Chapter thirty two

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Kristi's POV

Being on tour with these guys are so much fun. All they do is perform and then play games all day long and I really enjoy doing it.

Luke thinks that since I'm pregnant now, I should take it easy but I'm pregnant, not disabled and I would be fine.

There are currently only four shows left in the tour and I was becoming upset because I have so much fun on tour. To be honest, I'm so happy I came back because the amount of fun I'm having, I never want to leave.

"You ready to get home?" Luke asked as he rolled over in our bed.

"Is it bad that I don't want to go home. I just want to stay here forever." I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah. But we need to get home so we can find a doctor for our little bundle of joy." Luke said as he put his hand on my stomach. I smiled as he did this.

"I'm so happy that you will be home when I give birth. It would suck if you were on tour or something." I said and he smiled, giving me a kiss.

"I know. I mean if I was on tour, I would rush home as soon as possible, but you know." He said and I laughed. Just then there was a knock at the door and Luke got up to answer it.

"Hey guys!" Michael said as Luke invited him in.

Luke then walked into the bathroom and it left me and Michael alone.

"Hey Michael." I said as I sat up in bed. He had a huge smile on his face and I knew that wasn't a good sign.

"So Kristi. Me, Calum, and Ashton have been wondering that since you turn two months next week, we can make an announcement that we're going to be uncles?" He said and I laughed at him.

"I guess so. People are going to find out eventually. But say it at your last show." I said and he nodded.

"But don't tell Luke. We have a surprise." Michael said and I laughed.

"Okay. I won't." I said and he nodded.

"So do you want to have a nerf gun war again?" He asked and my eyes went wide.

"Of course I do! Just let me get dressed!" I said and he smiled and nodded. He then left as Luke walked out of the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked as I got out of bed.

"Were going to have a nerf gun war again. Wanna come?" I asked and Luke smiled.

"Of course I do!" He said and I chuckled as we both started getting ready.

"Okay. So where are we playing?" I asked as I stepped into the hallway.

"Near our tour bus outside." Michael said as we all started walking that way. Zayn, Liam, and Niall were joining us. Harry and Louis went out with the girls again.

"Okay. Same rules as last time. We're gonna have Kristi, Luke, Ashton, and Me against Calum, Zayn, Liam, and Niall." Michael said and we all nodded our heads as he handed out our guns.

"That's not fair. I wanna be a Kristi's team. She's good!" Niall said and I started laughing.

"Sorry Niall!" I said as Ashton sounded the horn and we all ran to our hiding spots.


Once again, we were playing our nerf gun war for about three hours. Harry and Louis came back with the girls and they joined us.

After, me and Luke went back to the hotel and just relaxed and watched a movie.

"Hey babe. I have to go!" Luke said as he was walking out of the bathroom. I nodded my head and smiled.

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