Chapter 26

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This was the worst car ride ever for Raven. She wanted to mash her foot down on the gas, but the traffic was moving entirely too slow, this was the only thing she didn't like about living in New York. As horns blared, and profanities were being shouted around her, she paid no attention to them at all. She had one hand resting on the steering wheel, and her elbow resting on the driver side window that was rolled down to let in a cool breeze. Her fingers mindlessly tapped on the wheel while she consistently tried to block Aubrey's face from her head. That was her one mission right now, and it was proving to be difficult. She felt like the world's biggest fool for even allowing herself to feel something for him, and for that she wanted to kick herself.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at her dance studio. She couldn't go home quite yet because her mom could read her emotions better than anyone, and right now, she wasn't the happiest person. So she drove up the ramp, and into the parking garage. She parked in her reserved spot, and saw that Tiana's black and red Fiat was parked in the spot next to her. Looking at Tiana's car almost made Raven crack a smile. She teased her relentlessly about that car when she first got it. It reminded Raven too much of clown car. Raven put aside the jokes she would normally make about it, and exited the garage slightly agitated.

Raven stepped inside holding a black gift box, with black ribbon around it that she retrieved from her trunk. Tiana was there running back some audition tapes from a few days ago. Raven had called her as soon as she left Drake and Dollicia and asked her to meet up with her at the studio. Hearing the urgency in Raven's voice, Tiana didn't question it one bit. When she entered, the first thing she did was take off her shoes. That was her one rule, no heels on her spring floors. Raven headed straight to the dressing room to change out of her jeans and black Beatles t-shirt. She came from the dressing room wearing her sweats and a tank, and sat down on the floor so she could put on her sneakers that she kept in the back as a spare.

"So what's going on and why was your presence missing at my party. You got some splanin to do." Tiana stated in her best Ricky Ricardo accent.

That made Raven crack a small smile. "I'm sorry about the party, but I did bring your gift." Raven pointed over to the gift wrapped box on the table, and went into her stretches.

Tiana gave a quick glance at the box, and then turned her focus back to her friend. It was something about her that seemed a bit off. "So where were you if you weren't at my party?"

"I spent the night with Aubrey." Raven casually spoke out as she sat on the floor and extended her legs.

Tiana sat down in front of Raven with both of their feet touching each others. She locked hands with her, and pulled her body forward. "Oh I see, so you blew me off, so you could blow him off." She laughed as went on with their regular routine.

The smile on her friend's face made her mood sour even more. She wanted to be happy too. After a night like hers, she should have been on cloud nine right now, but thinking about last night made her think of Drake, and when she thought about him, all she felt was regret. After a few more pulls, Raven unlocked hands and hopped to her feet. "It wasn't like that T. I wasn't looking to end up in the man's bed, it just happened." Raven wanted to change the subject. She grabbed the remote for the sound system, and turned on some music so she could run a new number they were supposed to be working on.

The music filled the room leaving no space for chatter, just like Raven wanted it, but Tiana had other plans. She went over to the system, and pulled the power cord from the outlet. "You're not getting off that easy. You think you're gonna miss my party and then not give me the details?" She stated as she twirled the end of the cord around. "You spent the night with tall, bright, and handsome, and you're gonna tell me exactly what happened?"

Raven let out a frustrated sigh as she stared the woman down with her hands on her hips. She knew how her friend was. Tiana was like a dog with a bone when trying to get information out of someone, so she gave in. "Okay... so we talked, we argued, and then we had the most incredible sex I've ever had." Raven couldn't help the memories that flooded her brain. Everything was so fresh in her mind. She couldn't possibly fight the coy smile that appeared on her face.

"Damn, it was that good?" Tiana asked seeing her face light up.

Raven sat down Indian style on the floor with her legs tucked up under her. Tiana followed suit, and the two of them sat there like they were trading first kiss stories at a sleepover. "Honestly, it was out of this world, but then, later on, that day I walked in on him and Dollicia."

Tiana was instantly slack-jawed. "Walked in on them doing what?" she asked raising an inquisitive eyebrow.

Raven head tilted to the side thinking of how she could best explain it to paint a picture for the woman sitting across from her. "Well his jeans we open, and the only thing only clothing items she had on were panties. So they might have been getting ready to play Twister or something." She replied sarcastically.

Tiana playfully pushed her sardonic friend's shoulder causing a slight chuckle. "Okay I get it smart ass, but what did he have to say when he saw you?"

"Oh he just tried to convince me that it wasn't what it looked like, and I had things wrong, you know the normal shit men say when they're caught out there," Raven replied in a blasé tone appearing as if she could care less.

"Well, what were you doing over there anyway?" Tiana asked.

Raven sighed thinking back to that morning after she left her agents office. "I got a call from Dollicia letting me know that I had some important mail over there." She replied. Tiana folded her arms under her breasts and tilted her head to the side. She stared at Raven with a blank face. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Raven asked.

This was all too convenient for Tiana, which made her suspicious. "You know this bitch is sneaky. I'll bet you anything that she had that shit planned. That don't sound right, she just so happened to call you when he's over there... come on Raven, you're smarter than that."

Raven paused for a moment letting everything sink in. What Tiana was saying did make sense, especially knowing the history between her and Dollicia. She briefly played with the thought that she may have acted too quickly out of anger, but it didn't matter to her now. What's done is done. Raven shrugged her shoulders brushing everything off. "It's doesn't matter, I'm over it."

Tiana gave Raven a serious side eye. "This isn't some stranger you're talking to, I'm your best friend and I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't have slept with him if there weren't any feelings there. You really like this guy, don't you?" she asked with a huge smile on her face that made her friend cut her eyes at her. "Don't roll your eyes at me; you know I'm telling the truth."

Knowing Tiana to be the hopeless romantic she is, Raven knew where this conversation was going. She stood and giving Tiana a mock salute. "That's my cue to leave before you start quoting The Notebook on me." Raven picked up her duffle bag from the corner of the room, and threw it over her shoulder.

Tiana still held her spot on the floor with an amused smirk on her face watching Raven's flustered expression. "You can't run from love, that shit will follow you wherever you go." She said as made her way towards the door.

"Screw you!" Raven shouted back as she walked out the door.

"I love you too! And there better be a designer bag in this gift box." Tiana yelled right before the door closed. She laughed to herself as she got back into the audition tapes. Tiana knew something was going on between them, she just hoped Raven would be willing to open up and accept it.

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