Chapter Seventeen

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Kristi's POV

I couldn't wait to tell him the news, so I adventured out to the arena. I walked outside to get to my escalade when a bunch of fans swarmed me.

"Hi guys. I really need to go. I'm sorry." I said trying to get to the truck. A security guard then came through the crowd and grabbed my arm, bringing me to the escalade.

"Thanks," I mumbled as soon as I got inside. He gave me a quick smile and then shut the door.

"It must be annoying that you have to go through that." The driver said as he pulled out of the parking spot.

"It really is. I mean it's nice at times, but when it's crowded, I don't like it one bit." I said and he nodded his head.

We pulled up to the arena and there was a security guard waiting by the door. He recognized me right away and let me in without any question.

I walked backstage and saw where there room was. When I opened the door, it revealed Ashton, Michael, and Calum. But Luke was no where to be found.

"Hey boys." I said walking in. They gave me smiles and Michael spoke up.

"I thought you weren't coming tonight?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I thought I wasn't too, but then I got some news that just can't wait." I said and he nodded.

"Where is he by the way?" I asked and the boys shrugged.

"He said he was going to watch One Direction for a couple of minutes but that was about a half an hour ago." Calum said and I sat down next to Michael on the couch.

"Oh. I'll just wait until he gets back." I said and the boys nodded, going back to doing whatever they were doing before.

Michael looked at me and I smiled at him.

"So what's news?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I think I should tell Luke first and then we would decide on whether or not we will tell you boys." I said and Michael nodded.

Just then, the door opened and Luke walked in with his hand lazily wrapped around a girls shoulders.

He never looked up, he just focused his attention to the girl and I was boiling with anger.

"You're so beautiful." He slurred and I felt sick to my stomach. He was actually doing this.

Just then she leaned up and kissed him and Michael, Ashton, and Calum jumped up and pulled him off of her.

"Dude. Look." Michael said pointing at me and I stood up. I felt tears in my eyes as I started to walk towards the door to leave.

"Oh my God. Kristi." He slurred. I could tell he was drunk. I felt the tears falling down my face as I ignored him and walked out the door.

"Kristi. Wait." He called, but I kept walking.

I never thought in a million years he would be the one to do something like this.

He ran up to me and grabbed my hand making me stop.

"You know what Luke? I'm so happy I'm not pregnant." I said and I pulled away from his grip.

"You're not?" He managed to say and I stopped in my tracks.

"Yeah. I'm not. But you know what else? I guess you don't actually love me or think I'm beautiful enough for you. I know I'm not gorgeous but that really hurt. Fuck you Luke." I said taking off the ring and throwing it at him.

"No. Baby don't do this." He said falling to his knees as he picked up the ring.

"Oh you're pleading for me not to leave. That's pathetic Luke. How fucking dare you." I spat and he was now crying.

"Just please. Let me explain." He said and I shook my head. He was going to say that he's drunk. Blah blah blah. I don't even care.

I can't trust him now when I'm not there.

"No. I saw it all. There is no reason for you to explain. Bye Luke." I said turning on my heels and leaving.

"So. What are you breaking up with me?" He spat and I turned around and faced him.

"Yes. Yes I am. I'm not going to be involved with someone who wants to be with other girls." I said and he cried.

I wanted so badly to run to him and hug him and comfort him, but I wasn't going to.

He was an asshole.

"Please Kristi. Please stay. I promise it won't happen again." He pleaded, but I ignored him and kept walking away.

I got into my escalade and it brought me back to the hotel room.

I threw my unpacked bags into the escalade and told him to take me to the airport. I was going home.

I was about to board the flight when I heard my name being called.

I turned around and saw Michael running frantically towards me. I smiled at him as he approached me.

"Kristi. You didn't say goodbye. Do you have to go?" He asked as Ashton and Calum finally reached me. I nodded silently and they put their heads down.

"I'm going to miss you." Calum said and I pulled all the boys in for a hug.

"Me too guys. But I can't be here. Not now with Luke." I said and the nosh looked at me with sad eyes.

"I can't believe he did that. After everything he said about Kali and not being faithful. He wasn't being faithful." Ashton mumbled and I felt tears building up.

"Now listen to me Kristi." Michael said as I heard that my flight was boarding now.

"Yes Michael?" I said and he smiled at me.

"I promise that you will find someone who will love you. Even if it isn't Luke." Michael said and I nodded. He then leaned in and gave me another hug as did the other boys.

"Oh and I'm totally available." Ashton whispered and it made me laugh.

"I'll call you guys as soon as I land." I said to them and they nodded their heads.

"Remember to Skype call us too!" Michael said as I waited in line to board.

I was going home and it was all Luke's fault.

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