The seven band members, noonas, managers, and Bang Pd-Shik were all in the large practice room, everyone decided there was something to talk about and reveal now that six members were mated. What they didn't know about was what was in Jin's belly.
"We've figured that coming clean about the mating with the six of you and clearing up Jungkook's dating life."
"What dating life?" Hoseok joked, trying to make the mood a bit easier. It failed when he was sent a look from Mr. Bang and Jungkook.
"We haven't done any big announcement regarding all of your genes nor your mating because if there was anything else you might have wanted to toss in. So is there anything else to add besides saying that three of you are omegas and you are mated?"
Jin's POV:
I glanced at Namjoon and pressed my lips together, slowly raising my hand.
"Yes?" Mr. Bang asked.
"W—When Jimin a—and I were in he—heat—" I was cut off by Namjoon.
"I knotted him," he blurted out, anxiety shining in his eyes. One of the makeup noonas choked on her drink.
"I'm sorry?" A manager asked, patting the noona's back as she coughed.
"I—I'm pregnant," I mumbled, wringing my hands and staring down at my lap.
I felt everyone's disbelieving eyes on me until Namjoon rested a hand on my thigh.
"I was there for the appointment. Hyung really is carrying right now."
I curled into myself, hiding my face in my arms and knees in shame. Bang Pd-Shik sighed.
"I'm guessing you'll want to keep it?" He asked.
"Yes," I mumbled. One of the noonas gasped.
"We need to have a baby shower then!" She exclaimed excitedly. I glanced up at her to see her racing over and pulling me into a hug. "When I was pregnant with my daughter, we had a baby shower and it was so much fun!"
I smiled softly at her energy, feeling happy that someone supported my decision other than the band.
"But what about schedules and appearances?" I questioned worriedly.
"It's okay," one of the managers piped up. "The other members can start working on solo stuff and the next album."
"Well now we got all that out of the way," Jimin started. "Now how are we going to phrase all of this? And where?"
"Don't we have an interview coming up soon?" One of the managers asked.
The band members and I passed each other looks. "That sounds perfect. Because that way, we could back each other up and stuff."
Mr. Bang nodded, agreeing. I felt my hand subconsciously go to my stomach, already feeling a slight curve. Hardly noticeable and you couldn't see it, but still there. Namjoon wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head, hands over mine.
"I'll take care of you both," he whispered in my ear, making my chest swell up. "I promise I'll try and be a good dad to the pup."
"It's you," I murmured back. "No one else can be their father like you."
"You're not even showing yet and you're already acting like a mother," he chuckled.
"It's better to get into practice now."
What even is sleep at this point? I mean, two nights in a row, I go to bed at a reasonable time and say "yeah! I can do this every night! My insomnia will go away over time that way!"
And now it's coming on one in the morning and fuck my sleep schedule.

FanfictionJin and Jimin have never had their heats while in fame before. This was because of heat suppressants, tight schedules, and the three alphas in the dorm. Namjoon and Yoongi are both very dominant alphas, attracting the two omegas immediately. They're...