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I woke up with a jolt at not sensing my mate at my side to see that it was true. I heard a noise downstairs, so I got out of bed and sleepily—but also worriedly—walked down the steps. Once I got into the kitchen, I stopped moving instantly.

Jin had gotten into the ice cream and was staring at me with wide eyes, frozen like a deer in headlights.

"Jinnie, it's three in the morning. It's too early for that," I sighed, rubbing an eye.

"I got hungry," he mumbled.

"Well we have a ton of other foods. We have peanut butter and honey, you could've made a sandwich." A good ass sandwich, believe me.

"I wanted ice cream."

Ah, the cravings.

The doctor said that the cravings would get worse the closer to the birth Jin got. I sighed again and went over to a cabinet.

"At least use a bowl."

I handed him a bowl and took his spoon, using the ice cream scooper to plop two scoo—three scoops—into the bowl for my mate.

He hugged my arm and kissed my cheek before taking his spoon back and eating what I had put into the bowl. I put the scooper into the dishwasher and the carton back into the freezer. I waited for him to finish eating before taking his bowl and telling him to go brush his teeth again and get back to bed.

I went up after washing the bowl and spoon off and setting them in the dishwasher to see Jin already curling up into the sheets. I chuckled and slid in as well, holding my mate close and running a hand over the bump.

"Goodnight, babies," I hummed, kissing his hair. He tucked his head under my chin and kissed my collar bone.

"Goodnight, Joonie."
We were spending a lazy day in bed, watching movies and just cuddling when I felt a small thump on my hand.

Which was on the baby bump.

I gasped, making Jin panic. "What?"

"The pups are kicking."

His hands flew to his stomach and sure enough, the thumps came back.

"Oh my god," he whispered before starting to giggle. I smiled down at my mate as our pups continued kicking. "Think they can hear us talking?" He wondered out loud.

"If they can, I guess I should probably stop cussing or talking dirty to you."

"You haven't talked dirty since my heat," he laughed.

"Would you want me to?"

"Well, not it they can hear us," he snorted.

"I can whisper it."

"Joonie, they're a part of me until they're born. They'll hear you."

"Then what else am I supposed to do? Write it down?"

He laughed again and leaned against my chest as he rubbed the bump that got bigger with each passing day.

"I love you," he sighed happily, rubbing his hands over mine on his belly.

"I love you too, Jinnie."

"Thank you for staying with me during this. I know the morning sickness isn't fun for either of us."

"It's okay. You're carrying my pups, we're mated, going to get married, going to be parents, and going to be growing old and wrinkly together. I think of that instead of the morning sickness."

"We need to plan the wedding. We need to tell the others too," he hummed, lacing his fingers with mine.

"Classes would probably be good as well," I mumbled. "We know nothing about being parents."

He agreed.

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