Chapter 42

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After Raven left the dance floor, she made her way back over to Drake. When he saw her, he tried to get up so that she could sit down, but instead she sat on his lap and crushed her lips against his in a lingering kiss. When she pulled away she joined in the conversation like nothing just happened, leaving Drake pleasantly dumbfounded. The laughter was as non-stop as the liquor that was being poured. Drake took it easy since he noticed his significant other had one too many. He wasn't aware until the subtle touches were coming more frequently. Now he knew that Raven wasn't a prude, but she had never been so open and free with him out in public, not that he minded. He was enjoying the feeling of her lips sucking on his neck, and the touch of her tongue tracing his ear. Tonight he didn't need alcohol to feel intoxicated, Raven was doing that all by herself.

It seemed like every song that blared through the sound system was her favorite song. Every time the DJ played a new song she was dragging one of the guys to the dance floor, OB being her latest target. Drake sat there laughing as he watched them dance. OB was already a funny guy, but when he danced, it was extremely comical. Drake pulled out his phone and started recording them when they both started pop locking- she was definitely drunk. Drake was done when he saw OB do the arm wave and slap Raven's awaiting hand passing it on. Tiana and Danielle were already on the floor dancing with Chubbs and Ryan. Once the alcohol hit their bloodstream they found the men sort of tolerable to be around. He couldn't wait for Raven to sober up so he could tease her with the footage later.

When the song ended Raven was on her way back to their table, but she was alerted by the manager that the cake was ready to come out. She gave the okay and collected the guys so they could all make their way back to the v.i.p area. The lights dimmed down provided a soft atmosphere and the words Happy Birthday Drake illuminated on the large projection screen. Two hostesses wheeled out the heavy three tier cake that had a champagne bottle sticking out of it with a single candle coming out of the cork. Everyone crowded around the birthday boy as his guest and the staff sung happy birthday. When they finished Drake blew out the candle and the room clapped.

"Did you make a wish?" Raven asked over all of the noise.

Drake smiled appreciatively at the woman who put this all together for him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her back to his chest. "I already got what I want." He spoke into her ear.

It was a little after 3:00AM when the cake was cut up and wheeled away. A few of the party guest came by Drake's table to say their goodbyes. Trey had left before the cake was cut, which Drake didn't mind at all. They were cool, but he couldn't deny the tension in their friendship. Wayne and his crew was one of the first to come over and say their goodbyes. He leaned over and spoke a few words to Drake who responded with a nod and a small smile. "Alright man, thanks for coming out." Drakes stated as she shook his hand.

"It's all love." Wayne said in return. He then turned his attention to Raven. "Oh and it was nice seeing you." He said in a smooth tone that Drake didn't like too much as his eyes gave her a blatant once over.

"Thanks for coming." Raven replied sparing him a kind smile before turn back to her friends.

When Wayne walked away Drake turned to Raven whom was in the middle of eating her cake and shaking her foot to the music. "I gotta stop bringing you around my friends if they're gonna keep eye balling you like that." He whispered to her letting his lips graze her ear.

Raven put her fork in her cake looking him dead in the eyes. "They can look all they want, but I'm not checking for anyone but my baby."

"You sure about that?" Drake asked. He laughed seeing the smudge of icing on the corner of her mouth and used his finger to wipe it away.

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