her and hugged her "it's all going to be okay, I'm your big sister and I look after you, I always have and I always will" Leigh said.

Leigh walked into the office and saw max and Tom. She looked to max and glared "you really need to man up, my little sister is distraught because of you and you need to stop being a dick" she spat as tom grabbed her arm "Leigh stop" he said as she looked to Tom and frowned "your taking his side, of course you are" she said as she went to walk off. Tom walked after her and pulled her i his classroom "what the hell was that, it's none of our business" "says the one sticking up for him, it's my little sister so it is my business" she said as Tom looked to her "you can't keep putting Charlee first" he said as she looked to him and frowned "what does that mean?" She asked as he looked to her and sighed "I can't do this anymore" he said as Leigh looked to him and frowned "your dumping me" "I'm sorry" he said as he walked off. Leigh frowned to herself as m she started to sob unaware in a matter of hours he would be in bed with someone else, which would break her heart completely

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