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We got home really late, all leaving for our rooms. Jimin and I shared a room, Hoseok and Tae shared a room, and everyone else had their own room. But every time I had to take a nap to get rid of stress, Namjoon let me sleep in his bed so I could relax. And sometimes I'd wake up to him reading in bed, me pressed against him. Those times made me want to go into cardiac arrest.

So far, I don't think Yoongi's done anything for Jimin. Since we share a room and we're both lovesick omegas, we tell each other almost everything. He seems a bit jealous of my relationship with Namjoon and then tells me about the relationship between him and Yoongi.

Which is kind of a friendly friendship. Yoongi doesn't go out of his way for Jimin like Namjoon does for me, but I don't think anyone expected it if he did.

The most I think he's done is give Jimin his jacket when it was cold out, let Jimin hold his hand before we go onstage, and let Jimin hug him. But that was it. There weren't any cuddles, no bed sharing, no stress relief, nothing.

"So why haven't you and Namjoon hyung mated yet?" Jimin asked as we crawled into one of our beds. Usually, we spent the night talking in my bed until we got sleepy, but we would talk from different beds if I had Namjoon's stuff on my mattress. "You do literally everything else except for the intimate stuff—besides kissing his cheek that one time, but I think both of you liked that."

"You really think he liked it?" I mumbled, blushing as I curled up with my knees to my chin.

"Of course. He's an unmated alpha, any kiss given by an unmated omega will surely make him happy. So why aren't you mated yet? You two are like soulmates."

"Well, we don't really have the time to do that sort of thing. When I tried that one time on tour, he found out and got suppressants from you and Tae," I explained quietly. "And we don't really do anything else. Yes, he lets me sleep in his bed and take some of his clothes every now and then. Yes, he lets me cuddle with him and weakly scent myself, but that's it. Anything too intimate is stopped. You know how reluctant he was about that kiss. It was the same with you and Yoongi a while back." I chuckled then. "I still can't believe you had the guts to ask him for a kiss and make him stutter. You're the only one who's been able to make him panic or get nervous but calm him down before we go onstage."

Oh my god Jin's face in the thumbnail

Oh my god Jin's face in the thumbnail

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Okay ignore me

He flushed too. Then looked down.

"I've always wondered what pups would be like," he murmured, rubbing his tummy. "I think the first thing I do when we get more freedom is get off the suppressants and mate with an alpha once I find the one that's right for me."

"What about Yoongi?"

"I would absolutely love if I had Yoongi's pups, but that's probably not going to happen," he sighed, keeping his hand on his stomach. "And even if I got pregnant, I'm not sure how much responsibility he would take. He's a good hyung, but I don't know to what extent that goes to. I'm not sure if he would want the baby." He sniffled at the thought.

"No, Minie don't think that. And please don't cry," I whined, pulling him into a hug. "Just focus on the good things, okay? You said he's a good hyung, tell me about that."

He sniffled again, rubbing his eyes before cracking a small smile as he thought. "Well, he's a really cool rapper, but he gets in front of the piano and he's so tender with the keys, my heart just wants to burst. I love his smile when I say something funny and he laughs. He's kind to me. Before the band, I was almost raped by a bunch of alpha school mates, so finding an alpha who is nice and doesn't do that sort of thing is really comforting. Aside from the hate groups and sasaengs, I feel the safest I've ever been. He's a good cook and is really funny when he wants to be. We've watched kdramas together and he always makes me a bowl of popcorn with m&m's, marshmallows, and butter and you know how much I like that."

I smiled, nodding for him to continue.

"Every time we share a room on tour, he does give me a shirt with his weak scent on it so that I could relax some, but not really smell like him if I tried to scent myself. And every time he holds my hand, I feel so safe and protected. I'm sure that's natural omega instinct for whenever I'm around alphas, but with Yoongi hyung, it's stronger. But I kind of wish we could cuddle a bit more. Hugs and hand holding are nice, but I would love nothing more than to cuddle with him under a blanket and watch movies until sundown and watch that with him before cuddling each other to sleep."

"I know what you mean," I sighed.

Helping [PART ONE OF THE HELPING SERIES]Where stories live. Discover now