Chapter 19

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It was hard for Drake to concentrate up there. Dollicia was throwing everything on him, and after all, he is a red blooded heterosexual male. He knew that she was just putting on a show for Raven, which made things worse. When he locked eyes with Raven she looked pissed. A part of him was happy to get some kind of emotional reaction out of her, but when he looked over at her again, she was packing her duffle bag. By the time the director yelled cut, she was all packed up and heading for the exit. Drake rushed off the platform, leaving a confused Dollicia standing there. He caught up to Raven and grabbed her hand. "So you were gonna leave without saying bye?"

Raven turned around to find Drake standing at the end of her arm. She rolled her eyes pulling away from his grasp. "You looked preoccupied; I didn't want to disturb you."

Drake knew she was pissed from the way she cut her eyes at him. She turned to walk away again, but this time he grabbed her by the waist pulling her back against his chest. "C'mon Rae, don't be like that." He replied into her ear in a way that would usually make her goose bumps, but today, she wasn't feelin' it.

Raven placed her hand over his and removed them from her waist as she stepped away turning around to face him. "Don't be like what Drake?"

Both of his eyebrows arched up hearing her use his stage name. Every since he'd known Raven, she's only called him Aubrey, and that's one of the things he liked about her. "Oh so I'm Drake now?" he asked. It hurt his ego, but he would never admit it aloud. She looked away not granting him with an answer, which only frustrated him more. "Look, I gotta finish up here, and then I have to head over to the radio station. Can you meet me at my crib around ten?"

"Why, so you can yell at me again?"

"Raven, can you just be there... please?"

Somewhere between his eyes, those lips, and that voice, she found herself softening up to him. Raven dropped her arms letting out a sigh while shaking her head. "Alright, I'll be there." She could kick herself for agreeing to meet with him.

Drake stood there watching as Raven slowly disappeared from his line of vision. As soon as she walked out of that large steel door leaving him, he suddenly got really anxious for his night to come to an end so he could see her again. Just thinking about- "What the fuck!" his thoughts were interrupted by a poke to the back of his head. He turned around only to be instantly annoyed when he saw Dollicia standing there with her hands on her hips.

"What the hell was that? Are you fucking her?" She shouted in his face making a few bystanders look their way.

Drake had to bite his tongue in order to keep from cursing her out. Here she was acting all high and mighty on his video set, like she had it like that. He'd noticed that she's been getting a false sense of authority every since they'd started fucking on a regular basis, but that was his fault. He regretted the moment he agreed to be her dude. If and when he looked back on this one, he would surely blame that decision on the alcohol. This whole relationship was only benefiting her, he wasn't getting anything out of it but a fuck, and hell, to tell the truth, he could get that from any chick in the room.

"Calm down with all that shit, I was just talking to her." he responded sternly letting some of his attitude slip through.

Dollicia must have remembered he was the reason she was there in the first place, because she immediately checked her tone. "I'm sorry baby, are you coming over tonight?" she asked in the seductive voice she used on him whenever she wanted shoe money. Dollicia took a step closer to him and slowly ran her index finger down the front of his shirt.

Any other time, Drake would have taken the bait, but he didn't feel like being bothered with her tonight... and he had plans. "Nah, I got a flight to catch in the morning." He replied, but neglected to tell her about his plans with Raven.

"Do you have to fly back to LA tomorrow?" she asked poking out her bottom lip. Her hands slid up his chest until she relaxed both of them on her neck.

"Yeah, as soon as I finish up this last bit of business out here." Drake responded still keeping his cool. She was laying it on thick, but he wasn't giving in.

"Well I don't have anything coming up anytime soon. How about I take a flight with? I mean it's about time I see where you live."

Drake cracked a small smile, and she returned it. She probably thought he was smiling because of her, but he was actually thinking back to what Raven said when he told her that Dollicia doesn't know where he lives. "I don't know ma, my schedules really crazy, so I don't know if I'm gonna have time to kick it with you."

"Okay, well just think about it." She kissed his lips before turning to walk away.

Oh he was thinking about something, but it wasn't her. A mischievous smile came to his lips just thinking about Raven. It was something different about her today. She had waved her jealous flag today coming out of her nonchalant attitude towards his "relationship" with Dollicia. He was determined to get things right tonight, so that meant he wasn't going to push her to do anything she didn't want to. He was going to be on his best behavior tonight.

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