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I'm sorry. The real angst starts here. Imma take a deep breath bc I have a feeling imma lose readers.

I went to the doctor Jin hyung had when he found out he was pregnant just to make sure that if Yoongi knotted me on accident again, I wasn't going to be pregnant.

As we waited for the results, Yoongi and I chatted with the doctor. Her phone lit up and she looked at the message before frowning.

"We may be wrong about this, but please take two more tests."

I frowned in confusion. "Was the result positive?"

"We don't know. Can you take two more tests please?"

I took the tests after glancing at Yoongi once more in confusion and nerves and going into the added bathroom. The tests were collected and now the comfortable conversation we had before this was completely silent.

Her phone buzzed again and she read the results before looking sympathetically at us.

"I—" she stopped, sighing and taking off her glasses to clean them off and read the results again. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but the results are negative."

"Well that's good, we don't really have the time for more pups," Yoongi chuckled. She looked sadly at him before looking at me.

"I don't think pups are going to be in your future."

"What?" I asked, starting to feel a little anxious.

"Mr. Min has everything he needs if he wanted to reproduce, but your body isn't able to hold it."

"What are you saying?" I questioned hollowly, starting to wrap my head around it.

"You and Mr. Min can't have children together."
As soon as we got home, I ran up the stairs and slammed our bedroom door shut before erupting into tears and burrowing into the covers as I sobbed.

A few moments later, the door quietly opened and shut, the bed dipping down. Yoongi laid down and started amping his scent to calm me. I began crying harder.

"Baby, ssh. It's alright," he whispered, stroking my hair peeking out of the covers.

"No it's not!" I shouted, looking up at him and my sobs increasing. "I can't have your pups! You can't have pups with anyone else because I'm your mate and we both know we're not going to reject each other! We can't have children, Yoongi!"

He pulled me into his chest and I cried loudly in his arms, my whole body aching at the fact that I couldn't get pregnant.

"Sorry I'm a defunct omega," I sniffled after my cries went down a little.

"Hey, hey. You are not defunct," he said, cupping my cheeks to make me look at him, but I averted my eyes. "Look at me. Baby, look. At. Me. You are not a defunct omega. You are perfect the way you are. If you can't have my pups, then I don't care. I only need you and that's it."

"B—But you wanted three."

"And we don't have to have three biological children. Sweetie, we can always adopt."

"There's three lives I can't bring here..."

"Jimin, we don't need three of our own pups. I have you and you have me. That's it."

"Three faces I wouldn't be able to see..."


"Three pups I can't teach to dance or sing or cook or draw or help with homework," I started crying again. Not too much like before, but still crying. "Three pups I can't pay for school bills or feed or hold or hear."


"Three of our children and then grandchildren and great grandchildren. Three pups we won't be able to say we were famous to."


"Yoongi, I can't have pups," a sob choked out. "I'm sorry I can't do the one thing I'm useful for."

"Baby, don't think that. You will never be just useful. You are forever my mate, my love, my life, and my want. All I need is you to love me so I can love you even more than that."

"I do love you," I cried.

"And I love you more." He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to his chest again. "We can always adopt, Min. That way we'd still be parents."

"But, Yoonie—"

"Jimin, it's okay. We'll adopt, it's okay."

I closed my eyes shut as I kept crying, holding his shirt in fists as the tears streamed down my face and quiet sobs shook my chest.

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