Chapter: 15

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Karen smiled appreciating the complement and the change in conversation. "Thank you honey. So where are you from?" she asked.

"Toronto." Karris responded eagerly like she was just asked a question on Jeopardy. Drake found this amusing while Raven simply shook her head.

Karen turned her sights to her daughter, the one who was star struck. "Karris, let the man talk for himself. I'm sorry about that." She apologized for her daughter.

He shrugged his shoulders, "It's fine, she's right though, I'm from Toronto, but LA is home right now."

"Toronto... I've been there a few times, but this was ages ago. Are your folks still up north?" she inquired digging deeper into his life.

Drake currently had a piece of steak shoved in mouth when Karen asked her question. Not wanting to speak with a mouthful of food, he waited a few seconds, swallowed, and then spoke. "They divorced when I was young. My mom's still there, and my dad pretty much does his own thing, but he comes on the road with me from time to time. "

"Oh that's right, my daughter tells me you're a rapper."

"The best." Karris voice piped in once again.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." After a flash of his dimples, she was ready to melt at the table. Drake nodded in the girls direction, "It's cool, I know my mom would rather me be doing something else but, music's what I love."

"Trust me, that's all mothers, but as long as it makes you happy, and it's not illegal, that's all that matters." said Karen.

After having her little star struck moment, Karris returned to her usual self. Her eyes went back and forth between Raven and Drake playing close attention to them, it was something going on there. Never being one to dance around the obvious, there was question that she just had to ask. "So what's going on with you two, are you dating?" Karris asked with a straight face.

Grams joyously threw her hands in the air happy that someone finally asked the question that was on all of their minds. "Thank you! That's what I would like to know." She sipped her drink waiting for a response.

Raven glanced at her mom for back up, but she was looking at her with the same curious gaze as her sister and grandmother. "No, we are not dating, end of story." She answered as calmly as she could without sounding defensive. From the corner of her eye she caught Drakes reaction, he was as cool as could be, but then again, he was calm and collected all night. None of her family's crazy behavior seemed to bother him, and for some reason, this made her like him more than she should have.

A low grunt escaped Grams throat; she didn't believe a word Raven said. Everyone just continued on eating and drinking, but she wasn't satisfied with the answer she received. "So you're just having sex?" Drake spit out his drink nearly choking to death on it when he heard her question.

Raven's eyes widened completely mortified, but that didn't stop the flush in her cheeks. "No!" she stated firmly. She patted Drake on the back as he continued choking. It would appear that he'd finally lost his cool and was now just as flustered as she was.

"I was asking the young man." Grams replied putting the spotlight on him.

After pulling himself together, he looked up at the waiting faces. "Uh, no we're just friends." There was a sigh of relief from Raven when he said this.

"Friends my ass, I see the way you look at her, I wasn't born yesterday, I know what young folks do. Just make sure you wear a condom, because I'm too young to be a great grandmother."

Karris stopped eating, she sat her fork down and her face crinkled up. "Ew, seriously grams? Could you please not say condoms again, that does not sound right coming from you."

"Well if I had used one, you wouldn't be here." Replied Grams.

Raven shook her head from side to side and turned to face Drake. "And this is exactly why I don't bring people home."

After all of the awkwardness passed, they finished dinner and moved on to dessert. It was getting late and Drake had the video shoot in the morning, so he needed to get some rest. He said his goodbyes to Raven's mother and grandmother, and posed for a picture with her sister. Asides from the intense grilling, all in all it was an okay night; he got a good meal, and a few good laughs. Raven opted to walk him out the door. The two of them walked outside into the night air. There was a black suv parked outside her door and she assumed it was his.

He leaned against the passenger side door wanting to say something. "So... that was-"

"Awkward, I know."

They both shared a laugh, that's when he noticed that he liked seeing the way her eyes lit up when she smiled. The laughing stopped and he just admired her for a moment. There was something on his mind, something he wanted to talk to her about all night and he couldn't leave without doing so. His lips parted to say something, but he looked up and saw the curtain in the window move, they clearly had eyes on them.

Drake hit the lock on his key and opened the passenger side door. "Get in for a second, we need to talk."

Raven debated whether or not she wanted to be alone with him in a closed space, but he said he wanted to talk so it was best they do that in private. She got in the passenger seat and he closed the door behind her. He walked around the front of the car and got in the driver seat. There was a silence when his door closed. Raven sat there with her hands in her lap, she looked down and saw her bag that she left at his place last night on the floor. "You must have looked crazy walking this to your car." She said with a laugh. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

Drake paid no attention to what she was saying. He just watched her smile and the way her hair fell on her eyes, he wanted to take his hand move the stray pieces away from her face. Shocking revelations seemed to have a way of making him want to say the first thing the on his mind. "I want to kiss you so fuckin bad right now." He said in a lust filled tone.

"I want that too, but-" Her words were muffled by a pair of lips being pressed against hers.

His fingers tangled in her hair pulling her closer to him. A burning heat exploded through her the moment their lips touched. The kiss was desperate, full of need and longing, a longing she wanted to fulfill so badly. She was so caught up in her want for him, that she didn't even realize he had rid her of the flannel shirt she was wearing. It wasn't until she felt the coolness of his chain against her stomach. His lips attacked hers with fierceness, his hand squeezed her thigh and slowly slid up to the top of her shorts fumbling with the button.

Raven's hands left his curls to steady his movements while shaking her head at the same time. "Wait, don't." She pulled away from him and buttoned back up her shorts. "We can't keep doing this Aubrey." Raven stated regretfully. She reached to pick up her shirt and started putting it shirt back on.

Once again he was left was an erection, courtesy of Raven. It was beginning to aggravate him because he knew that they both wanted this. Drake leaned back in his seat running his hand down his face. He let out a frustrated sigh and turned to face her. "Why do you keep playing these games with me?"

"I'm not playing games, and I'm not into them either." She folded her arms across her chest with an attitude.

"Oh you're not into games? Then what's this shit with you and Trey." Drake caught the shock on her face. "You didn't think I knew did you?"

"You went through my phone again." She stated rather than asked because she already knew the answer to the question.

"So when were you planning on telling me?" he asked with his elbow resting on his arm and his hand on his chin.

"I didn't think I had to." Raven replied, she was a bit taken back by his attitude.

"You didn't think you had to? It's funny how you talk about not playing games when you're fuckin around with my boy and not keeping it one hundred with me."

Raven turned her body in the seat to face him full on, "First of all I didn't know you two were close, and second, I don't remember making a commitment to either one of you." she said. Drake's lips parted trying to get a word in, but she held a finger up cutting him off. "And the last time I checked, you had someone warming your bed. So fuck you very much." Raven grabbed her bag off the floor and got out the vehicle slamming the door behind her.

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