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Jin and Namjoon came over to the dorms more often, most of the time bringing chocolate and strawberries. Two of the things Jin craved the most while he was pregnant. But the one thing I craved more than that was hyung. I wanted his attention almost constantly, but he had deadlines and songs to produce. So I would sit on his lap and scent myself on him as he worked, taking small naps against his chest when I finished.

This meant we were staying in the studio more times than not. I didn't tell him it was probably smart to go upstairs and to an actual bed because that would mean I would have to get up, so we either fell asleep on his chair or in the pullout bed. Every time we fell asleep on the bed, Yoongi would always keep a hand on my stomach, as if that could protect the pup as we slept.

He pampered me more and more when he wasn't working or on hectic schedules. I never really realized how busy we were until I had formally left the band. Now, I hardly got to see Yoongi at all during the promotions. There were a few times where I would have him release stress late at night, but when my stomach started growing, we knew we would have to find other stress relievers.

I watched the twins and played with them while the others were at practices and recordings just to get a grip on being around kids. Diapers weren't fun, let me tell you that.

Neither was trying to get them to sleep for their naps.

They started crying and I didn't know what to do, so I ran out of the room to grab one of Namjoon's shirts. Siyeon passed out after smelling Namjoon's scent, but Jihyo kept crying. I grabbed one of Jin's shirts—which didn't work. I started to panic a little, trying different things. He wasn't hungry, he didn't need to be changed, he didn't need to be burped. I took him into my arms and bounced him a little. Not too much so that he would get whiplash, but just enough.

As a last resort, I started singing a lullaby, trying to get him to sleep. After a few verses, his cries started to die down and I kept singing since it was clearly working.

The exhausted members came back home just as I was gently laying him into his crib. Jin and Namjoon brought some stuff over to the dorm so I didn't have to go between the dorm and their house.

I quietly shut the door to the late omega saferoom—now a temporary nursery for the pups.

I sniffed and frowned, looking over to Hoseok and Taehyung's door. They were releasing pheromones from their room that clearly told the world they were about to fuck.

I went over and knocked on the door and Taehyung audibly began to protest at the shuffles on the other side. Hoseok opened the door and popped his head out, a light hickey already low on his neck.

"H—Hey, Chim. What's up?"

"Try and keep it down. I just got the pups to sleep."

"Roger that."

He shut the door and Tae giggled softly, me hearing the bed creak and Hoseok chuckle lowly. I scrunched up my nose and moved away from the door.

Jin and Namjoon were in the living room, cuddling and clearly tired from the practices today.

"Were they okay?" Jin asked, looking up at me.

"I had some trouble getting them to sleep but I brought in one of Namjoon hyung's shirts and Siyeon was out. Jihyo needed to be sung to, but that was it."

"That's good. Yoongi's in the studio, by the way."

"Thank you."

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