Chapter: 1

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Raven Perry stood in the mirrored room of a large dance studio. She had been working on this new routine day in and day out trying to perfect it. About an hour from now that very room was to be filled with women auditioning for the latest young money video. She didn't really get all the hype around these guys, in her opinion, they were good, but being the true New Yorker that she is, she swayed along the lines of Biggie Smalls and Nas.

It was coming up on that time; she started to flip through some of the headshots that the label sent over. They were all filled with women who were, for lack of better words THICK. Raven read their resumes over once more and shook her head.

Tiana, Raven's assistant walked into the studio and sat her butt on the table. "You should see the 'talent' lined up out there?" She said sarcastically.

Raven just smiled turning the music all the way off. "Don't even start Tee... you never know, the next J Lo could be out there."

Tiana rolled her eyes and scoffed. "More like J ho, I hate working with rappers. They send these girls in here and the only they can do is smile and shake their injection filled asses."

"Well that's where we come in. It's our job to find some injection filled asses that can actually learn a step, besides, this is only temporary, dancing is just a hobby."

"Well I tell you what, when you're getting that Oscar or Emmy or whatever the fuck you get nominated for, don't forget to thank your loving and tolerant assistant."

"Come on Tee, you know me better than that. Now can you send the girls in?"

"You'll never guess who's out there." said Tiana as she hopped off the table with a teasing smirk.


"You'll see, let the games begin." Tiana grabbed a clip board and walked out of the room.

Raven stood in the front of the room doing some last minute warm ups and stretches. Through the mirror she could see the room starting to fill. She turned around to face twenty five women, all dressed up and ready to go. One of them caught her eye making her do a double take, it was her roommate Dollicia. 'What the hell is she doing here?' she thought to herself. Shrugging it off, she took a deep breath and started with a speech that she knew so well. "Hello ladies; my name is Raven Perry and this is my assistant Tiana Shaw." They turned their heads when she pointed over in her direction "Now here's how this is gonna go, I'll go over an eight count twice with you. Once I've finished, you will repeat what we've went over until the music stops. If you are chosen you will be hearing from us no later than noon tomorrow, if you do not get a call I would like to thank you in advance for showing up." Raven went over to the sound system to prepare the track while Tiana attached numbers to the dancers.

"Alright ladies, spread out into five rows of five for a five minute warm up," said Tiana. She looked up from her task when the door opened. Everyone's attention shifted to the people who just entered the room. Raven had already started going over the steps so Tiana rushed over to greet them.

Out the corner of Raven's eye she could see her assistant seating four figures, the two she didn't recognize she assumed they were bodyguards; she just got that whole vibe from them. The other two, she'd have to be living under a rock not to recognized, and judging from the chatter so did the other girls.

"I don't know about you, but I know ima be in this video, my guarantee just walked through the door." Dollicia commented to one of the other dancers.

"Oh it's like that?" The woman asked. Dollicia didn't answer; she just looked in the direction of the man she was referring to earning her a smile.

Raven just rolled her eyes 'typical' she thought to herself. She brushed off the remarks and walked over to the rectangular shaped table to greet the newcomers. "Hi, I'm Raven Perry the choreographer, nice to meet you," she extended her hand to the woman with the pink and blonde hair first.

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