➳ 07

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"Don't forget that you're human. It's okay to have a melt down. Just don't unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed." - Unknown.

➳ draw/paint a rainbow on your arm
➳ re-decorate your room
➳ do some hand sewing
➳ make a recovery playlist
➳ search random things on Google
➳ watch crazy makeup tutorials and try to recreate them
➳ go to the park
➳ get some frozen yoghurt
➳ try some different hair styles via Youtube tutorials
➳ create a fan account (Twitter, Instagram etc)
➳ viciously stab an orange
➳ throw darts at a dartboard

hope this helps! sorry i don't upload as much. it's hard to think about more alternatives so if you have any suggestions that i haven't used already please let me know, i'll credit you :) stay safe pals <3

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